to become serious; to take something seriously (joke, teasing); to become irritated or angry (usu. at something trivial); to get worked up
to apologize; to apologise
at the same time as; while; as well as (multiple roles)
to recognize; to recognise; to deem; to judge; to approve; to deem acceptable; to admit
unattractive; ugly; unstylish; uncool
to be jealous of; to be envious of; to envy
charming; fascinating; attractive
so; accordingly; now; then; thereupon; therefore
to stop (in one's tracks); to come to a stop; to halt; to pause; to stand still
to feel hot; to flush; to burn
20 years old; (arch.) twenty
loitering; roaming; sauntering; wandering about; prowling
while it may be true that; just because; nevertheless; not necessarily
(distant) howling; backbiting
ferocious; brutal; atrocious; savage; barbarous
activity (esp. energetic); great efforts; conspicuous service; to flourish; to participate actively; to play an active role
beat; palpitation; pulsation; throbbing
to come to like; to become fond of; to fall in love
to be reminded of; to call to mind
from now on; after this; in the future; from here; from this point
how about ...?; I wonder; I don't know
when it becomes; when it comes to
date (with someone); (social) outing (for two); date night; date (day)
to invite; to ask (someone to do); to tempt; to lure; to induce (tears, laughter, sleepiness, etc.); to arouse (e.g. sympathy)
to collect oneself; to cool off; to recover oneself
what kind of; what sort of; what; no matter what (kind of); whatever; any
to brave; to risk; to harm; to afflict; to desecrate; to profane
to be lucky; to be in luck; to be attached; to have; to be included
haze (esp. in spring); mist; dimness (of sight)
to appear ...; to look like ...; to seem ...; to have a trace of; to be tinged with
in a daze; absent-mindedly; dimly; hazily; with a roar (of flames); with a whoosh
together; at the same time; same; identical
to miss (e.g. a chance); to lose; to set free; to let go; to fail to ...
occasionally; once in a while; now and then; rarely; seldom
definite; final; decisive; conclusive
nonexistent; not being (there); not having; not
operation; management; handling; manipulating (to one's benefit); manipulation; influencing
poisonous; toxic; noxious; malicious; spiteful; hurtful
ominous; sinister; (arch.) annoying; (arch.) appearing to be true; (arch.) plausible
to aim at (with a weapon, etc.); to be after (something or someone); to have an eye on; to aim for; to set up as a goal
snakelike; snaky; serpentine