a single grain
FrequencyTop 1400-1500
KankenLevel 4
Composed of
standing up

A single grain of rice is standing up.

(If it wasn't only a single grain you wouldn't have noticed that it's standing up.)

Used in vocabulary (123 in total)
grain; bead; drop; counter for small round objects including grains, seeds, pills, drops
particle; grain
large drop (rain, sweat, tears, etc.); large grain-like object (grape, cherry, etc.)
(a) grain; (a) drop; (a) bead
grain of rice
small grain; small stature or ability
grains of sand
grain of boiled rice
elementary particle; particle
corpuscle; minute particle; particulate
two grains; two drops; two bead
grains; lumps; granulated; lumpy; bumpiness
grain of boiled rice
uniform excellence
poppy seed; pinhead-like; small as ants
granular; granulated
coarse anko; coarse sweet red bean paste
uniform excellence
sesame seed
to become grainy
millet grain; something extremely tiny
to become grainy
kernel; grain
wheat grain
the pick; the choice
to be uniform (in size and quality); to be uniformly good
poppy seed; pinhead-like; small as ants
to be uniform (in size and quality); to be uniformly good
grain of boiled rice
toil and moil; working assiduously for; tireless hard work; painstaking labor (labour)
coarse anko; coarse sweet red bean paste
grains; lumps; granulated; lumpy; bumpiness
particle size; grain size; granularity
Higgs particle; Higgs boson
sesame seed
miliary fever; (English) sweating sickness; sweating disease; polyhidrosis; polyidrosis; sudor anglicus
grain of boiled rice
small silver coin of the Edo period
the pick; the choice
each grain; every grain
careful selection
toil and moil; working assiduously for; tireless hard work; painstaking labor (labour)
root nodule bacteria
fine grain; fine granule; microsphere
crystal grain; individual unit cell of a crystal
grain diameter; particle diameter
poppy seed; pinhead-like; small as ants
theory of elementary particles
size isn't everything; something might be small but still pack a punch; (lit.) Japanese pepper is small-grained but has a tongue-numbing tingle
grain boundary
eating rice; (cereal) grains
A single seed can eventually produce a great harvest; Even the smallest beginning can generate a greatest profit; Watch the pennies, and the pounds will look after themselves
pebrine (disease of silkworms)
tauon; tau particle; tau lepton
sty (on the eyelid); hordeolum
fundamental interaction (i.e. gravitation, electromagnetism, weak interaction, strong interaction)
poppy seed; pinhead-like; small as ants
whelk (esp. Neptunea and Buccinum spp.)
each grain; every grain
granular layer; stratum granulosum
tauon; tau particle; tau lepton
particle size distribution
fine particle fraction
chalazion (sebaceous cyst of the eyelid); tarsal cyst
Nosema bombycis (microsporidian parasite responsible for pebrine)
sizing; grading
particle size; particle diameter
point particle; point-like particle
pointless (academic) degree; meaningless qualification; useless license; (lit.) a grain of rice on the sole of the foot (must be removed, but not enough for a meal)
lesser hop trefoil (Trifolium dubium); suckling clover
black medic (Medicago lupulina); black hay; black nonsuch; blackweed
Examples (8 in total)
Two tears fell down her cheeks.
Tears rolled down her cheeks.
I have to take two pills every six hours.