some; several; many; how many; how much; very
to grow; to cultivate; to wear a beard
piercing; shrill; noisy; loud; clamorous; wild
indeterminate form; undefined; indefinite; unstructured
neck; head; dismissal; discharge
giant; great man; Tokyo Giants (baseball team)
expansion; swelling; increase; growth
deflation; contraction; shrinking; constriction
globular shape; spherical shape
cannot be compared with; no match for
increase; multiplication; propagation; proliferation
clouds and haze; swarm (of people); throng; (flee) like the wind; (run) out of sight
how; in what way; how (much); to what extent; however (much); no matter how
ancient times; distant past; antiquity
equipment; device; installation; stage setting
function; facility; faculty; feature
dozens; scores of; decades
absolutely every little bit; everything from A to Z; systematically; thoroughly; one after another
a drop in the bucket; a drop in the ocean; (lit.) (pouring) water on a hot stone
endless; boundless; innumerable; endless; never-ending; going on forever
to take on; to undertake; to take over; to inherit; to guarantee; to vouch for
to slay; to cut down (a foe)
to be used up; to be run out; to be exhausted; to be consumed; to come to an end
vast; huge; immense; malva nut (Sterculia lychnophora)
weak point; weakness; shortcoming; defect; flaw; sore spot
use; utilization; utilisation; application
extermination; annihilation
absorption; giving undivided attention; devoting oneself (to)
to mow down; to cut down; to knock down; to defeat; to beat
always; without exception; necessarily; certainly; without fail; positively
to let the tension out of one's shoulders; to relax; to not take oneself too seriously
daring; fearless; intrepid; bold; tough
petty underling; small fry
as many as one likes; as much as one likes; great many; plenty; almost (none); (not) much
passage; pathway; roadway; avenue; aisle
to clamour; to crowd; to jostle
to roll up; to enfold; to swallow up; to involve; to drag into
bubble on surface of liquid; ephemeral; transient