to wet; to moisten; to dampen; to soak; to dip
to burst into tears; to burst out crying; to begin to cry; to be moved to tears
selfish; self-centred; egotistical
to be wounded; to get injured; to get hurt feelings; to get damaged; to get chipped
(sound of a) gunshot; (gun) report
to lose consciousness; to faint; to black out
castle town; city in Japan that developed around the castle of a feudal lord
choosing a site (e.g. for industry); deciding on a location; standpoint; position
adjacency; contiguity; being adjoined
establishment; founding; incorporation (of a business)
to become animated; to liven up; to become active
product; commodity; merchandise
shipping; shipment; forwarding
development; growth; development (of a situation, story, etc.); advancement; playing around; having an active sex life
to accomplish; to achieve; to carry out; to arrive at (a certain outcome); to come to; to end with
condition; term; requirement; qualification; prerequisite
replenishment; supplementation; supplement; replacement; refilling
civilian clothes; plain clothes; mufti; plainclothes police officer
to concern; to be related
secrecy; highly classified information
retention; maintenance; preservation
application; request; petition
to go out (e.g. on an excursion or outing); to leave; to depart; to be about to leave; to be just going out
occasional; infrequent; rare
going out; outing; leaving (one's home, office, etc.)
taking a breather; relaxation; vent hole
function; facility; faculty; feature
beginning; start; first (in line, etc.); origin; such as ...; not to mention ...
everyday; daily; ordinary; usual; routine; regular
amusement; entertainment; recreation; pleasure; pastime; hobby
hobby; pastime; tastes; preference; liking
store; shop; establishment; restaurant
secondhand bookshop; antiquarian bookshop
disorder; confusion; clutter; mess; muddle; disarray
collection of books; (personal) library
to set aside; to keep in reserve; to preserve; to save; to put in; to lay in