next; following; subsequent; stage; station
to include (in a group or scope); to instruct; to make one understand; to include (a nuance); to put in (an implication); to put in (someone's) mouth
various; all sorts of; variety of; (arch.) various colors (colours)
human being; human; person; character (of a person)
even so; however; still; whereupon; even though; nevertheless
saucepan; pot; stew; hot pot
to strike against; to collide with; to encounter; to meet; to clash
clatter; clank; rattling; capsule toy vending machine
sound; noise; note; fame; Chinese-derived character reading
fat (of meat); fatty meat
to burn; to be roasted; to be heated; to be jealous; to be envious
collecting; accumulating; collection (of art, stamps, insects, etc.); garbage collection; waste collection
to exceed; to be even more (so); to exaggerate
noisy; loud; annoying; troublesome; fussy; finicky
fraud; trickery; hoax; swindle; counterfeit; fake
making a living; getting on in the world; subsistence
art; technique; means; way; trick; trap
one; for one thing; only; (not) even; just (e.g. "just try it"); some kind of; one type of
instant; moment; for an instant
acquisition (esp. corporate); buy-out; takeover; bribery; buying off; corruption
to get distracted; to jump off the track
(following a verb) to be sure to; to do (something) so that ...; to make sure to; to try to
from the beginning; without hesitation; flatly (e.g. refusing); entirely; completely
as if ...; as if to say ...; as though ...
before one's eyes; in front of one; under one's nose; immediate; imminent; around the corner
tall figure; high stature
dirty; filthy; disordered; messy; indecent (language, etc.); dirty
at one's feet; underfoot; gait; pace; most recent; current
tightly (holding on); firmly; strongly (built); solidly; properly; well
to stare at; to gaze at; to look hard at; to watch intently; to fix one's eyes on
falling lightly (e.g. snow, petals, confetti); fluttering; flickering; twinkling; appearing and disappearing; catching glimpses
to peep (through); to peek; to await (one's chance); to guess; to infer
to move; to stir; to operate; to run; to make a move; to take action; to be touched
tumult; great noise; clatter; hustle and bustle
in spite of; nevertheless; although; despite; no matter the; regardless of
language; dialect; word; phrase; speech; (manner of) speaking
ear; hearing; edge; crust; selvedge (non-fray machined edge of fabrics); selvage
to do something in readiness for; to get something (needful) done
to hear; to catch (the sound of something); to hear about (rumour, etc.); to overhear; to get used to hearing
to take advantage (e.g. of a weak situation); to size up (e.g. customer when setting a high price)
to pile up; to stack; to load (car, ship, etc.); to pack; to acquire; to accumulate
straight; quickly; quietly; gently; to feel refreshed; to feel satisfied