surely; undoubtedly; sternly; severely; having no slack; rigid
passing each other; missing (meeting) each other; failing to meet; (being at) cross purposes; discrepancy
whole life; a lifetime; all through life; (the only, the greatest, etc.) of one's life
regret; repentance; remorse
to pass (of time); to elapse
to succeed; to relieve; to take the place of; to substitute for; to be exchanged; to change (places with)
memory; recollection; remembrance; storage
up until now; as recently as the present
a lot; lots; enough; sufficient; enough; too many
various; all sorts of; variety of; (arch.) various colors (colours)
to forget; to leave carelessly; to be forgetful of; to forget about; to forget (an article)
sea level; (surface of) sea
to turn up; to make an appearance; to put in an appearance; to drop by
short pause; short interval
deep; profound; dense; thick; close (relationship); intense; strong
to sink; to go under; to go down (e.g. sun); to set; to feel depressed; to become subdued
various; varied; diverse; all sorts of
choking; suffocating; stifling; oppressive; heavy
to aim at (for, to do, to become); to try for; to have an eye on; to go toward; to head for
to; for; from the standpoint of; as far as ... is concerned
image (in one's mind); impression; (computer) image; depiction (e.g. of a product); rendition
standing upright; standing straight; standing erect; rising perpendicularly; rising straight up; towering high
to stop (moving); to come to a stop; to stop (doing, working, being supplied); to come to a halt; to alight; to perch on
instant; moment; for an instant
peculiarity; uniqueness; characteristic
to ascend; to go up; to ascend (as a natural process, e.g. the Sun); to rise; to go to (the capital); to be promoted; to add up to
relief; reassurance; recognition of right to land ownership (by the shogunate, a feudal lord, etc.); (arch.) living safely surrounded by walls
till; to; concerning (an area of expertise); swearing by (one's sword, God, etc.)
slow; time-consuming; late (in the day); towards the end (of the day or night); later (than expected or usual); late
more or less; though not quite satisfactorily; tentatively; for the time being; just in case; once
morning; forenoon; just before noon
besides; in addition; also; moreover
simple; easy; uncomplicated; brief; quick; light
air; atmosphere; mood; situation; someone with no presence; someone who doesn't stand out at all
elementary school student; primary school student; grade school student
family; members of a family
to eat; to live on (e.g. a salary); to live off; to subsist on
store; shop; establishment; restaurant
strange; odd; peculiar; queer; curious
stagnation; tie-up; standstill; congestion; delay; accumulation
how long; how far; how much
to decide; to choose; to clinch (a victory); to decide (the outcome of a match); to persist in doing; to go through with; to always do
to be unable to; to find difficult (unpleasant, awkward, painful) to do; to serve two or more functions or roles simultaneously; to contain (or combine) two or more features; to work in two or more jobs simultaneously (positions, etc.); to do alongside