large-scale speculative go-around
principal object of worship at a temple (usu. a buddha or bodhisattva); principal image; idol; the man himself; the person at the heart of the matter
war; fighting; fierce competition
to unfold; to unroll; to open
stock; share; stump; (clump of) roots; plant with attached roots or stem; strain (of bacteria, etc.); stock company
automobile component; automobile part
beginning; start; outset; at first; at the beginning; initially
the present; present time; as of; present tense; this world; this life
price increase; rise in price
to; for; from the standpoint of; as far as ... is concerned
weird; ominous; eerie; uncanny; ghastly
sudden price jump; steep price rise
huge sum (esp. of money); enormous sum; massive amount
profit; gains; benefit; advantage; grace (of God, Buddha, etc.) (esp. as attained through rightful actions, prayer, adherence to one's faith, etc.); blessing
to get; to earn; to understand; to comprehend; to receive something undesirable (e.g. a punishment); to get (ill)
furthermore; again; after all; more and more; moreover; even more
to buy more (of something)
to bear; to stand; to support; to withstand; to be fit for; to be equal to
to fall down; to fall over; to turn out; to play out; to abandon Christianity (and convert to Buddhism); to apostatize
doer; performer; protagonist (in noh or kyogen); hero; speculator (in trading)
muscle; tendon; vein; artery; fiber; fibre; line
at a disadvantage; in an unfavourable position; having poor prospects; standing little chance
town; block; downtown; main street; street; road
bond; bill; certificate; security
finance; financing; credit transacting; monetary; financial; credit
to pull; to draw; to string (lines); to run (cable); to pull towards oneself (e.g. someone's sleeve); to drag; to haul
mind; heart; spirit; the meaning of a phrase (riddle, etc.)
skillful; skilled; proficient; flattery
to say; to be called; to do
payment made via bank deposit transfer; discarding a tile that becomes another player's winning tile
fixed date; settlement date