natural; reasonable; obvious; usual; common; ordinary
matter; affair; counter for (received) emails, text messages, voicemail messages, etc.; counter for accounts (on a website, email service, etc.)
to gain an advantage; to enjoy an advantage; to turn the tables (on)
to happen to have on hand or in stock
to snap one's fingers; to pop one's fingers; to crack one's knuckles
essential; important; crucial; vital; main
to rise; to go up; to enter (esp. from outdoors); to come in; to enter (a school); to advance to the next grade; to get out (of water)
to be lacking a trump card; to be lacking conclusive evidence
to meet fortuitously (e.g. running into an old friend); to meet by chance; to happen across
very much; very many; more and more
to be of use as a reference; to be helpful
mischief; prank; pastime; hobby; playing with (a lighter, etc.); fooling around with
bitter smile; wry smile; forced smile; strained laugh
quick-tempered; having little patience; impatient
superior airs; air of importance; overemphasis
to be itching to do something
to be perturbed; to be agitated
high tide; high water; full tide
tide; current; sea water; opportunity; chance; thin soup of fish or shellfish boiled in seawater
shell gathering (at low tide); clamming
change; variation; variety; diversity; inflection; declension
dark; gloomy; depressed; dispirited; dark (in colour); dull; ill-boding
this and that; this or that; one thing or another; around; about; round about
here and there; all around; everywhere; to get things in the wrong order (back to front); to become muddled up
nasty; mean; heartless; inconsiderate; selfish
historical play; period drama
wiles; sinister design; trick; conspiracy; intrigue
standard item; usual thing; (a) classic; basic item (with stable demand); staple goods
symbol used as a placeholder (either because a number of other words could be used in that position, or because of censorship); certain; unnamed; undisclosed
shop; store; somebody who sells (something) or works as (something); somebody with a (certain) personality trait; house; roof
you (when referring to one's equals or inferiors)
local governor (Edo period); local magistrate; bailiff; deputy official (middle ages); acting administrator
reversal; return; return gift; return favour (favor); barb (on a fishing hook); mixture of soy sauce, sugar and mirin
instead of; in place of; as a substitute for; in exchange for; in return for; to make up for
threat; intimidation; menace
student in a higher grade; upperclassman
talkative; loose-lipped; persiflage; frivolous talk
to pay no attention to (while listening); to take no notice of; to ignore; to let go in one ear and out the other
to become serious; to take something seriously (joke, teasing); to become irritated or angry (usu. at something trivial); to get worked up
inexcusable; unpardonable; can't be allowed to pass (without comment)