shabby; dull; cheap; lackluster; uninspiring; depressing
direction; district; area; field (e.g. of study); sphere; quarter
allotment; assignment; allocation; allocation
successful execution; accomplishment; completion; fulfillment; carrying through
painful; bitter; tough; difficult; cruel; harsh
(non-documentary) television series; TV drama; teledrama; drama; dramatic incident; spectacle
in full force; in great numbers; in droves; large-scale project; grand plan
to advance on; to close in; to march on; to descend on (the enemy); to move towards; to surge forward (crowd, wave of nostalgia, wave, etc.)
to make out to be; to set someone up (as); to prepare (e.g. someone for a role); to make (e.g. "a man out of him"); to frame
establishment; creation; posing (a problem); options setting; preference settings; configuration
at the present time; as of now; at this time
extensive; vast range; wide scope
influence; power; might; strength; potency; force
to live (of humans); to reside; to inhabit; to dwell; to abide
Chinese "star" constellation (one of the 28 mansions); Singapore
circumference; outskirts; environs; (computer) peripheral
under control (e.g. of territory)
reward; compensation; collateral; security; turning to look behind
to exchange glances; to correspond; to counterbalance
domination; rule; direction; management; control (e.g. over one's emotions); determining (e.g. one's fate)
military force; military strength
maintenance; preservation; improvement
burden; load; responsibility; bearing (a cost, responsibility, etc.); shouldering
general; universal; ordinary; average; (arch.) the same; (arch.) no different
people; men and women; each person; everybody
waste; lavish spending; dissipation
aggression; invasion; raid
conquest; subjugation; overcoming
expedition; (military) campaign; tour (by a sports team, performer, etc.); visit
great (quantity, amount, etc.); huge; enormous; serious