expansion; swelling; increase; growth
explosion; detonation; eruption; eruption (of discontent, etc.); outburst; outpouring
(many) trees; every tree; all kinds of trees
footpath; walkway; sidewalk
overhead; above one's head; high in the sky
violent; furious; extreme; intense; fervent; vehement
counter for waves (of a repeated occurrence)
influence; effect; to influence; to affect; to have an influence on
to stir; to churn; to rummage around; to throw into confusion; to throw into chaos
to kick; to refuse; to reject; to stamp (on the ground); to firmly press one's feet (against something)
to distance oneself (from); to keep (something or someone) at a distance; to maintain a distance (from)
to groan; to moan; to roar; to howl; to hum (engine, wind, etc.); to buzz; to ooh and aah (in admiration)
loud sound; loud reverberation
to play an instrument (esp. string instruments); to dance
certain; sure; definite; reliable; sound; solid
from out of nowhere; from who knows where
sense of touch; tactile; tactual; hair style with long bangs
book; volume; this; present; main; head
to twine around; to twist around; to coil around; to pester; to hassle
to get torn; to tear; to rip; to be broken off (of negotiations, etc.); to break down; to collapse
exposed; scanty; bare; public; open
to rise to the surface; to come to the front; to emerge (e.g. from obscurity); to stand out (e.g. against a dark background)
dark brown; colour of tanned skin
to pull the trigger; to squeeze the trigger
heavy; weighty; heavy (feeling); depressed; slow; sluggish; important (position, responsibility, etc.)
(sound of a) gunshot; (gun) report
quick; swift; nimble; quick (understanding, judgement, etc.); alert; prompt
to fly; to soar; to jump; to leap; to spatter; to scatter; to hurry
to dodge; to evade; to avoid; to sidestep
to change sides; to double-cross; to betray; to roll over (in bed); to turn over
to set up (a house, store, etc.); to build; to have at the ready (e.g. a gun); to hold in preparation (e.g. a camera); to adopt a posture; to assume a stance; to put on an air
cry (esp. animal); roar; chirp; tweet; bark; whine
to amass; to accumulate; to store; to leave unpaid