older brother; elder brother
obstacle; hindrance; impediment; difficulty
quantity; amount; generosity; magnanimity; pramana; (in Indian philosophy) means by which one gains accurate and valid knowledge
bento; Japanese box lunch
bringing; taking; carrying
dining room; dining hall; cafeteria; restaurant; eatery; snack bar
sentence-ending particle expressing doubt
country; state; region; national government; central government; home (i.e. hometown, home country); (arch.) province (of Japan)
to address (someone); to accost a person; to talk (to someone); to begin to talk; to start a conversation
imposition (i.e. of rules, of a decision); compulsion
between-season wear; spring and autumn clothing; together; condition; situation; -ish
like this; this sort; this way
(your) business; (your) concern; (customer's) order; official business (of the government, Imperial Court, etc.); arrest; capture
beginning; outset; first; onset
name; given name; title; fame; renown; pretext
so; accordingly; now; then; thereupon; therefore
to change; to swap; to change the object of one's interest or focus; to spend or take time; to infect; to permeate something with the smell or colour of something; to move on to the next or different stage of (a plan, etc.)
maid; helper; help; assistance
sometime; someday; one day; some time or other; the other day; in due course
not at all; don't worry about it; forget about it
consent; approval; acceptance; agreement; compliance
to furnish; to install; to get someone's agreement; to patronize; to buy usually from the same store
in range; within the limits (of...); within (a) range
enough; sufficient; sufficiently; fully; division into ten
just barely; only just; at the very limit; at the last moment
does not seem; unlikely; improbable
disturbance; obstruction; hindrance; jamming; interference
wasteful; a waste; too good; more than one deserves; impious; profane
taking something out; carrying out; providing money oneself; paying with one's own money; corbel; strengthening under a seam (clothing)
several; a number of; quantity; amount; counting; figures; number
to leave as; to view as; to maintain the status quo
nothing costs as much as what is given to us; there's no such thing as a free lunch
at once; immediately; right now
storehouse; warehouse; godown
side (of something, or taking someone's side); part; (watch) case
inconvenience; inexpediency; unhandiness
to grow cold (from room temperature, e.g. in refrigerator); to get chilly; to cool down
box; case; car (of a train, etc.); shamisen case; shamisen; public building; community building
to stuff into; to jam; to shorten; to move closer together; to reduce (spending); to conserve; to focus intently on
all you want; as much as one wants
amount necessary to fill a container (e.g. cupful, spoonful, etc.); drink (usu. alcoholic); full; one squid, octopus, crab, etc.; one boat; fully; to capacity
when it becomes; when it comes to
repetition; repeat; reiteration; repeatedly