quick; swift; nimble; quick (understanding, judgement, etc.); alert; prompt
pleasantly warm; nice and warm; repeatedly (hitting someone); again and again; over and over
to strike; to hit; to beat; to punch
sound of something making firm contact with a flat surface
dropping (of tears, dew, etc.); falling off; dropping off; inadvertently (coming to the surface); letting out (e.g. a secret)
both hands; both arms; ten
to pin down; to hold down; to cover (esp. a part of one's body with one's hand); to clutch (a body part in pain); to get a hold of; to obtain
softly; gently; stealthily; secretly; to leave alone; to leave as it is
entrance; entry; gate; approach; mouth
to be found; to be discovered
oh; ho; exclamation of surprise, admiration, etc.; hoo (owl call); toot (sound of a flute)
to be sullen; to be offended; to be stuffy; to be stifling; slowly (exhaling smoke)
to clear up; to clear away; to refresh (e.g. spirits); to be cleared (e.g. of a suspicion); to be dispelled; to be banished
father; dad; husband; you; he
strong; potent; strong; brawny; good (at); skilled; being able to handle
to act violently; to rage; to struggle; to be riotous
that's true; of course; obviously
talk; speech; topic; subject; discussions; negotiation; rumor
dear (old); fondly-remembered; beloved; missed; nostalgic
reconciliation; make peace with
abdomen; belly; womb; one's mind; one's real intentions; courage; nerve
to stand; to rise; to find oneself (e.g. in a difficult position); to depart (on a plane, train, etc.)
to become less crowded; to thin out; to get empty; to be hungry
evening meal; dinner; supper
with a scraping sound; with a grating sound; with force; hard; forcibly (carry out); forcefully; hard (e.g. food)
what kind of; what sort of; what; no matter what (kind of); whatever; any
invention; intelligent; clever; (arch.) making sense (of something); (arch.) understanding
door (Western-style, car, etc.)
below; down; bottom; beneath; underneath; just after; right after
birth; giving birth; creating; bringing into the world
the vertical; height; front-to-back; length; north-to-south; vertical (relationship)
eggs; egg; (hen's) egg; (an expert) in the making; beginning; origin
to fry; to saute; to stir-fry
butter rice; buttered rice
to deepen; to heighten; to intensify
to move; to stir; to operate; to run; to make a move; to take action; to be touched
under (guidance, supervision, rules, the law, etc.); under (a flag, the sun, etc.); beneath; with (e.g. one blow); on (the promise, condition, assumption, etc. that ...); (somebody's) side
cabbage (Brassica oleracea)
bowl; vessel; container; ability; capacity; calibre
raw; uncooked; natural; as it is; unprotected (sex); live (i.e. not recorded); inexperienced
to divide; to cut; to halve; to break; to crack; to dilute; to fall below