department (in an organization); division; club; part; component; category
otaku; geek; nerd; enthusiast
to swell; to rise; to bulge; to rouse; to get excited
so much; so often; oh, yes!; that's it; that's right; quite
to a surprising degree; to a remarkable extent; surprisingly; astonishingly; amazingly; alarmingly
easily; readily; quickly; lightly (seasoned food, applied make-up, etc.); plainly; simply
super-; ultra-; extremely; really; over; more than
exceedingly; extremely; decisively
to keep one's temper; to maintain one's composure; to remain calm; to keep presence of mind; to preserve one's equilibrium
(not so) much; (not) very
does not seem; unlikely; improbable
high; tall; expensive; high-priced; high (level); above average (in degree, quality, etc.)
increasingly; more and more; decreasingly (when declining); less and less
generally; in the main; (more or less) everything; all parts; ordinary; usual
somehow or other; for some reason or another; without knowing why
as is; as it is; as things are; like this; this way; at this rate
to part (usu. of people); to part from; to separate (of a couple); to break up; to lose (e.g. one's mother); to be bereaved
to ascertain; to check; to make sure
to have meaning; to be meaningful
since some time ago; for some time; for quite a while
to speak distinctly; to speak clearly; to put it bluntly; to get to the point; to be frank
clearly; plainly; distinctly; to be clear; to be definite; to be certain
to summon courage; to be brave
to use to the full (one's voice, energy, etc.); to muster all of (one's strength, courage, etc.); to summon all of; to exert fully; to strain (one's voice)
instant; moment; (split) second; (in a) flash; (in the) blink of an eye
red; crimson; Red; communist; (arch.) beautiful
to be dyed; to be tainted; to be infected; to be stained
one's line of sight; one's gaze; one's eyes (looking); glance; gaze; look
bright red; deep red; flushed (of face); downright (e.g. lie); complete; utter
tightly (hold, squeeze, etc.); firmly; forcefully (e.g. push); hard
to be shy; to be bashful; to feel awkward; to feel embarrassed
departure; departing (from ...); sending; sent (by ...); engine; counter for gunshots, bursts of gas, etc.
quick pace; quick steps; quick march; trot (horse gait)
to walk behind someone; to follow in someone's footsteps
intently; single-mindedly; devotedly; solely; earnestly; with all one's heart
to continue to rain or snow
to descend (e.g. a mountain); to go down; to alight (e.g. from bus); to get off; to step down; to retire; to be granted
to lay hands on; to touch; to care for; to look after; to make off with; to steal
corridor; hallway; passageway
person; character; one's character; one's personality; able person; talented person
to stop (in one's tracks); to come to a stop; to halt; to pause; to stand still