roll around
FrequencyTop 200-300
Kyōiku (3rd grade) 
Shinjitai ?
KankenLevel 8
Old form
Composed of

To quote my favorite vehicle related poem, the wheels on the bus go round and round... in other words they roll around.

Used in vocabulary (578 in total)
to roll; to tumble; to fall over; to roll over; to lie down; to be scattered about; to be lying around
to fall down; to fall over; to turn out; to play out; to abandon Christianity (and convert to Buddhism); to apostatize
rotation (usu. around something); revolution; turning
operation (of a machine, etc.); operating; driving; working (capital, etc.)
to roll; to wheel; to turn over; to tip over; to leave; to buy and sell (quickly for a profit)
(sudden) change; reversal; turn-around; coming from behind (baseball)
driver; chauffeur
one turn; spinning around; complete change; reversal; (an) about-face
to turn; to shift; to alter; to distract
fall; tumble; spill; degradation; comedown; demotion
conversion; diversion; changeover; commutation; switchover
moving (location, with the times, etc.); change; metastasis; spread; transition (e.g. phase transition); transfer (of learning)
transmigration; reincarnation; metempsychosis
rolling over; turning over; turning around (the other way); reversal (of direction, course, etc.); producing a positive from a negative (photography); producing a negative from a positive
changing schools
to lie down; to throw oneself down
transfer; redirection; transmission; forwarding (telephone call, e-mail, etc.)
change of pace; change of mood; (mental) break (e.g. going for a walk); refreshment
falling down; tumbling; reversing; inverting; getting upset
driver's seat (in a car)
transfer student; student changing schools
to lie down; to throw oneself down
to fall off; to tumble down
change in pronunciation or meaning of a word; sound change; word with an altered pronunciation or meaning; turning or twisting part of a text (in Chinese poetry)
to tumble down; to roll down
one revolution; one rotation
change of occupation; career change
to roll in; to tumble into; to visit (esp. to stay overnight as an unwanted guest); to fall in one's way; to fall into one's lap
failing to properly evaluate the (relative) importance (of); putting the cart before the horse; mistaking the cause for the end; mistaking the insignificant for the essential; getting one's priorities backwards
quick-wittedness; tact
moving from place to place; being passed around repeatedly; rolling about
changing for the better
moving (to a new place); moving in; transfer (to a new school)
(theatrical) blackout; taking a (sudden) turn for the worse; rapid deterioration
disturbance of mind; losing one's head; being upset; transition; changing; moving
to roll over; to tumble; to roll about (with laughter)
moving; relocation; change of address; transfer (of deeds, property, etc.); demise
toppling sideways; turning sideways; falling over sideways; barrel roll
overturning; capsizing; overthrow (e.g. of a government)
job transfer; job relocation; intra-company transfer
turning point
by the way; meanwhile; on the other hand
to roll about with laughter; to be convulsed with laughter; to laugh one's head off
to roll about; to writhe about
to lose composure; to be upset; to be flurried; to lose one's head (through shock)
change; transformation; inversion
conversion; shift; about-face; switch
to lie down; to throw oneself down
diversion; putting something to another use
turning things around with a home run; turning the tables with a single successful attack (move)
shift the responsibility (for something) on to (someone); pass the buck
to (dramatically) fall over; to fall flat
reprinting; reproduction
dramatic turn-around; major reversal; great comeback; game changer
changing (job, career, lifestyle, social position, beliefs, etc.)
the situation reverses itself; the table is turned; the shoe is on the other foot
changing one's attitude; turning over a new leaf; getting a fresh start
transcription (of a text, DNA, RNA, etc.); copying; transfer (printing); transcription; transliteration
vicissitudes; continual change; transmigration; metempsychosis
changing assignments
to roll about; to writhe about
forward somersault; forward roll
racing (an engine); idling (an engine); going in circles (esp. argument, discussion, etc.); spinning one's wheels
quick-witted; bright; rapid thinking
trial run; test run
to turn; to shift; to alter; to distract
falling (down); tumbling (down); failure; failing; renouncing Christianity and converting to Buddhism (during the Edo period); apostasy
rotation (usu. on an axis); turning; spin
number of revolutions (i.e. as an engine speed); number of rotations; speed of revolution; speed of rotation
mutation; change; transition
to knock down; to topple
change of course; changing direction; shifting position (of retreating forces); retreat
transfer to a different hospital; hospital transfer
rotation (usu. around something); revolution; turning
plunging to one's death; death from a fall
all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth, death, and rebirth; the circle of transmigration
imputation; shifting (blame, responsibility, etc.); passing the buck; second marriage; remarriage
(professional) driver (of a taxi, train, etc.); motorman; mate (on a ship); officer
moving; changing residence; change of address
determination; conviction
change of post
turning point; tipping point; commutation point
driver's license; driver's licence; driving licence
conveyor belt sushi; sushi-go-round; sushi train; kaiten-zushi
suddenly and precipitately; take a sudden turn
turning around (once); suddenly; abruptly; completely (wrapped in something); quickly (unwrapping something); beautiful, round (eyes)
spinning the opposite way; backspin (tennis, baseball); counter
clear and beautiful (of a woman's voice)
change again and again; seesaw back and forth; being in a state of flux; backtracking repeatedly
automatic operation (machine); automatic driving (vehicle)
to be quick-witted; to be quick-thinking
sudden change; sudden turn
tossing oneself about in great pain; writhing in agony
subversion (of the state)
revolution; rotation; turn; turning; inversion; handspring (gymnastics)
rolling (something); knocking down; fishing with multiple hooks on a weighted line; repeatedly buying and selling
fighting in numerous battles
to suspend operations (esp. of trains); to stop driving
backward somersault; back handspring; backflip
to fall over; to fall down; to fall; to flop (e.g. of a play); to be a flop
mutation; change; vicissitude
turnover rate (merchandise, capital)
introduction, development, turn and conclusion (quadripartite structure of certain Chinese poetry); story composition and development
drunken driving; driving while intoxicated; drinking and driving
resumption of service (train, bus, etc.)
quick-witted; bright; rapid thinking
driver's license; driver's licence; driving licence
turning point; transition phase
one's days and nights being reversed
revolution (of heavens)
falling asleep at the wheel
transposition; dislocation; rearrangement
backward somersault; backward roll
reshuffling; job rotation
quick-witted; bright; rapid thinking
changing one's academic course
moving out; transfer
driving skill; one's skill as a driver
bicycle shop; bicycle dealer
temporary suspension public transport service
forwarding address
winning after defeat seems certain; coming from behind to win
doze; nap; snooze
change of key (during piece); modulation
quick-wittedness; tact
backward somersault; back handspring; backflip
children's game similar to Statues or Red Light Green Light; Bodhidharma fell down
phase transition; phase change; phase transformation
revolution; gyration; whirling; rotation
to roll or tumble into
change of air; change of scenery
one's new address
flashing lights; revolving lights; lights used on the top of emergency vehicles
scene change; cutaway; cut
distracted driving
merry-go-round; carousel
barely keeping a business going (analogy that a bicycle falls over when its wheels cease rotating)
driving without a license (licence)
driver (of a vehicle)
axis of revolution
blink of an eye; instant; moment
diversion to military use
one's new address
to turn misfortune into fortune (esp. through one's own efforts); to turn the potential disaster to one's advantage
all's grist that comes to his mill; turn everything to good account; turn anything to profit
drivers cab; operator's cab
prevention is better than cure; an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure; look before you leap; forewarned is forearmed; a stitch in time saves nine; (lit.) a walking stick before stumbling
looking for a change of occupation; looking for a new job
rotary wing (aircraft); rotor
transfer of permanent domicile (as recorded in the family register); transfer of school register
changing post (department, club, etc.)
converter reactor
dangerous driving; reckless driving
to be quick-witted; to be quick-thinking
forced relocation of a daimyo to a different domain by the Edo shogunate
mutability (of worldly affairs); fleeting shifts and changes (of human life)
driving at reduced speed; running at reduced speed (e.g. train)
illegally-parked bicycle; abandoned bicycle; discarded bicycle
bicycle racing; cycle sport
twisting; torsion
more and more; increasingly; all the more
period of revolution (e.g. of the Sun, of the Moon); orbital period
seeking to improve one's health with a change of climate
posting (of notes, notices, etc.); transcription
to turn into an increase; to turn into a plus; to change to an advantage
person who moves a lot for their job; family who moves a lot for the primary breadwinner's job
looking aside while driving; taking one's eyes off the road ahead while driving
not giving up; keeping at it until one succeeds; (lit.) falling seven times, getting up eight times; the vicissitudes of life; ups and downs in life
change of course (ship); steering in a different direction
upset victory; come-from-behind victory
notification of moving in
abrupt turn; sudden change
cylinder; magazine of a revolver
reseller; scalper
corruption; bastardisation
erratic driving; driving in a zigzag
to (dramatically) fall over; to fall flat
change of course; changing direction
all things are in a state of flux; everything is constantly changing
change of occupation
tossing and turning in bed; turning over in bed worrying over something
rotation; revolution
transferring from one college (or one department) to another
significant turning point
slow-witted; dull; slow on the uptake
rotorcraft; rotary-wing aircraft
all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth, death, and rebirth; the circle of transmigration
slow-witted; dull; slow on the uptake
reseller; scalper
regaining the lead; turning the tables (again); second reversal
rolling about; tossing and turning (in bed); jactitation; jactation
railway turntable; car turntable; driveway turntable
tachometer; revolution counter
changing residence; moving to a new address
convert (e.g. to a cause)
quick-witted; bright; rapid thinking
changing directions; turning around
metastatic lesion
applying an extended meaning to a kanji
road rage; tailgating
turning evil into good through proselytization
suspension of operations
volvulus; twisted loop in intestine
career change site; job change site
policy shift; policy U-turn
drunk driving; driving under the influence (of alcohol); DUI; legal category based on blood alcohol content
returning to profit; turnaround
reversing the order of (relative) importance (of); putting the cart before the horse; the tables being turned; mistaking the insignificant for the essential; mistaking the means for the end
inattentive driving
transfer speed; transfer rate
self-driving car; autonomous car
reshuffling; job rotation
orotund; smooth circular motion; spherical; rolling smoothly; (with) smooth circular motion
changing residence; moving to a new address
rotating shaft; axle
continuous operation (of a machine, etc.); continuous running
notification of moving out
bicycle path; bicycle lane; bikeway
doze; nap; snooze
suave; tactful; smooth; versatile; adaptable
to turn misfortune into fortune (esp. through one's own efforts); to turn the potential disaster to one's advantage
outcome (esp. of illness); result; consequence
offshoring; overseas transfer (esp. of production)
acting on an impulse; doing something without considering the consequences; loose morals (e.g. of a geisha); easy virtue
climatotherapy; change of air for convalescence
dung beetle; tumblebug
healing crisis; cleansing reaction; reaction during the elimination of toxins after antibiotic, etc. treatment
unauthorized reproduction; unauthorised reproduction; unauthorized copying; unauthorised copying
looking for a new job
folding bicycle; folding bike
switch (of a railroad); points (of a railway)
through train; direct service
all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth, death, and rebirth; the circle of transmigration
moving from place to place; being passed around repeatedly; rolling about
shuttling back and forth; shuttle service
to be upset; to be flurried; to be frightened (out of one's wits)
solid of revolution
tuning peg (on a biwa or shamisen)
folding bicycle; folding bike
conveyor belt sushi; sushi-go-round; sushi train; kaiten-zushi
converter (used in refining); rotary kiln
to turn misfortune into fortune (esp. through one's own efforts); to turn the potential disaster to one's advantage
change of address certificate
convertible (corporate) bond
to knock (a person) down
all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth, death, and rebirth; the circle of transmigration
crop diversification; crop rotation; change of crops
to turn misfortune into fortune (esp. through one's own efforts); to turn the potential disaster to one's advantage
expounding the teachings of Buddha; (lit.) spinning the dharma wheel
a complete turnabout via a single blow
(hurrying along) falling and stumbling; falling all over oneself
interval between (trains, buses); terminal dwell time
root vegetables boiled in broth
re-transfer; re-transmit
all's grist that comes to his mill; turn everything to good account; turn anything to profit
adduction; rolling internally; intorsion
curtailed transit schedule
plane of revolution
battery-assisted bicycle; electric bicycle; e-bike
Chakravartin; ideal universal ruler (in Indian religions)
changing kindergartens; moving (an animal) to a different zoo
all's grist that comes to his mill; turn everything to good account; turn anything to profit
all's grist that comes to his mill; turn everything to good account; turn anything to profit
motorized two-wheeled vehicle (with a displacement of less than 50cc); motorized bicycle
endless cycle of rebirth through the three worlds of past, present, and future existences
policy change (reversal)
road rage; tailgating
reverse transcription
to turn misfortune into fortune (esp. through one's own efforts); to turn the potential disaster to one's advantage
casting away one's vices or worldly desires and achieving enlightenment
notice of a change of address
euphonic change of pronunciation; elision
age at which even the slightest things seem funny (esp. said of a girl in the late teens); (lit.) age where even chopsticks rolling is amusing
transferred meaning; figurative meaning
all's grist that comes to his mill; turn everything to good account; turn anything to profit
to turn misfortune into fortune (esp. through one's own efforts); to turn the potential disaster to one's advantage
not giving up; keeping at it until one succeeds; (lit.) falling seven times, getting up eight times; the vicissitudes of life; ups and downs in life
registration of transfer of rights; (estate) transfer registration
motorized two-wheeled vehicle (with a displacement of less than 50cc); motorized bicycle
looking aside while driving; taking one's eyes off the road ahead while driving
overturning; capsizing; overthrow (e.g. of a government)
rolling about; tossing and turning (in bed); jactitation; jactation
change in mentality; changing one's way of thinking; adjusting psychologically to shifting circumstances
bicycle lane; bike lane
watch your step; slippery floor
all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth, death, and rebirth; the circle of transmigration
setting in motion the wheel of the dharma; the first turning of the wheel
Chakravartin; ideal universal ruler (in Indian religions)
transmission route
more and more; increasingly; all the more
former Christian (forced to apostatize during the Edo period); fallen Christian
all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth, death, and rebirth; the circle of transmigration
rolling about; tossing and turning (in bed); jactitation; jactation
reproduction prohibited
changing one's attitude; turning over a new leaf; getting a fresh start
cycle rickshaw; pedicab; trishaw
to turn misfortune into fortune (esp. through one's own efforts); to turn the potential disaster to one's advantage
positive reaction (to medical test)
transfer time; transmission time
angle of rotation
falling asleep (in one's clothes); lying down to nap; crashing out
conversion of agricultural land (e.g. to non-agricultural uses); conversion of farmland
switching or shunting (of a rail car)
changing direction (esp. of a ship); turning; brush movement where a horizontal line turns sharply downwards (in calligraphy)
changing (governmental) posts
turning or twisting part of a text
management reorganization; management reorganisation
(hurrying along) falling and stumbling; falling all over oneself
a rolling stone gathers no moss
switch (of a railroad); points (of a railway)
to fall and roll over; wriggle about
children's game similar to Statues or Red Light Green Light; Bodhidharma fell down
all's grist that comes to his mill; turn everything to good account; turn anything to profit
falsely-provoked arrest for obstruction; police pretending to be knocked down so as to have grounds for an arrest
storage center for impounded bicycles and motorcycles
(telephone) call forwarding; call diversion
a rolling stone gathers no moss
stalled session of the Diet (Japanese Parliament)
greater trochanter; trochanter major
fallen geisha; geisha who prostitutes herself
back handspring (gymnastics)
eloquent; fluent; smooth-spoken; (of eyebrows) shapely
transmission rate; transfer rate
conveyor belt sushi; sushi-go-round; sushi train; kaiten-zushi
surface of revolution
switchman; pointsman; rail transport worker who operated railway switches (points)
international driving permit; international driver's license
to turn misfortune into fortune (esp. through one's own efforts); to turn the potential disaster to one's advantage
to roll about with laughter; to laugh heartily
rolling stone; boulder
all's grist that comes to his mill; turn everything to good account; turn anything to profit
temporary suspension public transport service
translocation (genetics)
laid-back; carefree; easygoing; thoughtless; happy-go-lucky
conveyor belt sushi; sushi-go-round; sushi train; kaiten-zushi
(arch.) to spin; (arch.) to revolve; to be dizzy; to feel faint; to bustle about
tossing and turning in bed; turning over in bed worrying over something
acting on an impulse; doing something without considering the consequences; loose morals (e.g. of a geisha); easy virtue
folding bicycle; folding bike
root vegetables boiled in broth
prank; joke
prank; joke
brush movement where a horizontal line turns sharply downwards (in calligraphy)
age at which even the slightest things seem funny (esp. said of a girl in the late teens); (lit.) age where even chopsticks rolling is amusing
thread rolling
former Christian (forced to apostatize during the Edo period); fallen Christian
dried persimmon
stumbling; tripping; failure
a rolling stone gathers no moss
cognitive distortion
all's grist that comes to his mill; turn everything to good account; turn anything to profit
subletting and subleasing
not running (elevator)
subtenancy; sublease
transposed matrix; transpose
operating on a ten-minute schedule
running expenses; operational costs
reproduction prohibited
(railroad) switch
balance of transfer account
rotatory polarization; rotatory polarisation
all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth, death, and rebirth; the circle of transmigration
turn (stroke) of good fortune; one's fortune turning for the better
suddenly turning for the worse; sudden deterioration
sudden reversal in the tide of events; the situation taking a new turn
bike trail; bicycle trail
designated driver (to prevent drunk driving)
stock transfer; share transfer
shifting of tax; tax shifting
positive tuberculin conversion after a BCG vaccination
cramp in the calf
fishing with multiple hooks on a weighted line
fishing with multiple hooks on a weighted line
burst-mode transfer; burst operation
rotational position sensing; RPS
rotational delay time; search time
complex conjugate transpose (of a matrix)
Synchronous Transfer Mode; STM
thermal wax transfer printer
Asynchronous Transfer Mode; ATM
sticker for new car drivers (green and yellow)
tuning peg (on a biwa or shamisen)
forward handspring (gymnastics)
phase-transfer emulsification
Fries rearrangement
abduction; eversion; exodeviation; exstrophy
game in which one makes a big snowball by rolling it around in the snow
advanced thermal converter reactor
manic switch; entering a manic episode; becoming manic; cycle
translocation; drift
to knock down; to knock over
to knock down; to knock over
repledge (of collateral); repledging; subpledge
prostitution in which services are provided by several women in rotation (esp. in "pink salons")
prostitution in which anal sex services are provided by several women in rotation (esp. in "pink salons")
sound shift (esp. in historical kana); new pronunciation
sound shift (esp. in historical kana); new pronunciation
10^37218383881977644441306597687849648128; 10^(7x2^122)
tumble dryer; rotary dryer (industrial)
flip teaching; flipped classroom
reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction; RT-PCR
ring inversion; ring flip
geomagnetic reversal; reversal of Earth's magnetic field
former Christian missionary who apostatized and converted to Buddhism (during the Edo period)
former Christian missionary who apostatized and converted to Buddhism (during the Edo period)
testicular torsion; torsion of the testis; rotatis testis
testicular torsion; torsion of the testis
tachometer; revolution counter
lie-down bath (in a bathhouse or hot spring)
zoetrope (animation device)
zoetrope (animation device)
switchman; pointsman; rail transport worker who operated railway switches (points)
bicycle path; bicycle lane; bikeway
operations center (railway, power plant, etc.); control room
rotational level; rotational state
headway (between trains, etc.); frequency
lesser trochanter; trochanter minor
pronunciation of ha-column sounds in non-initial positions as wa-column sounds
conversion of agricultural land (e.g. to non-agricultural uses); conversion of farmland
Examples (200 in total)
We believed that the earth moves round the sun.
He hurt his hand when he fell.
He fell and hit his head on the floor.