FrequencyTop 900-1000
Kyōiku (5th grade) 
KankenLevel 6
Composed of
Used in kanji (2 in total)
look through something narrow
Used in vocabulary (265 in total)
scale; scope; plan; structure
rule; regulation
stipulation; prescription; provision; regulation; rule
regulation; (traffic) policing; control; restriction
regular; normal; formal; legal; established; legitimate
new; fresh; new item (e.g. customer, regulation); newly created object; new customer
irregularity; unsteadiness; disorderly
nonstandard; substandard
regular; well-regulated; systematic; orderly
order; observance; discipline; rules; law; regulations
systematic; regular; routine
standard; norm
agreement; rules; code; protocol; convention; bylaw
model; standard; pattern; norm; criterion; example
(measuring) ruler
global scale; worldwide scale
biggest; largest scale
laws and regulations; legislation
mid-range; mid-scale; mid-size
military discipline; military regulations; military rules
breach of the rules
regulars; regular soldiers
well-ordered; systematic
strict; hidebound; inflexible; being a stickler for the rules; sticking hard and fast to the rules
irregular employment; non-fulltime employment; non-regular; irregular; subnormal (number); denormal
to break the rules; to violate the rules; to infringe the rules
traffic restrictions; traffic control
official regulations; inner rules
to go by the rules; to observe the regulations
voluntary restraints; self-limitation
lesser cuckoo (Cuculus poliocephalus)
to abide (by the rules); to keep to the regulations
standard; basis; criterion; norm; reference; datum
control value; minimal required value
new customer
deregulation; removal (easing) of (official) restrictions; relaxation of regulations
standard of conduct; code of behavior; moral code; culture (of an organization)
genuine product; officially licensed product; non-counterfeit article
triangles (used in mechanical drawing); set square
new registration; registering for the first time
private regulations; bylaws; internal rules; tradition
code of ethics; ethical code; ethical consideration; ethical provision; ethics regulation; honor (honour) code
standardization; standardisation; normalization (e.g. in maths)
irregular employment; atypical employment
regulation; legislation
regular employment; typical employment
standardized article or goods; standardised article or goods
tightening of regulations
terms of service; terms of use; terms and conditions
rule; standard; compass and ruler
telecommunications standard
standard; common standard; standard rule; standard way of doing; established usage
non-fulltime worker; non-permanent worker; temp worker; temporary worker
non-standard product; non-standard goods
unconventional warfare
major power outage; massive blackout
all-out war; full-scale war
standard; standard specification
international standard
supreme law (of the land)
global scale; global magnitude; worldwide scale
irregular; undisciplined; disorganized; disorganised; slipshod
strict; hidebound; inflexible; being a stickler for the rules; sticking hard and fast to the rules
State Minister in Charge of Regulatory Reform
religious regulations
lawless; unregulated
speed limit; speed regulation
normative consciousness
regular expression; regex
enforcement regulations; regulations relative to the application of a law
deregulation; removal (easing) of (official) restrictions
school regulations; school rules
to restrict (a person) by rule
normal distribution; Gaussian distribution
legal norm; legal standard
international scale
normalization (e.g. in floating-point representation system); normalisation; standardization; standardisation
novelty (patentability requirement)
environmental regulation
existing laws; regulations now (at present) in force
industrial standard; engineering standard
partial building damage comprising 50-70% of the surface area
abolition of regulations; deregulation
regulation; standardization
society by-laws
total volume control; regulations on total allowable volumes of pollutants
T-square (technical drawing instrument)
evaluation criteria; evaluation standard
International Covenants on Human Rights; ICCPR; International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; ICESCR
cinchona bark
regulation at batting
Japanese Industrial Standards; JIS
newly listed stocks; new stock offering
rules and standards; norms; criteria
party rules; party regulations
semicircular canal
there is no rule without exceptions
Norma (constellation); the Rule
Articles of Confederation (1781)
membership agreement (e.g. for a credit card)
established rule; statute
pair of compasses
related laws and regulations
log-normal distribution; lognormal distribution
regular; well-regulated; systematic; orderly
standard value; reference value; nominal value
pair of compasses; compass (for drawing circles, etc.)
price control; price regulation
draft of a standard; draft standard
normalization; normalisation
old regulations
domestic standard; local standard
T-square (technical drawing instrument)
T-square (technical drawing instrument)
irregular forces; guerrillas
Japan Agricultural Standard; JAS
Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter (1972); London Convention
transformational rule
normalized orthogonal system; normalised orthogonal system
ortho-normalization; ortho-normalisation
voluntary export restraint; VER
Deutsche Institut fuer Normung; DIN
markup convention
application convention
control function; regulatory function; policing function
industry standard; industry norm
normalization transformation; Viewing transformation; window-to-viewport transformation
normalized form (e.g. in floating-point representation); standard form
standard normal distribution; z-distribution
fulltime worker; permanent worker
prescribed in the preceding paragraph
Law Concerning Special Measures Against Dioxins
anniversary of Shiki Masaoka's death (September 19)
compatible specification; compatible standards; conformity standards
advisory provision; discretionary provision
government rules on structure, staffing, etc. of local bodies (e.g. police force)
min-min kisei; deals between companies which restrict competition
min-min kisei; deals between companies which restrict competition
regular student (undergraduate or graduate)
exchange or research student (as opposed to regular undergraduate or graduate)
subnormal number; denormal number; denormalized number
subnormal number; denormal number; denormalized number
General Data Protection Regulation (EU, 2018); GDPR
General Data Protection Regulation (EU, 2018); GDPR
random alloy; disordered alloy
international health regulations
tincture of cinchona
Examples (150 in total)
Our class has increased in size.
How big is the company?
The factory is run on a large scale.