FrequencyTop 900-1000
Kyōiku (5th grade) 
KankenLevel 6
Composed of
Used in kanji (2 in total)
look through something narrow
Used in vocabulary (265 in total)
scale; scope; plan; structure
rule; regulation
Examples (150 in total)
Our class has increased in size.
How big is the company?
The factory is run on a large scale.
They began to manufacture the machine on a large scale.
We have very strict rules here.
There are no exceptions to this rule.
This rule isn't suited to the present situation.
I know more or less about the rules of this game.
These are the rules; act accordingly.
This is an exception to the rule.
These regulations ought to be observed by the students.
There are exceptions to every rule.
The rule should be revised.
The rules were recently relaxed.
Every rule has exceptions.
Mayuko explained the rules in detail.
It is now necessary to add another rule.
There are no rules without exceptions.
You must observe the rules of the dormitory.
He explained the rules in detail.
They are ignorant of the rules.
They lost the game but observed the rules.
There are no special rules as regards what clothes we should wear.
Please explain the rules to me.
I explained the rule to him.
I explained the rules to her.
Don't go against the rules.
You must not violate the regulations.
All of the rules must be in line with company policy.
We must follow the rules.
Rules are to be observed.
Technically he is still a student.
The rule requires that theses be written in English.
What you did is against the rules.
It is hoped that this new policy will create jobs on a large scale.
Can we apply this rule in this case?
It is not reasonable to suppose that this rule is applicable under any condition.
This rule cannot be applied to every case.
This rule can be applied to any case.
This rule is applied to foreigners only.
That rule holds good in this particular case.
This rule applies to all cases.
This rule applies to you, too.
This rule applies to any case.
This rule does not apply.
This rule doesn't apply to first-year students.
These rules apply to everybody alike.
The rule does not apply to his case.
The rule does not apply in our case.
Is that rule applicable to us foreigners?
Remember these rules.
He is doing business on a large scale.
The products are sold on a world scale.
Your attendance at classes was irregular.
His attendance is irregular.
This rule has no application to the case.
We can apply this rule to that case.
You can't apply this rule to every case.
There is a plan to restrict the use of cars in the city center.
Import restrictions have been greatly loosened of late.
The student body is opposed to the new rules.
Global climatic changes may have been responsible for the extinction of the dinosaurs.
Tom doesn't know the rules.
Regular attendance is required in that class.
You must form regular habits.
Is his pulse regular?
I think it is very good to lead a regular life.
You should practice playing the piano regularly.
Military discipline is literally rigid.
She's good at getting around rules.
We should do away with these old rules.
We should do away with this regulation.
They decided to abolish the old restriction.
The government should do away with those old regulations.
My menstrual cycle is irregular.
My period is regular.
An orderly lifestyle and a regular diet are the keys to health.
Hong Kong is the least regulated economy in Asia.
This rule cannot be applied to you.
We punished him according to the rules.
The law prescribes certain penalties for this offence.
It is not acceptable to our moral code.
I lead a regular life.
The regulation was abolished, but then it was reenacted.
He advocates a revision of the rules.
All members must follow these rules.
Draw a line with a ruler.
There is a very strict rule forbidding smoking in bed.
We can lift the restrictions on imports once the joint agreement is signed.
We must obey the traffic regulations.
The government should do away with these regulations.
The rule of the road must be strictly observed.
This rule does not apply to the case.
It is one of the biggest summer festivals.
The rule reads in two ways.
I don't know how to legally get around those regulations.
It is against the rule to cross the street while the red light is on.
Those who violate the rules will be punished.
Global warming will change the patterns of the weather world-wide.
The clause provides that all decisions shall be made by majority vote.
Acting on your advice, I've decided to exercise more regularly.
This rule cannot be applied to that case.
If you keep breaking the club rules, you'll get thrown out.
You broke the rules.
Large-scale road construction began.
He was excluded from the club for infractions of the rules.
They started a new business.
Follow these rules.
You must conform to the rules.
You should conform to the rules.
You must act in accordance with the rules.
When he was in the military, he conformed to the strict army rules.
We have to conform to the rules.
We should obey the rules.
We must conform to the rules.
You must follow the rules.
The players must abide by the rules.
These gases can lead to global warming.
Since 9.11 large scale acts of terrorism have occurred all over the world.
You must obey those rules.
It is necessary that everybody observe these rules.
We always have to follow the rules.
You must observe the rules of the club.
People have to obey the rules.
Please obey the school rules.
Routine exercise is great for your health.
The rules drivers should keep are as follows.
Anyone who breaks this rule is liable to severe punishment.
A small forest fire quickly spread and became a huge conflagration.
Everything should be done in accordance with the rules.
Please consult with an attorney when creating your company’s terms of service.
If you violate the terms of service, your account will be suspended.
Everything was done in accordance with the rules.
How is whitespace represented in regular expressions?
Tom is in favor of gun control.
We discussed gun control in social studies class.
Traffic lights are used to regulate traffic.
Every driver must follow the traffic rules.
Drivers should know traffic rules.
We should obey the traffic rules.
The traffic rules are not often obeyed.
You are to observe traffic rules.
We must obey traffic rules.
It is very important to obey the traffic rules.
You should obey the traffic rules.
His driving was against traffic rules.
The policeman blamed me for ignoring traffic rules.
You should obey the traffic laws when you drive.
I don't like learning irregular verbs.
It seems appropriate to apply these rules to the voiceless consonants.