finally; at last; in the end; after all; never (happened)
to come loose; to come untied; to come undone; to loosen up (e.g. tension)
because ...; for ...; the reason being ...; as for ...; when it comes to ...; regarding ...
to use (a thing, method, etc.); to make use of; to use (a person, animal, puppet, etc.); to employ; to use (time, money, etc.); to spend
simulation; simulation (of a foul); diving; flopping
result; consequence; coming to fruition; bearing fruit; as a result; consequently
arrangement; disposition; array (programming)
to brave; to risk; to harm; to afflict; to desecrate; to profane
to come and see (someone, something); to visit
to catch; to capture; to catch hold of (someone); to stop (e.g. a stranger in the street); towards (someone); at (someone)
laugh; laughter; smile; sneer; sex aids (e.g. dildos, pornographic books, erotic woodblock prints, etc.)
to lick; to lap; to taste; to experience (esp. a hardship); to look down on (someone); to make fun of
cap (headwear); cap (of a bottle, pen, etc.); leader; chief
to be lost (e.g. luggage); to be missing; to be used up; to be run out; to disappear (e.g. pain); to be lost (e.g. a dream, confidence)
(a) stop (e.g. in a timber joint, or at the end of a kanji stroke); remaining (e.g. poste-restante); forty-five degree angle
to act hastily in pursuit of glory; to hasten after success; to be too eager to succeed
too much; excessively; too
fabrication; forgery; falsehood; hoax
won't; hasn't; isn't; won't you
rumour; rumor; report; hearsay; gossip; common talk
to anyone; to everyone; by anyone; by everyone; in everyone; in anyone
last; final; closing; last train (bus, flight, etc.; of the day)
anyhow; at any rate; anyway; somehow or other; generally speaking; in any case
will; probably; may; I think; surely; I hope
to open; to undo; to bloom; to unfold; to open (for business, e.g. in the morning); to be wide (gap, etc.); to widen
to smoke; to breathe in; to suck; to sip; to absorb; to soak up
I'm sorry; (it's) inexcusable; thank you very much (for help, etc.)
to play (games, sports); to enjoy oneself; to mess about (with alcohol, gambling, philandery, etc.); to be idle; to do nothing; to meet up (with friends); to hang out
child; kid; (one's) child; offspring; young (animal); young woman; offshoot
to aim at (with a weapon, etc.); to be after (something or someone); to have an eye on; to aim for; to set up as a goal
request; favour (to ask); wish; please
to sing; to sing (one's praises in a poem, etc.); to compose a poem; to recite a poem
mark (for quick identification or recognition); sign; landmark; guide; (arch.) trademark
baseball ground; baseball stadium