thump-thump; bang-bang; pit-a-pat; to beat fast (of one's heart); to throb; to pound
to represent; to signify; to reveal; to show; to express; to make widely known
denotes uncertainty; such things as A and B; A and B and so on; A and B and the like
to have a (rough) idea (of what the situation is)
chord; "on" reading of a kanji
to play (a stringed or keyboard instrument)
in order; in turn; one by one
altitude; height; elevation; high-degree; high-grade; advanced
atmosphere; air; magnanimity; generosity
speed; velocity; pace; velocity
spell; charm; incantation; magic word
mode (musical mode, mode of probability distribution, state of physical system); fashion
maneuver (usu. of military force); manoeuvre; mobile; nimble; agile
personal history; background; log; record; hysteresis
alternating current; AC; analogue computer (analog); average cost; adult child
cross; crossing; intersecting; cross (soccer)
identification; ID; identity
goal; target; aim; mark; sign; landmark
bearing; heading; point of the compass
10,000; ten thousand; myriad; everything; all; (arch.) various
hostility; antagonism; opposition
discrimination; discernment; identification
(computer) command; command key; commando
going ahead; going first; preceding; coming before; scoring first; getting off to a lead
heading; header (in soccer); butting (in boxing)
knot (nautical mile per hour)
gear; speed (e.g. 4-speed transmission)