leaving as is; leaving alone; leaving to chance; neglecting; abandoning
to request; to beg; to call; to order; to entrust to; to rely on
widely; extensively; far and wide; everywhere; all around; generally
to reverberate; to resound; to echo; to have one's fame spread; to be renowned
behind; in the rear; in back
stagnation; deposit; sediment; faltering; hesitation; pause
glamorous; charming; beguiling; bewitching; beautiful; fascinatingly elegant
exactly; surely; right then; just then; just (about to); on the verge (of doing or happening)
elegant; graceful; refined; leisurely; comfortable; easy
to exchange (messages, greetings, arguments, etc.); to intersect; to cross; ... with one another; ... to each other
inside one's heart; in one's mind
to crush to death; to stifle to death; to squeeze to death; to stifle (a laugh, etc.); to muffle (one's breathing); to subdue (one's voice)
impatience; uneasiness; irritation; fretfulness
light (i.e. not heavy); feeling light (i.e. offering little resistance, moving easily); light (i.e. of foot); effortless; non-serious; minor; slight
bonds (between people); (emotional) ties; relationship; tether; fetters
to tie; to bind; to bear (fruit); to close (e.g. deal); to confirm; to connect (two distant places); to close tightly
song of praise; eulogy; paean; hymn
to give off sparks; to spark; to scintillate; to have a heated argument; to combat; to do something fiercely
time (three times, each time, etc.); times
right arm; right-hand man; right hand; right-handed pitcher
to be prolonged; to drag on
to see everything; to see all; to abandon; to give up; to sell at a loss; to sell off
how many people; a number of people
even if; no matter (what); if; though; although; supposing
to handle well; to handle deftly; to deal with; to manage; to prepare (meat or fish) for cooking; to dress (meat, etc.)
to blow off (strongly); to blow away; to drive away (e.g. one's worries); to dispel; to do at great speed (e.g. drive a car); to carry out (a task) very quickly
firearms; missile; projectile weapon
ace up one's sleeve; trump card; secret skills; secret; (arch.) left hand
agile; nimble; casual (clothing); light (e.g. luggage); carefree; with limited responsibility
to spring at; to leap upon; to swoop down on; to throw oneself upon (e.g. an enemy)
barely; narrowly; only just; with difficulty
losing by being overmatched; being defeated by a stronger opponent; losing by misusing one's powers; defeat as a result of trying too hard
party to a contract; subscriber; policy owner (insurance)