oh; ho; exclamation of surprise, admiration, etc.; hoo (owl call); toot (sound of a flute)
to move; to shift; to inspire; to rouse; to change; to alter; to operate
how; in what way; how (much); to what extent; however (much); no matter how
terrible; dreadful; terrifying; surprising; startling; tremendous
to speak; to say; to vocalize
to become numb; to go to sleep (e.g. a limb); to get an electric shock; to tingle (from an electric shock); to be excited; to be titillated
inside; interior; inner part
exterior; outside; outer; external; lateral
to break through; to penetrate; to pierce
to glare at; to scowl at; to stare intensely at; to examine carefully; to estimate; to guess
or rather (say); or better (say); or perhaps I should say; or, how should I put it; I mean
foul play (sport); breaking the rules; infringement; irregularity
interest; entertainment; pleasure; implicit comparison (style of the Shi Jing)
to be dampened; to be discouraged; to be weakened; to be reduced
exhaustion; fatigue; impoverishment; (financial) exhaustion; ruin
accidental; incidental; occasional; casual
to fall to one's knees; to go down on one's knees (e.g. to express respect)
chill; the shivers; shivering fit; cold; coldness; cold air
nausea; sickness in the stomach
to shoulder; to carry on one's shoulder; to nominate for a position; to choose as a representative; to take (someone) for a ride; to deceive
carrying a person in one's arms; princess carry; bridal carry
vengeance; revenge; retaliation
in swarms; in great crowds
cancellation; rescinding; release; calling off; lifting (sanctions); delisting
transportation; conveyance; delivery; hospitalization; transfer to hospital
dramatic; exciting; touching; extreme
lack of common sense; thoughtlessness; senselessness; irrationality; absurdity
to fall fast asleep; to be confined to one's bed; to be laid up
pillow; bolster; introduction (e.g. to a rakugo story); lead-in
leaf; blade (of grass); (pine) needle; marijuana; cannabis
rope used to cordon off consecrated areas or as a talisman against evil
omen; sign of luck; origin; history; dependent arising; doctrine that everything has a cause and there is nothing that arises out of nothing
outside of one's area of expertise
regarding as important; attaching importance to; taking a serious view of; putting emphasis on
ah!; oh!; yes; indeed; aah; gah
ground; earth; the solid earth; the (vast) land
god; deity; incredible; fantastic; (arch.) Emperor (of Japan); (arch.) thunder
till; to; concerning (an area of expertise); swearing by (one's sword, God, etc.)
contents; content; substance; matter; detail; import
chaos; confusion; disorder; chaotic; confused; uncertain
(those) who are; (that) which is; in the capacity of