may; might; perhaps; may be; possibly
as expected; sure enough; after all (is said and done); in the end; too; also
even though one has fallen on hard times; however down on one's luck one may be
immediately; at once; soon; before long; easily; readily
to regain one's footing; to get back on one's feet; to recover; (of the market) to improve
and yet; though; when; in spite of
guess; conjecture; surmise
that way; that direction; there; that (one); you; your family
alternation; change; relief; relay; shift; substitution (sports, etc.)
form; tense; adjective; i-adjective (in Japanese)
standard practice; playing by the book; established tactic; joseki (in go); standard sequence (esp. in a corner); standard move
wedge; chock; linchpin; tie; bond
to begin (doing); to start (doing)
to project; to overhang; to stick out; to put up (a notice); to post
to replace; to substitute; to shift; to change places
to make sure of; to assure oneself of; to see with one's own eyes; to ascertain
chaos; turmoil; pandemonium; havoc
to fall into (e.g. a hole); to fall into (chaos, depression, dilemma, illness, etc.); to fall into (a trap, etc.); to fall; to surrender
to compare; to make a comparison; to compete; to vie
very; extremely; terrible; horrid; remarkable; extraordinary
order; discipline; regularity; system; method
stage (theatre, theater); scene or setting (e.g. of novel, play, etc.)
life or death struggle; mortal combat; struggle to the death
to unfold; to unroll; to open
furthermore; besides; moreover; in addition; further; above or beyond this
to remain; to abide; to stay (in the one place); to be limited to; to be confined to; to only account for
to get carried away; to get overly elated; to become over-excited; to get up to speed; to move into gear
to glide; to slide (e.g. on skis); to fail (an examination); to bomb (when telling a joke); to drop; to go down
once; one time; exclusively; only; alone
reverse; opposite; converse (of a hypothesis, etc.); inverse (function)
pursuit (of a fleeing enemy); chase
to change; to swap; to change the object of one's interest or focus; to spend or take time; to infect; to permeate something with the smell or colour of something; to move on to the next or different stage of (a plan, etc.)
to go round and cut in; to take a roundabout path
to step back; to move back; to withdraw (from the presence of a superior); to leave; to resign; to retire
to pull; to draw; to string (lines); to run (cable); to pull towards oneself (e.g. someone's sleeve); to drag; to haul
to think of; to hit upon; to come into one's mind; to remember; to recall
mountainous region; mountainous district; hilly district
advice (to a superior); counsel; proposal; suggestion; recommendation
front; frontage; facade; main
counter for places, parts, passages, etc.
to surround; to encircle; to besiege; to lay siege to; to play (go, shogi, etc.)
calculation; reckoning; count; forecast