to run out of; to be short of; to be out of stock; to be out of (e.g. breath); to lose (one's patience, concentration, etc.)
for better or worse; luckily or unluckily
to change; to exchange; to convert; to renew; to throw a switch; to replace
to jump (out of the way); to jump back; to jump aside
throwing in; inserting; investment; commitment (of funds, personnel, etc.); launching (a product into the market); introduction
weight; heavyweight boxer
crushing (into pieces); smashing; cracking; breaking up
to mow down; to cut down; to knock down; to defeat; to beat
to fall (e.g. blossoms, leaves); to scatter; to be dispersed; to disappear; to dissolve; to spread
to jump up; to spring up; to move around; to bounce up and down; to pound (of one's heart, e.g. with excitement); to throb
fall; drop; descent; coming down
to be overturned; to be reversed; to turn over; to fall down; to tumble down; to topple over
in an instant; in a flash; right away; immediately
to tighten; to press hard
reopening; resumption; restarting
to incline toward; to slant; to lurch; to go down (sun); to wane; to sink
wall of rock; rock cliff; rock face
to take a breath; to take a short rest
without losing time (e.g. to do); without even time for (doing something)
to begin to run; to start running; to break into a run
with no regard to one's appearances; with no concern of how one's act looks like
ball; sphere; bead (of sweat, dew, etc.); drop; ball (in sports); pile (of noodles, etc.); bullet
killing and wounding; bloodshed
to steal; to rob; to deceive; to trick; to graze (in passing); to skim; to appear and quickly disappear (a thought, a smile, etc.)
tone color; tone colour; tone quality; timbre
power; might; authority; influence
atrocious; fiendish; brutal; villainous
just before one's eyes; in one's presence; personally
although at this late hour; now, although it is too late; afresh; anew; again
coming flying in (migratory birds, airborne sand, pollen, etc.); coming by airplane
scattering (in all directions)
to accept (e.g. an explanation); to be satisfied (with); to assent (to)
to jump over; to clear; to walk over (someone)
scaffold; scaffolding; foothold; footing; foothold (e.g. in business); foundation
travelling on foot; traveling on foot; travelling all over