scene; sight; scenario; setting
to float; to become merry; to be cheerful; to become loose; to become unsteady; to feel out of it; to be cut off (e.g. from those around you)
perfectly; right on the mark; spot on; enough; sufficiently; thoroughly
embankment; bank; beef sinew stewed in miso and mirin
fertile shoot of field horsetail
to pluck; to pick; to nip off
to fry; to saute; to stir-fry
aromatic (roasted beans, roasted tea, etc.); fragrant (e.g. burning wood); pleasant-smelling; savory-smelling (e.g. barbecued meat); savoury; appetizing
suitable; proper; appropriate; perfunctory; half-minded; sloppy
to thrust (something) into (something); to cram; to plunge into; to charge into; to delve into (a matter); to go into depth; to press (someone) about
somewhat below; slightly below
may; might; perhaps; may be; possibly
300; three hundred; 300 mon; trifling amount; shyster
yen (Japanese monetary unit); circle
to suffice; to serve the purpose; to be satisfied
approximate age; apparent age; marriageable age (esp. of a woman); age of maturity; appropriate age (to ...); old enough (to ...)
to make a mistake (in); to commit an error (e.g. in calculation); to confuse; to mistake something for something else
if it is the case that ...
to behave; to conduct oneself; to entertain; to treat someone (to a drink); to make tea for someone (tea ceremony)
for example; for instance; e.g.
to pass; to pass on; to give (something) a miss; to cut it out; to knock off (for the day); to let the matter drop
grunt; grumble; pimples; spots; cutting into small pieces; simmering
outside; exterior; the open (air); other place; somewhere else
abrupt; sudden; unexpected
both (hands, parents, sides, etc.); counter for carriages (e.g. in a train); counter for vehicles; ryō; tael; ryō; pre-Meiji unit of currency, orig. the value of one ryō of gold
to pinch; to hold (between one's fingers); to pick up and eat; to snack on; to pick out (the main point); to summarize
keep up your strength; chin up!
belonging to (a group, organization, etc.); affiliation (with); being attached to; being under the control of
to each his own; people differ; different people (have different likes)
how can (one) do something
to feel uplifted; to be cheered up; to hearten; to be inspired; to be energized
what's the best thing to do?; what to do?
hum; hmm; hm hm (light chuckle with mouth closed); uh-huh; mm; hmm
jaw; chin; barb (of a fishhook)
to tilt (esp. head); to lean; to incline; to slant
already; now; no longer; not any more
warming (limbering) up; warming-up exercises
link (e.g. in a chain of events); part (of a plan, campaign, activities, etc.); monocyclic