to float; to set afloat; to show on one's face (smile, sadness, etc.); to recall; to call to mind
control; bringing under control; settling (a matter); putting in order
to plan; to attempt; to plot; to conspire; to aim for; to strive for
still; as yet; (not) yet; more; (more) still; at least
excited condition; excited state
one's assessment of the situation
worst; horrible; horrid; in the worst case; if worst comes to worst
it does not mean that ...; I don't mean that ...; it is not the case that...
of all (things, people, places, days, etc.)
to descend; to go down; to be handed down (of an order, judgment, etc.); to pass (of time); to surrender; to capitulate; to be less than
to arrive at (e.g. a decision); to reach (a stage); to lead to (a place); to get to; in the extreme case of; (arch.) to come
violent explosion; bursting
to knock down; to beat (someone) up; to injure (someone) so badly they cannot recover (esp. emotionally); to overwhelm (with mental anguish, etc.)
mangy cur; low animal; beast
to kick the bucket; to drop dead; to die; to be pooped; to be exhausted; to be knackered
grumbling; muttering; nonsense
to omit; to leave out; to overtake; to pass; to say; to speak
future (usually near); prospects
futures; credit (buying); stretching; total (preceding counter, unit, etc.); aggregate
crafty; vicious; unscrupulous; sharp
excess; surplus; superabundance; overabundance
to refuse; to decline; to deny
the front; honesty; uprightness; decency; normality
in the same way as; just like
excitement; stimulation; agitation; arousal
all eyes; public attention
before oneself; in front of one; a bit before reaching (a location); this side (of a location); one's standpoint; one's appearance; skill
retreat; retirement; depression (hole)
to blurt out; to let slip; to say inadvertently; to come out with (e.g. nonsense)
surplus; margin; leeway; composure; placidity; complacency
tedious talk; impertinent talk; repetitious talk; saucy speech; pretentious statement
to line up; to set up; to enumerate; to itemize; to be equal (to); to compare well (with)
falling asleep; sleep onset
negative (result); gloomy; negative (e.g. attitude); pessimistic
superiority complex; sense of superiority
self-conceit; self-satisfaction; self-righteousness; self-importance; complacency
sense of duty (obligation)
sticky; thick (e.g. thickly plastered); ikky; to stick closely
to stick to; to cling to; to adhere to
ignorance; innocence; stupidity
ignorance; covering; concealing; Mongolia