to blow violently; to sweep over; to devastate
use; exercise (of one's right, authority, power, etc.)
to furnish with; to equip with; to prepare for; to make preparations for; to possess (all that is needed); to be endowed with
taking captive; carrying away; kidnapping; kidnaping; abduction
sample; example; specimen; display model (e.g. plastic food models used by restaurants)
apprehensions; misgivings; uneasiness; anxiety; fear
request; commission; entrusting (with a matter); dependence; reliance
retaliation; revenge; reprisal; retorsion; retortion
to quarry; to cut (timber); to begin to talk; to break the ice; to start a fire (with flint, by rubbing sticks together, etc.); to select and extract (from a media file)
after the end (of something); post-
breeding; multiplication; increase; propagation; reproduction
pure-bred (usu. animal); pure-blooded; thoroughbred
interspecific; interspecies
slightly; lightly; thinly; faintly; dimly
to refuse; to reject; to inform; to give notice; to ask leave; to excuse oneself (from)
sexual preference; sexual predilection
hetero; heterosexual; heterozygote
homo; homosexual (esp. a male); homozygote; homogenization; Homo (genus of primates incl. modern humans)
regret; repentance; remorse
very young; little; childish; immature
intention; plan; belief; assumption; estimate; estimation
instead of; in place of; as a substitute for; in exchange for; in return for; to make up for
to return; to come back; to turn over; to become extremely; to become completely
oh; ho; exclamation of surprise, admiration, etc.; hoo (owl call); toot (sound of a flute)
to be grateful; to feel grateful; to be thankful
to reward; to recompense; to repay; to retaliate; to get revenge