Novel difficulty list

This is a list of novels, both light novels and traditional novels, ranked by their difficulty, on a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is very easy and 10 is very hard. You can use it to find the most appropriate novel to read based on how good your Japanese is.

If you already have a novel in mind which is around your level you can also search for it, and then click on "Show details..." to see other novels of similar difficulty.

The difficulty ratings were generated automatically by a machine learning model. If you're interested in how we calculated them take a look here. We do not distribute any copyrighted materials from any of these works; we only provide aggregate statistics.

We also have other difficulty lists if you're interested:

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Showing 1 entry

Cover of Norway no Mori
Norway no Mori
Length (in words)122390
Unique words8515
Unique words (used once)3732
Unique words (used once %)43%
Unique kanji1735
Unique kanji (used once)258
Unique kanji readings2976
Average sentence length25.1
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