subtle; delicate; difficult; complex; doubtful; questionable
tacit understanding; unspoken agreement
doubt; question; suspicion; dubiousness
topic; subject; much talked about; topical; in the news
unpleasant; awkward; embarrassing; uneasy
love triangle; eternal triangle
cartoon; comic; comic strip; manga
reality; actuality; hard fact
another person; other people; unrelated person (i.e. not related by blood); outsider; stranger
love; love-making; passion; emotion; affections
to reach one's ears; to come to one's knowledge; to hear about; to learn of (by chance)
even if; even though; even; too; whether ... or ...; no matter (what, where, who, etc.)
complex; complicated; intricate; mixed (feelings)
to remove; to take off; to drop (e.g. from a team); to remove (from a position); to leave (e.g. one's seat); to go away from
(a) step; one step; level; stage; small degree; small amount
to stream; to flow (liquid, time, etc.); to be washed away; to be carried; to drift; to float (e.g. clouds); to sweep (e.g. rumour, fire)
gently (of the wind); softly
to go by; to go past; to run (between; of a rail service, bus route, etc.); to operate (between); to go indoors; to go into a room; to penetrate
company; lot; bunch; troupe; company (of musicians)
sports ground; sports oval
merry voices (e.g. of children playing)
to request; to beg; to call; to order; to entrust to; to rely on
goal; target; aim; mark; sign; landmark
particularly; especially; in particular; expressly
about; concerning; related to; -ish
immediate; prompt; quick; rapid; urgent; pressing
to take measures (in face of events being anticipated); to come to an agreement (in bargaining, etc.); to strike a bargain; to clap one's hands together
necessary; needed; essential; necessity; need; requirement
advantages and disadvantages; interests (of parties)
coincidence; agreement; conformity; consistency; cooperation
mouth; lips; shape of the mouth; near an entrance; vicinity of an entrance
for today; for the time being
such; like that; that sort of; very
strategy meeting; council of war
something or other; one thing or another; this or that
discussion; talk; tête-à-tête; conference
huh?; eh?; what?; oh; hey!; look!
(eating up) quickly; in no time; quickly (sticking out one's tongue); licking; licking up; (peeling off) in one go