commander-in-chief; supreme commander
to the last; persistency; thoroughness
to behave; to conduct oneself; to entertain; to treat someone (to a drink); to make tea for someone (tea ceremony)
to be lucky; to be in luck; to be attached; to have; to be included
to be choppy (of waves); to be rough; to wave (e.g. in the wind); to beat fast (of a heart); to be in turmoil; to be in discord
chest; breast; breasts; bosom; heart; lungs; stomach
breathing; respiration; knack; trick; harmony; balance
to close one's eyes; to lower one's eyelids; to shut one's eyes; to die; to breathe one's last
to hold out (e.g. against an attack); to hang on; to withstand; to endure; to last
this world; this life; world of the living
to wound; to injure; to hurt someone's feelings (pride, etc.); to damage; to chip
frustrated (over a failure, humiliation or injustice); annoyed; chagrined; (bitterly) disappointed; bitter; vexed
achievements; actual results; accomplishments; past results; track record
equality (esp. of status); equal footing; equal terms
life; living; I; me; student
hour; o'clock; (specified) time; when ...; during ...
to be effective; to take effect; to work; to function well; to be possible (to do, use, etc.); to be able to
murmur; mutter; murmuring; tweet; Twitter post
side; edge; beside; while (doing); in addition to; at the same time
spreading one's legs wide apart; straddle; long stride; big steps; thigh-scooping body drop
below one's eyes; under one's eyes; length (of a fish) from eyes to tail fin
slowly (but steadily); gradually; bit-by-bit; slowly soaking in; slowly permeating; oozing out
to eat up (completely); to put down (a rebellion); to suppress; (arch.) to make flat; (arch.) to level out
certain; sure; definite; reliable; sound; solid
moving forward (e.g. vehicle); onward movement; advance (work, procedure, etc.); advancement; progress (of a disease); disease progression
to send out; to forward; to show (a person) out
moment by moment; hour by hour
accurate; correct; precise; exact
to send (a thing); to dispatch; to take or escort (a person somewhere); to see off (a person); to bid farewell (to the departed); to bury; to spend (time)
to run along; to run beside; to follow (a policy, plan, etc.); to act in accordance with; to meet (wishes, expectations, etc.); to satisfy
diagonally; obliquely; slantingly; slantwise
to cross; to go across; to go through; to cut across
beginning; start; outset; at first; at the beginning; initially
in comparison to; rather than
to increase; to add to; to augment