anti-; antithesis; fanqie; traditional Chinese spelling system in which two characters are used: the first one for the onset, the second one for rhyme and tone
pure-bred (usu. animal); pure-blooded; thoroughbred
meeting; assembly; party; society; association; club
head; chief; merit; strong point; superiority; major
north; the North; northern territories; North Korea; (arch.) north wind
dead body; corpse; cadaver; carcass
discovery; detection; finding
young; youthful; immature; green; low (number); small
bad; poor; inferior; delinquent; hoodlum; hooligan
gathering spot; haunt; rendezvous; meeting place; hang-out
beginning; start; outset; at first; at the beginning; initially
crime; criminal act; offence; offense
mistake; error; accident; mishap; improper conduct (e.g. between man and woman); indiscretion
testimony; (verbal) evidence
person's origin (e.g. city, country, parentage, school)
to be believed to; to be expected to; to be feared to; to be poised to; to be considered to; to be likely to
to jostle; to shove and push; to struggle with one another
bounce; spring; momentum; impetus; moment; instant
stairs; stairway; staircase
near; neighbourhood; nearly (e.g. "it took nearly one year"); close to; shortly; soon
handrail; railing; banister
heavy blow; thump; wallop; belt; whack
to break (into pieces); to be broken; to collapse; to crumble; to become less formal; to throw off reserve
transportation; conveyance; delivery; hospitalization; transfer to hospital
hospital; clinic; doctor's office; doctor's surgery; infirmary
death; mortality; to die; to pass away
external wound; (physical) trauma
nature (of a person); sex; gender; sex (i.e. sexual attraction, activity, etc.); gender; -ty
disease; ailment; illness
each; (arch.) you (plural)
influential person; man of importance
many; numerous; large amount of; large quantity of; frequent; common
president (of a society); chairman
savage; barbarous; barbaric; uncivilized; uncivilised
and; moreover; besides; as well as; and on top of that; at the same time