to mind; to care about; to be an issue; to matter; to keep company; to care for; to interfere with
to comb (out); to card; to untangle (hair)
to cuddle; to comfort; to rock; to soothe; to dandle; to humor
real intention; true motive; true meaning
clothes (esp. Western clothes); counter for doses of medicine, gulps of tea, drags of a cigarette, etc.
to cling to; to depend on; to embrace; to hug
grace (of God); divine favour; benefit; efficacy
becoming red hot; red heat; scorching heat; running high (of emotions); burning (with passion, enthusiasm, etc.)
flame; blaze; flames (of intense emotion, e.g. love, jealousy, anger); passion
regret; repentance; remorse
helpless; forlorn; hopeless; unpromising; lonely; discouraging
to guess; to conjecture; to surmise
for a moment; for a minute; for a while; for some time; for the time being; for now
to have sex; to have a physical relationship
coincident with; while; simultaneously
to untie; to unfasten; to unsew; to unstitch; to solve; to work out; to dispel (misunderstanding, etc.)
breathing; respiration; knack; trick; harmony; balance
to throw into disorder; to disarrange; to disturb (order, peace, etc.); to corrupt (public morals); to dishevel (hair)
morning glow; sunrise colors; sunrise colours
flushing (of one's cheeks); dizziness; rush of blood to the head
vague; obscure; vast; boundless
to go around; to return; to surround; to concern (usu. of disputes)
boiling; seething; becoming heated (e.g. debate); excitement; soaring (prices); shooting up
little girl; maiden; young lady; female usually between 7 and 18 years old
to speak frankly; to put things bluntly
abrupt; sudden; unexpected
perception; intuition; the sixth sense
assertion; declaration; affirmation
resolution (of a display, printer, scanner, etc.)
to rise to the surface; to come to the front; to emerge (e.g. from obscurity); to stand out (e.g. against a dark background)
hypothesis; supposition; assumption; tentative theory
in the same way as; just like
to incline one's head to the side (in doubt); to tilt one's head to the side (in confusion); to be puzzled
to ascertain; to check; to make sure
as one would expect; naturally; indeed; still; all the same; after all
towards; against; regarding; in contrast with
to spring; to jump up; to fly up; to skip
because; the reason is; if you want to know why