FrequencyTop 2900-3000
KankenLevel 1
Composed of
Used in vocabulary (18 in total)
accent (of one's speech); dialect; provincialism; corrupted form (e.g. of word); mispronunciation
accent (of one's speech); dialect; provincialism; corrupted form (e.g. of word); mispronunciation
to speak with an accent; to be corrupted (of word); to mispronounce
provincial dialect; local accent
corruption; bastardisation
one's native dialect
mistaken account; miscommunication
provincial accent
thick voice; husky voice; guttural voice; voice with a thick accent
non-standard pronunciation; dialect; mistaken rumor; baseless gossip
provincial dialect; local accent
one's native dialect
thick voice; husky voice; guttural voice; voice with a thick accent
one's native dialect
one's native dialect
non-standard pronunciation
variant kanji form; unorthodox kanji form; incorrect kanji form
Examples (6 in total)
What kind of American accent does Tom have?
Tom has a heavy German accent.
Tom speaks English with a French accent.