skip it; drop it; I've had enough (e.g. when offered something); that's enough
all members; all hands; everyone; everybody; whole crew
nonsensical; unreasonable; awfully; extremely; disorder; confusion
helpful person; person who likes looking after others; overly helpful person; annoyingly helpful person; manager; go-between
secrecy; confidentiality; privacy; one's circumstances (esp. fiscal)
resistance; opposition; reluctance; repulsion; resistance; drag
snatching; stealing; seizure; usurpation
without; unacceptable; not alright; unsatisfactory
slow; time-consuming; late (in the day); towards the end (of the day or night); later (than expected or usual); late
(one's) exclusive use; private use; dedicated use; use for a particular purpose; exclusive use (of particular products); using only (e.g. a certain brand)
to disdain; to look down on; to make light of; to hold in contempt; to scorn; to despise
to be troubled; to have difficulty; to be bothered; to be inconvenienced; to be badly off; to be hard up
to bury (e.g. in the ground); to fill up (e.g. audience fills a hall); to cause to be packed; to plug (a gap); to stop (a gap); to make up for (a loss, shortage, etc.); to make amends
tank (of liquid); tank (military vehicle)
energy; energy; strength; energy source; energy resource; food energy
supply; supplying; replenishment
which (of three or more); well; now; c'mon
preparation; arrangements; getting ready; provision; setup; reserving
struggling; pawing (e.g. horses' hooves)
opening fully; full throttle; full power
axis; shaft; center; centre; stalk; stem
transformation; variation; metamorphosis; modification; deformation; variety
opponent; rival; adversary; menace; danger; threat
to make a mistake; to be incorrect; to be mistaken
continuation; succession; series
commander; general; leader
pity; sympathy; compassion; affection; love
useless; futile; unnecessary; needless; not on business; unrelated
show (of power, ability, etc.); exhibition; demonstration; display; manifestation
hello (e.g. on phone); excuse me! (when calling out to someone)
interception (email); wiretap; bug
punch (with the fist); punching (a hole); hole punch; punch (drink); punch (in a song, speech, etc.); impact
small quantity; little; little while; short distance
effect; result; worth; use; avail
you must be kidding; hey, come on!; surely not!
being responsible for school lunch distribution and clean-up
isn't it?; don't you think?; right?; surely; come on
meddling; meddlesomeness; nosiness; meddler; buttinsky; busybody
being very active; being very useful; playing a very active part; making a spectacular showing; great efforts; splendid work
spring break; spring vacation