to add (one thing to another); to add (a few more words, an explanation, etc.)
powerlessness; helplessness; incompetent
to be soaked in; to be flooded; to be submerged; to be immersed in (joy, memories, alcohol, etc.); to give oneself over to; to bask in
self-centeredness; selfishness; egotism; egocentricity
to trouble; to bother; to annoy; to give trouble
theory; reason; logic; (unreasonable) argument; strained logic; excuse
to place in a row; to line up; to list; to enumerate; to talk a lot of nonsense; to tell a lot of lies
to prepare oneself (for the worst); to resolve oneself
(not) ever; (not) by any means; (not) in the least; (not) in any way; (not) at all
self-satisfaction; (self-)complacency; smugness
collision; crash; running into; conflict; quarrel; clashing
with a bang; with a crash; with a bump; suddenly (fall); sharply
to a surprising degree; to a remarkable extent; surprisingly; astonishingly; amazingly; alarmingly
knee; lap; knee and thigh (while sitting)
this is not the time (for that); that's out of the question right now
vacantly; blankly; openmouthed; with one's mouth wide-open; with a whack; with a thump
to make a mistake (in); to commit an error (e.g. in calculation); to confuse; to mistake something for something else
scream; shriek; shout; exclamation
school festival; cultural festival; annual open day school event showcasing student talent
unskillful; poor; awkward; imprudent; untactful
drama; theatre; theater; play
to fall completely silent; to become still as death
to return; to come back; to turn over; to become extremely; to become completely
twice; again; second time
two times; twice; two degrees
to be confused; to be bewildered; to be taken aback
to falter; to flinch (from); to recoil (from); to quail (at)
to talk on and on; to rattle on; to keep on talking (without pause)
pity; sorrow; pitiable; pitiful; alack; alas
stealthily; secretly; in secret
recommendation; advice; suggestion; encouragement
to grow; to develop; to grow up
charm; fascination; glamour; glamor; attraction; appeal
measurement; size; extent; plan; intention; arrangement
at once; right away; promptly; on the spur of the moment
to bend; to curve; to bend (the truth); to falsify; to corrupt; to sully
not understanding; not knowing
change; modification; alteration; revision; amendment