bamboo blinds
FrequencyTop 2700-2800
KankenLevel Pre-1
Composed of
Used in vocabulary (30 in total)
(short) curtain hung at shop entrance; split curtain used to divide spaces in a house; reputation (of a store); good name; goodwill
bamboo blind
bamboo screen; rattan blind; bamboo mat (for rolling sushi)
not worth doing; waste of effort
bamboo screen; rattan blind
helping a long-term employee to establish a branch of the same shop
long strips of decorative paper or leather attached to a matoi
reed screen
to help a long-term employee to establish a branch of the same shop
bamboo door; door or screen made of fine bamboo strips, allowing air to pass through
curtain made of strung beads
store name written on a noren
goodwill; intangible assets (part of the acquisition price of a business paid for the name and reputation of the company rather than tangible assets)
(long-handled) bamboo winnow used to sift earth or sand
bamboo mat used in food preparation (esp. to roll sushi); sushi mat
street performance in which the performer transforms a specially made bamboo screen into various shapes while chanting an accompanying poem
combover; comb-over; (lit.) bamboo screen head (due to looking like the slats of a bamboo screen)
eastern purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea); purple coneflower
Venetian blind
local business association
short split entrance curtain
common cattail (Typha latifolia); common bulrush; common reed mace
bamboo screen still in place in autumn
piedmontite; piemontite; manganese epidote
Paphia euglypta (species of Venus clam)
embossed venus (Venus toreuma)
modulation collimator