FrequencyTop 3100-3200
KankenLevel Pre-1
Composed of
Used in vocabulary (24 in total)
(arch.) gourd; (arch.) calabash; (arch.) bottle gourd; dried gourd, used as flask
calabash (Lagenaria siceraria); bottle gourd; gourd (container); calabash
something appearing from a place you wouldn't expect; something said as a joke actually happening; (lit.) a horse from a gourd; something impossible; something ridiculous
green calabash; unripe gourd; scrawny, pale person; sallow-faced person
strips of dried gourd
one gourd; small drink (esp. of alcohol); drink one carries
bottle gourd; ensign bearing a cluster of gourds (used by Toyotomi Hideyoshi)
(person) slippery as an eel
Lagenaria siceraria var. gourda (variety of bottle gourd); gourd (container) made from its fruit; Lagenaria siceraria var. depressa (variety of bottle gourd)
something appearing from a place you wouldn't expect; something said as a joke actually happening; (lit.) a horse comes out from a gourd; something impossible; something ridiculous
strips of dried gourd
ladybug (Harmonia axyridis); ladybird
seven-spot ladybird; seven-spotted ladybug (Coccinella septempunctata)
bottle gourd; ensign bearing a cluster of gourds (used by Toyotomi Hideyoshi)
bottle gourd; ensign bearing a cluster of gourds (used by Toyotomi Hideyoshi)
bottle gourd; ensign bearing a cluster of gourds (used by Toyotomi Hideyoshi)
handsome fungus beetle (any beetle of family Endomychidae); 28-spotted ladybird (Epilachna vigintioctopunctata)
Asian lady beetle (Harmonia axyridis); Halloween beetle; harlequin ladybird
28-spotted ladybird (Epilachna vigintioctopunctata)
simple food and drink; being content with a frugal life; (lit.) a bamboo dish of rice and a gourd of drink
simple food and drink; being content with a frugal life; (lit.) a bamboo dish of rice and a gourd of drink
simple food and drink; being content with a frugal life; (lit.) a bamboo dish of rice and a gourd of drink
simple food and drink; being content with a frugal life; (lit.) a bamboo dish of rice and a gourd of drink