to shout; to cry; to scream; to clamor (for or against); to clamour (for or against)
to jump (out of the way); to jump back; to jump aside
that's the way it is; such is life
arm; skill; efforts; ability
to insert; to put in (such that there is a snug fit); to have sex; to fuck; to pigeonhole (into a particular category); to place a ring-shaped object around something (esp. one that restricts freedom, such as handcuffs)
coolness; calmness; composure; all right; fine; OK
goblin; apparition; monster; ghost; phantom; spectre
to mix with; to be mixed; to be mingled
action of making something; -ification
counter for the ichi-ni-san counting system (usu. directly preceding the item being counted); noun read using its on-yomi; counter for articles; indicates possessive (esp. in place names)
whole (body); full-length (e.g. portrait); systemic
to look daunted; to look embarrassed; to be disappointed
after a while; a little while later; shortly afterward; after a brief interval
outside (e.g. of a building); exterior; outside (of a group, company, etc.); outside world
depending on; as soon as; immediately after; as (e.g. "as one is told", "as one wishes"); whatever (e.g. "whatever is at hand"); order; program
white; innocence; innocent person; blank space; white go stone; white dragon tile; skewered grilled pig intestine
to give a warning; to remind (a person) of
I see; that's right; indeed
fierce animal; beast of prey; big game
to catch; to capture; to grasp (e.g. meaning); to perceive; to captivate; to move (one's heart)
interference; intervention; meddling
exclusion; removal; rejection; elimination; abatement; lifting (sanctions, etc.)
electric shock; blitz; lightning attack; sudden and without warning; shocking
surprise attack; surprise visit; catching a person off guard
even; even if; even though; because of; on the grounds that
cancellation; withdrawal; asking to be excused; begging off; not taking
promise; agreement; convention; rule; destiny; fate
to receive permission; to leave (with someone's permission); to retire; to refuse; to beg off doing
indeed; really; very; extremely; absolutely; certainly
fast-talking; rapid talking
to tell; to announce; to declare; to pass (a sentence); to order
to turn on one's heel; to turn back; to return
tactful; adroit; shrewd; clever; smart; affable
contacting; getting in touch; communication; call; message
courteous; decorous; polite
thanks; gratitude; manners; etiquette; bow; reward; gift
mutually; with each other; reciprocally; together
all; completely; totally; entirely; thoroughly
quarrel; brawl; fight; squabble; scuffle; argument
to follow; to pursue; to die right after a loved one; to kill oneself after the death of a loved one; to follow an example set by earlier generations (or one's master, etc.)