convenient; handy; useful
very interesting; of absorbing interest; having a keen interest (in); being immensely curious (about)
special; particular; peculiar; unique
strangeness; abnormality; disorder
by all rights; properly speaking; legally speaking
such (about the actions of the listener, or about ideas expressed or understood by the listener); like that; that sort of
existence; being; survival; to exist; to live; to survive
minor; small; minor (key, scale, etc.); the minor leagues (US baseball)
rare; uncommon; rare; lightly cooked; rhea (bird of family Rheidae); Rhea (Greek goddess)
as one expects; as one wants; to one's satisfaction; as one sees fit
to lead someone around by the nose
unpleasant; disgusting; loathsome; shameful; scandalous
assertion; declaration; affirmation
main question; real issue at hand
that way; that direction; that (one); that person; there; over there
one; 1; best; first; foremost; beginning; start
deferment (e.g. of savings); leaving (a thing) as it stands; unredeemed; unredeemable; irredeemable
purpose; utility; objective; way to use something
considerably; greatly; a lot
thin; pale; light; watery; thin; weak (taste, etc.); little (affection, etc.) not much (of a presence)
water; liquid; fluid; moisture; humidity; sap
pretty; lovely; clean; clear; completely; entirely
to be mixed; to be blended with; to be combined; to associate with; to mingle with; to interest
stinging; smarting; on edge; nervous; ripping; peeling
wherein; therein; thereinto
to spout out; to spurt out; to sprout; to bud; to burst into laughter; to blow (smoke, etc.)
of all people; a person of ...'s standing
management; dealing with; course of events; circumstances; end result (usu. bad); outcome
mask; disguise; guise; mask
to palm off; to force a sale
expectation; anticipation; purpose; intention; others' opinions of one; speculation
venting one's anger (on someone or something); taking out one's anger on
self-proclaimed; self-professed; professing oneself to be; calling oneself; first person
sigh (of grief, disappointment, etc.); grieving; lamenting; deploring
what's the best thing to do?; what to do?
throughout; over a period of ...; over a span of ...
gust (of wind); blast; influence; impact; instigation; agitation
to burn; to scorch; to char; to singe