written sentence
FrequencyTop 200-300
Kyōiku (1st grade) 
KankenLevel 10
Composed of
folding chair legs

You have homework to do. You need to write an essay — a bunch of sentences strung together into one coherent story. But you don't have anything to sit on... Your only folding chair broke, and you only have the folding chair legs... Hey, I know! Just put a lid on it and you should be able to sit down! Yeah, the handle of the lid might might be a little bit uncomfortable when you sit on it, but what else can do you?

Used in kanji (14 in total)
crest (often of a family)
symmetrically patterned
Used in vocabulary (1395 in total)
letter (of alphabet); character; writing
complaint; grumbling; objection; phrase; words; expression
order (for an item); request; demand; condition
culture; civilization; civilisation; Bunka era (1804.2.11-1818.4.22)
to complain; to make a complaint
writing; composition; essay; sentence
spell; charm; incantation; magic word
sentence; composition; text; the literary arts (as opposed to the military arts); academia; statement
literally; to the letter; literal
civilization; civilisation; culture; Bunmei era (1469.4.28-1487.7.20)
document; writing; letter; document addressed to someone
school festival; cultural festival; annual open day school event showcasing student talent
content of a letter
thesis; essay; treatise; paper; article
literature; books (reference); document
straight line; beeline
tiny amount of money; a penny; one letter; one character; one mon (unit of currency)
library; book collection; paperback book
civil official
text (of a book, document, etc.); body (of a letter); this passage; this sentence
wording (esp. of written text); classical Chinese literary style; traditional written Chinese
literally; to the letter; literal
small-format paperback book; pocket paperback
undisputed; entirely; perfect
letter; writings
literature; the arts; art and literature; liberal arts
two characters; two letters; (arch.) garlic chives (Allium tuberosum); (arch.) Chinese chives
to complain; to lodge a complaint
character string
writing (an essay, prose, etc.); composition; formal writing with little real meaning
pattern; design
context (of a passage); line of thought; context; environment; circumstances
literary club (e.g. at school); literary section (e.g. newspaper)
humanities, social sciences, and fine arts; liberal arts
straight; as the crow flies
literary style; form of (written) language (e.g. classical, modern)
love letter
correspondence; exchange of letters
historical document; archives; old manuscript; pre-Meiji era document addressed to someone in particular
long sentence; long piece of writing (e.g. passage, letter, article, telegram)
first letter of a word; capital letter (at the start of a word or sentence); initials (of one's name)
bond; deed; contract
penniless; broke
dial (on timepiece, meter, etc.); letter board (e.g. on typewriter, writing aide for the disabled, etc.); character board
being accomplished in both the literary and military arts; doing well in both school and sports
ancient writing (i.e. Edo-period or older); classical literature; ancient Chinese character (pre-Qin period)
paltry amount of money; cheapness; worthlessness; three one-mon coins
English writing; English sentence; English text; English literature; English lit
unwritten law; common law; unwritten rule
scholar of literature; literary person; man of letters; writer
original text
chat-up line; pick-up line; (loving) words
four characters; four letters
food culture; dietary culture; cuisine
department (faculty) of literature
ancient civilization; ancient civilisation
to complain; to make a complaint
horizontal script (esp. of a European language); European writing; Roman letters; European language; Western language
threatening words
emoji; pictorial symbol; pictograph; ASCII art
inscription; epitaph; epigraph
cultural sphere
astronomical observatory
literary master
uppercase letter; capital letter; large character; large writing; the (kanji) character "dai" meaning "big"; huge character "dai" formed by fires lit on the side of a mountain in Kyoto on August 16 each year
person of culture; cultured person
whole passage; full text; whole sentence; full paragraph
official document; archives
cultural assets; cultural property
literary world; literary circles
civilized person; civilized people
literary and military arts; the pen and the sword
Chinese classical writing; Chinese classics; writing composed entirely of kanji
number of characters; number of letters; word count
additional order; adding to an existing order
man of letters; literary man
clincher; pick-up line; honeyed phrase; telling phrase; phrase that brings someone around, esp. in personal relationships
cliche; platitude; formula; set phrase
Japanese-style writing desk
cultural differences
order (for an item); request; demand; condition
written apology; written statement of regret
dirt cheap; very cheap
preface; foreword; introduction
modern convenience; convenience of civilized life; blessings of civilization
dubious document; anonymous document containing defamatory statements
person of letters; literary person
Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (1871-2001)
ancient script; ancient character; ancient alphabet
literary talent
modern Japanese; current written style
scriptural text; scriptures; sutras
text; provisions (act, treaty)
cryptogram; cipher text
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; MEXT
blameless; above reproach; beyond reproach; faultless; perfect
fixed phrase; canned phrase; standard wording; template; boilerplate
different culture; foreign culture
demanding; difficult; strict
pure literature; belles-lettres
to complain; to lodge a complaint
written description of one's thoughts
works cited; references
in the sentence; in the text; Bunchū era (of the Southern Court) (1372.4.?-1375.5.27)
emoticon; smiley; kaomoji
stipulation; stating clearly; documenting in writing; stating explicitly
example sentence; illustrative sentence; model sentence
sales pitch; sales lure; catchphrase
sentence structure; grammatical construction
Jōmon period (ca. 14000-1000 BCE)
civilized society; civilised society
five characters; five letters; five-syllable verse of a waka, haiku, renga, etc.; first five syllables of a waka, haiku, renga, etc.
stationery shop; a stationer
sales message; sales copy
short sentence; short piece of writing (e.g. passage, article, composition)
catchphrase; promotional line; slogan
penniless; broke
corruption (of text, e.g. in email, due to improper encoding); garbling; illegal character; corrupted text; garbled text
mon; one-thousandth of a kan (unit of currency 1336-1870); 2.4 cm (traditional unit used to measure shoe sizes); letter; character; scripture
letter affixed to an arrow
important cultural property; important cultural asset
civilization and enlightenment; Japan's Westernization movement during the Meiji era (Westernisation)
classified document; confidential document
box for letters and papers; box used to carry or deliver letters
same text; same wording; same script; same language
demanding; difficult; strict
descriptive (narrative) part
Bunkyū era (1861.2.19-1864.2.20)
straw-rope pattern pressed into earthenware; Jōmon period (ca. 14000-1000 BCE)
hieroglyph; hieroglyphic character
Java sparrow; Java rice finch (Lonchura oryzivora, Padda oryzivora)
famous literary composition
paperback edition
gold or gilt letters
poetry and prose; literature; literary works
literary art; literary activity; writing
civilized nation; civilised nation
threatening letter; intimidating letter
humanities; liberal arts; social science; literary course; department of literature
educational policies or administration; Bunsei era (1818.4.22-1830.12.10)
end of a sentence
very small amount of money; penny; cent; nickel; dime
Japanese literature
literary history; history of literature
written order; order form
publish in paperback
meaning of a sentence
scented insert (to enclose with a letter); perfumed insert
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; MEXT
short essay; pamphlet; tract
(the products of) culture or civilization (civilisation)
address to the gods; type of song which spread from mountain hermits to the laity during the Kamakura era
Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
the literary world; literary circles
rounded handwriting
buy order (e.g. shares)
verse; poetry
box for holding papers or stationery
cultural history
research thesis; treatise
translated sentence; translated passage; translation; version; rendering
the above sentence; the foregoing remark; preamble (to a statute, constitution, etc.); opening part of a letter (used for season's greetings, asking after someone's health, etc.)
literary magazine
stationery store; stationery shop; stationer's
ornamental writing (esp. initial letters); decorative lettering; fancy script
Japanese puppet theatre (theater); bunraku
seventh month of the lunar calendar
Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (1871-2001)
young literary enthusiast
Kanbun era (1661.4.25-1673.9.21)
sell order (e.g. shares)
character information; character data; textual data
lowercase letter; small letter
written appeal; manifesto; declaration
the text; the main clause; the main part of a document
English(-language) literature; British literature
Minister of Education
cultural exchange; cross-cultural communication; contacts between different cultures
proclamation; statement
Manjushri; Manjusri; Bodhisattva that represents transcendent wisdom
writer; author; literary person; one who lives from writing
written protest
literature; the arts; art and literature; liberal arts
one (written) character; (arch.) Welsh onion (Allium fistulosum)
technical civilization; technical civilisation
penniless; broke
four-character compound word (usu. idiomatic)
modern civilization; modern civilisation
humanity; civilization; civilisation; culture
civil administration; Bunji era (1185.8.14-1190.4.11)
woman's handwriting; hiragana
interrogative sentence
(in) the shape of the character hachi (eight)
humanities and sciences; social sciences and hard sciences; context; (line of) reasoning
liberal arts; humanities
three heads are better than two; (lit.) if three people gather; the wisdom of Manjushri
written oath
(Japanese) Agency for Cultural Affairs
character written by brush; brush-stroke character
phrase; clause; basic linguistic unit in Japanese grammar
poor piece of writing; my poor writing
Manjushri; Manjusri; Bodhisattva that represents transcendent wisdom
temper pattern of a sword blade
catchphrase; promotional line; slogan
illiteracy; illiterate person; an illiterate
Western civilization; Western civilisation
draft (of a document)
travel writing; travel piece; traveller's journal; traveler's journal
semi-European-style house; type of Japanese house incorporating Western elements that was made popular in the 1920s and 1930s
judgment paper; judgement paper
blameless; above reproach; beyond reproach; faultless; perfect
imperative sentence; imperative statement
national literature
department of English literature
flowery prose
sic; sic erat scriptum; the quoted matter has been transcribed exactly as found in the source text
mass culture; pop culture; popular culture; culture of the people (as opposed to the elite)
moral culture; spiritual culture; culture born through the workings of the human mind (science, religion, philosophy, religion, art, etc.)
written language; literary language; classical (or formal) written style based on Heian-period Japanese
material civilization; material civilisation
handwritten letter; handwritten character
religious oath in writing; written vow to the gods
Bunroku era (1592.12.8-1596.10.27)
literary criticism or theory
doctoral dissertation; doctoral thesis
Japanese text; sentence in Japanese
very small amount of money; penny; cent; nickel; dime
Bunten exhibition; art exhibition sponsored by the Ministry of Education (antecedent of the Nitten exhibition)
hieroglyph; hieroglyphics
undisputed; entirely; perfect
written prayer for a shrine or Buddhist temple
book; literary work
figure; design; style (of writing); figure (of speech); design; plot; minor market fluctuation
the wisdom of Manjushri
literary miscellany
literary criticism; book review
official document; archives
treatise; monograph; study; paper (scientific, technical)
Lindera triloba (species of spicebush)
Lindera umbellata (species of spicebush); toothpick; natural wooden chopsticks (tea ceremony); black characters; black text
written letters; handwriting
contemporary literature; modern literature
civilized world; civilised world
cultural aspect
greeting phrase (in letter, etc.); salutation
literary profession; writing
collected papers; collected works; collection of articles and essays
plain text; unciphered text
modern civilization; modern world
cliche; platitude; formula; set phrase
text of the law
the Japanese syllabary symbols
order-taking; salesperson
humanities; social sciences; liberal arts
Bachelor of Arts; BA; B.A.
one (written) character; (arch.) Welsh onion (Allium fistulosum)
man of letters; writer
astronomical figure; astronomical number
circular (document); circulating letter; palindrome
Genbun era (1736.4.28-1741.2.27)
private document
English letter; alphabetic character
Minister of Education, Science and Culture
(enervating) attraction to books or learning
Cyrillic alphabet; Cyrillic character
education; culture
diplomatic papers or documents
Order of Culture; Order of Cultural Merit
Japanese writing; Japanese text
(China's) Cultural Revolution (1966-76)
ideogram; ideograph; ideographic script
ignorant and illiterate; uneducated and illiterate; uneducated and illiterate person
start of a sentence, phrase, etc.
text entry; character entry
Culture Day (national holiday; November 3)
special order; custom order; bespoke (goods)
explicit statement (e.g. law); express provision
straw rope-patterned ancient Japanese pottery
Greek character; Greek characters
Manjusri (Bodhisattva); Monju; Monjushuri; Wenshu
Mesopotamian civilization (civilisation)
history of civilization
password; secret spell; secret phrase
unification of the written and spoken forms of a language
tattoo (esp. a traditional Japanese one); tattooing
all the officials, both military and civil
crest of the Sanada clan (featuring six sen coins, trad. to pay for crossing the Sanzu River)
English composition
writing in a European language; European text; Roman letters
department of Japanese literature
tape transcription; transcribing from recorded tape; audio-typing
a sentence; one sentence; (short) piece of writing
confidential document; confidential paper; classified document
fingerspelling (in sign language for the deaf); finger alphabet
civilian control (of the military)
literary (and the arts) column
arranging a group of people so as to form a character or spell out a message
responsibility for wording of an article
cultural facilities (art galleries, tea rooms, etc.)
penniless; broke
main text (as opposed to any included commentary or annotations); authentic text (e.g. of a treaty, as opposed to any translation not specified as authentic); Chinese classical literature
study; scholarship; learning; discipline; branch of learning; (a) science
Bun'ei era (1264.2.28-1275.4.25)
letter of responsibility (for a crime)
phonetic symbol; phonogram; phonetic script
tangible cultural properties
bad style; poor writing
literary matters
Chinese classical literature; Chinese classics
public records office; archives
ornate initial; capital letters; flowers planted to form characters
Egyptian civilization (civilisation)
ready-made seal; cheap seal
country with a high level of culture
(love) letter tossed into a home
(skilled) writer; essayist
civil and military officers
witty (happy, apt) remark; well-worded saying; epigram; aphorism
pattern; design; distinction
dead letter
sentence pattern
report to the throne
astronomical unit; AU
epistolary style (of Japanese literature)
Buddhist revelation through intuitive discernment; Spiritual awakening cannot be experienced with words and letters; Spiritual enlightenment can be attained only by means of communion of mind with mind (Zen Buddhism)
literary embellishments
Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
culture of everyday life
sic; sic erat scriptum; the quoted matter has been transcribed exactly as found in the source text
elegant or refined style
literary style; classical style
French; French writing; French literature
hack writer
cultural science (Rickert's "Kulturwissenschaft")
philosophy of culture
character encoding (e.g. JIS, Unicode, etc.); character code
department of French literature
study or science of literature; a liberal arts department
lost work; lost writings; partially lost work; literary fragment; work of a superior quality
literary remains
culture; arts and sciences
writing (style)
translation; piece of translated writing; translated sentence
writing style
unwritten; illiterate; uneducated; poor writing
many cultures; multicultural
astronomical phenomenon; celestial event
writers and artists; persons who take delight in such refined pursuits as poetry, literature, painting and calligraphy
declarative statement
Tenbun era (1532.7.29-1555.10.23)
compound sentence; sentenced formed of two independent clauses; important cultural property; important cultural asset
first Japanese invasion of Korea (1592-93)
attached document; attachment; insert; package insert (medical)
Ministry of Culture (e.g. in China)
Western civilization; Western civilisation
box for letters and papers; box used to carry or deliver letters
simple sentence
physiography; physiographical features
colloquial writing; text written in a spoken form of the language
type picking; anthology; selection of literary works
negative sentence
art and literature
draft; draft proposal
archive; archives
lettering on the spine of a book
written expression; writing
circular (document); circulating letter; palindrome
literary fame
method of ordering; procedures for ordering
drawn lettering; sound effects lettering
sample sentence
Japanese (language)
written law; statutory law
legal provisions; verse
written report to the gods; imperial edict; written appeal to a superior
skilled writing
inflammatory pamphlets
bunbuku chagama (a mythical raccoon dog transformed into a teapot)
declarative sentence
literature written in diary form
unpatterned (e.g. clothes, pottery); unfigured; plain
Bunna era (of the Northern Court) (1352.9.27-1356.3.28); Bunwa era
style of Southern Chinese painting
writing characters in the air with one's behind (by moving one's hips)
Greek character; Greek characters
Hebrew alphabet; Hebrew letter
very small amount of money; penny; cent; nickel; dime
school of popular writing
methods of writing; rules of good writing; writing style guide
Bun'an era (1444.2.5-1449.7.28); Bunnan era
ancient Japanese characters (regarded today as created at a much more recent date)
this thesis; this article; the article under consideration
English-Japanese translation
gold letters; letters written in gold paint
faculty of humanities
story (verbal) problem; problem expressed in words
British and American literature
civilized world; civilised world
Indus (valley) civilization (civilisation)
elegant (literary) style
Chinese language (written); Chinese literature
cultural progress; advance of the arts
unpunctuated Chinese texts
afterword; epilogue; postscript
writing system using unconventional characters and symbols, esp. used by young women in texting
Aztec civilization (civilisation)
inscription; epitaph; composing the text for an inscription, usu. an epitaph
women's writing; literature written by women
humorous writing
poor writing
intangible cultural asset
Law for the Protection of Cultural Properties (1950)
character data
to make a false accusation
the four great civilizations of the world (China, Babylon, India and Egypt as put forward by Chinese scholar Liang Qichao in 1900)
Yellow River civilization; Huang civilization; cradle of Chinese civilization
Litsea cubeba
poor writing; bad writing; rambling prose
dirt cheap; very cheap
custom-built home; built-to-order house
hieroglyph; hieroglyphics
word used mainly in writing; literary language
Phoenician alphabet; Phoenician character
Cultural Affairs Department
pomelo (Citrus maxima); shaddock
Chinese bronze inscriptions; type of lettering used on metal objects, especially in China during the Yin and Zhou dynasties
hieratic (ancient Egyptian script)
block of multiple characters arranged in a space equivalent to that of a single character
modern literature
beautifully written (Chinese) character
pocket paperback size (approx. A6)
Tibetan character
silver-gilt letters; silvery letters
flavor of literary style; flavour of literary style
French literature
written resolution
authentic text (as opposed to a copy or duplicate)
classical style
entry kanji in a kanji dictionary; capital letter; matrix (printing); kanji corresponding to furigana
edict from a senior official in government or military which had the status of a binding official document
Kulturkampf (church-state conflict in Prussia; 1872-1887)
phrases, etc. at the ends of letters, etc.
heavy double-handled pot used for making rice
interpreting an English text
Latin alphabet; Latin character
intimidating language
flat sedge hat; bamboo hat
pre-order; advance order
The Lord's Prayer
multibyte character; multibyte encoding; variable-width encoding
man's handwriting; kanji; Chinese characters
woman's loincloth (worn as a kimono underskirt); single-layer absorbent bathrobe (worn during or after a bath)
popular literature
monme; Edo period silver coin worth between 1/50th-1/80th of a ryō
official terminology
Western word or sentence; word created by translating components of a Western word
literary talent
following sentence; succeeding sentence
organizational culture; culture of an organization
straw-rope pattern pottery; Jomon ware
wooden spoon; ladle; rice scoop
the style is the man; the style is the man himself
figure of speech
written language; literary language
Japanese-English translation
personal meeting (esp. used by females)
Bunki era (1501.2.29-1504.2.30)
custom-made clothing
cultural museum; museum of culture
prose with a poetic haiku flavor (flavour)
paleography; the study of ancient writings
variant (in a manuscript or book); part of a text that differs from other versions
stone monument bearing an inscription (esp. memorial for future generations); stele; stela
person who has made outstanding cultural contributions
oral literature; folklore
cross-cultural; intercultural
doctor of literature
Enbun era (of the Northern Court) (1356.3.28-1361.3.29)
written contribution; submission (to a newspaper, online forum, etc.)
indecent writings; pornography
Bunshō era (1466.2.28-1467.3.5)
dead letter; meaningless writing
love story; erotic literature
history of Japanese literature
repeat order; reorder
made-to-order production; job order production; production to order
Aegean civilization (civilisation)
cliche; platitude; formula; set phrase
affirmative sentence
recipient of an order
comparative literature
method of writing; syntax
hangul (Korean script)
East Asian evergreen forest culture (theory)
to distort; to parody; to make a pun
(my) poor writing; scribbling; hasty writing
Russian alphabet; Russian characters
ignorant and illiterate
reportage; documentary
undisputedly; perfectly
damaging article published by the Shūkan Bunshun weekly
skilled in writing
epistolary style; style of written correspondence
negative question; question asked in the negative (e.g. "Can't you read Japanese?")
collection of essays contributed in celebration of something; festschrift
stinginess; miserliness
German literature; German sentence
Charter Oath (of the Meiji Emperor); Five-Point Imperial Covenant; Imperial Oath of Five Articles
four-letter word (esp. in English)
physical geography
mixed writing of literary Japanese and Chinese
Japanese typewriter; typewriter that can type using Japanese characters
early-modern literature; Edo-period literature (1600-1867)
Egyptian script (i.e. hieroglyphs, hieratic, and demotic)
writing composed entirely of kana; kana text; letter composed entirely of kana
continued statement
spell; charm; incantation; magic word
governing by law and reason rather than by military force
half-width character; single-byte character (ASCII, single-byte kana from JIS 201, etc.)
descriptive composition
funeral address
text written in literary style
dramatic literature
annotation; explanatory note
apocalyptic literature
personal letter; epistolary style
cuneiform (writing)
concrete syntax (of SGML)
end of a sentence; sentence final
conditional statement
three heads are better than two; (lit.) if three people gather; the wisdom of Manjushri
algebraic equation; polynomial; character expression; literal expression
culture of the printed word; book culture
tab character
horizontal (Western) writing
order to buy or sell; buy-sell order
kana literature; works written in kana in the Heian period
(piece of) writing in colloquial style; vulgar writing
this academic subject or field of study; Confucian studies
participial construction; participle construction
idle words (in a written passage); useless words; empty words
visual culture; culture of visual images; (screen) image culture
blameless; above reproach; beyond reproach; faultless; perfect
writing into law; codification; enacting
clever use of words to advance an argument; tricky manipulation of law
model composition
Bunpō era (1317.2.3-1319.4.28)
kumon; official documents submitted to the central government (ritsuryo system)
complex sentence; sentence with an independent clause and at least one dependent clause
merchant class culture that flourished in Edo during the Bunka-Bunsei period
personal meeting (esp. used by females)
the four great civilizations of the world (China, Babylon, India, and Egypt; as put forward by Chinese scholar Liang Qichao in 1900)
joint communique; joint statement
Montoku Jitsuroku (fifth of the six classical Japanese history texts)
text decoration (e.g. character and font effects, underline, etc.)
transcription of Chinese classics into Japanese
length of a character string
chat-up line; pick-up line; (loving) words
miscellanist; miscellaneous writer
speckles; spotted pattern
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization; UNESCO
seal script character
character position
red letter style; cutesy fashion style named after fashion magazines featuring it (whose cover titles are printed in red or pink)
respect for literary culture
Aramaic letter
Imjin War (1592-1597); Hideyoshi's invasions of Korea
character recognition
epistolary style; epistolary phrase
the foregoing; the forgoing
legendary literature; narrative literature
mixed writing of literary Japanese and Chinese
the pleasures of literature
ghost character (apocryphal JIS kanji); phantom character
narration; description
Diet members with a special interest in education
oral literature; folk literature
oral literature; folk literature
random jottings; rambling essays
cross-cultural; comparative culture
essay-type test; essay-based examination
erotic or pornographic literature (Edo period)
(China's) Cultural Revolution (1966-76)
emphatic (sentence) construction
radio astronomy observatory
input sentence; input statement
Manjusri (bodhisattva)
Sanskrit writing; Sanskrit text; Sanskrit scripture; scripture in Sanskrit characters
(the so-called) kanji culture
civil official (esp. dealing with literary matters)
biographical literature
assignment statement
faculty of law and literature
difficult sentence
Japanese literature; Japanese writing; Japanese text
word created by retaining the first syllable (or two) of a word and suffixing it with the word "moji"
creating patterns in human flesh through scarification
colloquial grammar; grammar of modern spoken and written Japanese
abridged sentence
same race and same script
full-width character; regular character in the JIS, Unicode, etc. standards
Bunten exhibition; annual art exhibition sponsored by the Ministry of Education (antecedent of the Nitten exhibition)
pre-literate society; non-literate society
history of civilization; history of civilisation
eight-legged essay (classical Chinese style of essay writing)
arabesque; scrollwork
circular (document); circulating letter
linear script (e.g. Linear A, Linear B)
to not try to fix an error but rather make it look good on the surface only
literary revolution (of China; post-1917 emphasis on vernacular forms)
Heian-period kana writing
transcription of Chinese classics into Japanese
alphanumeric; alphameric
Saxifraga fortunei var. alpina (species of rockfoil flower)
twisting of the truth in one's writing; playing with text to distort the truth
fountainhead of culture; Ministry of Education
same race and same language
study of historical documents; diplomatics; diplomatic; paleography; palaeography
anthology; literary world; collection of literary masterpieces
teletext broadcasting
pornographic literature; sensual literature; erotic literature
Nihon Montoku Tennō Jitsuroku (fifth of the six classical Japanese history texts)
written law; statute law
block of multiple characters arranged in a space equivalent to that of a single character
(Edo-period) humorous literature
addendum (to a treaty or contract); annex; annexure; subordinate clause
ogham; ogham script
Bun'ō era (1260.4.13-1261.2.20)
sic; sic erat scriptum; the quoted matter has been transcribed exactly as found in the source text
Japanese containing expressions literally translated from European languages
kanji cultural sphere; countries where Chinese characters are used or were historically used
pomelo (Citrus maxima); shaddock
shorthand symbol; stenograph; stenographic character; shorthand script
the Bunmeikan Theater
character width
inverted sentence
width of character
patterned (e.g. clothes, pottery); figured
executable statement
cultural association
Japanese grammar (esp. traditional)
reading classical Chinese aloud without trying to understand the meaning; reading a kanji compound using the Japanese pronunciation of each of its characters
the literary set
height of character
four-letter word (vulgar English term, e.g. fuck)
(historical) government office
Palaeolithic culture; Paleolithic culture
character body
machine-dependent character; platform-dependent character
single kanji that is read twice (with different pronunciations) in the Japanese reading of Chinese texts
Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
in calligraphy, the four important tools of brush, ink stone, ink stick, and paper
business correspondence
reading a classical Chinese text in Japanese
letter spacing; tracking
warning message; warning label
transformational generative grammar
epigraph on a stone monument; ancient inscriptions on monuments
force of a literary style
type of lacquer ware
Bunka-Bunsei period (approx. 1804-1830 CE)
the five sentence structures (SV, SVC, SVO, SVOO, SVOC)
hairpiece; false hair; switch; (arch.) hair
fundamental culture (concept proposed by German folklorist Hans Naumann); deep culture
compound ideograph (one of the six kanji classifications); kanji made up of meaningful parts (e.g. "mountain pass" is up + down + mountain)
demotic (ancient Egyptian script)
(family) crest; coat of arms; pattern; figure
common orient clam (Meretrix lusoria)
preface; foreword; introduction
scriptural text; scriptures; sutras
Hifumi (script)
muni (Indian ascetic or sage); Buddha
sic; sic erat scriptum; the quoted matter has been transcribed exactly as found in the source text
sic; sic erat scriptum; the quoted matter has been transcribed exactly as found in the source text
dictionary of Chinese characters; kanji dictionary
sic; sic erat scriptum; the quoted matter has been transcribed exactly as found in the source text
lost work; lost writings; partially lost work; literary fragment; work of a superior quality
round design
pomelo (Citrus maxima); shaddock
figure of speech
indecent writings; pornography
letter dropped in the road; Japanese insect
stinginess; miserliness
mixed writing (kanji and kana)
annotation; explanatory note
Imjin War (1592-1597); Hideyoshi's invasions of Korea
word created by retaining the first syllable (or two) of a word and suffixing it with the word "moji"
Russian text; text written in Russian; Russian literature; Russian literature faculty
consonant (in the Siddham script)
subject; theme
Chinese phoenix pattern
reply letter; retranslation (into the original language)
seventh lunar month
easy (simple) writing
missing character
missing passage; lacuna
(a) penny store; business on a small scale
lettering of an engraving
lower-case letters
mixed writing (kanji and kana)
mixed writing (kanji and kana)
missing part (of manuscript)
backspace character; BS
responsive readings
Japanese shubunkin goldfish variety
commercial correspondence
unwritten law; common law
indistinct; obscure
number of phrases
refined; handsome and solid in character
uncodified constitution; unwritten constitution
(inadvertent) redundancy in a text
market order; order without limit
market order; order without limit
market order; order without limit
being versed in the literary and military arts
colorful pattern; colourful pattern
oracle bone script
subject of a composition
elucidation of a difficult passage
to construct a sentence
phrase structure grammar; PSG
lexical-functional grammar; LFG
parenthetic sentence
easily misunderstood sentence; garden-path sentence; (lit.) cul-de-sac sentence
character coding system
semasio-phonetic character (combining semantic and phonetic components)
Minister for Culture and Tourism
writing style used to write the rankings
humorous erotic literature
bout that goes according to a wrestler's strategy; match that goes according to one's plan
well up in both literary and military (martial) arts; well skilled in wielding both the sword and the pen
bizarre literature; literature of the bizarre
stone inscription; epigraphy
Timor dusky sparrow (Lonchura fuscata, Padda fuscata)
doctoral degree (e.g. PhD) by thesis only
Bunryaku era (1234.11.5-1235.9.19)
bronze-vessel and bell inscriptions
ordinary woman secretly engaged in prostitution (Edo period)
(Sun Yat-sen's) Three Principles of the People
Japanese text; sentence in Japanese
Hangul (Korean script)
tao-tie engraving; figure of a creature of Chinese mythology engraved on bronze ware during the Yin-Chou dynasty
exclamatory sentence; exclamation
exclamatory sentence; exclamation
lesser cuckoo (Cuculus poliocephalus)
transformational grammar
pre-Jomon period (i.e. the preceramic period)
Amarna letters (archive of Egyptian correspondence, recorded on clay tablets)
document chest
large seal script (dating from China's Spring and Autumn period onward)
mother; wife
mother; wife
ancient clan record (incl. their origins, their achievements, etc.)
the five basic sentence structures (SV, SVC, SVO, SVOO, SVOC)
sentential negation; sentence negation; statement negation
Sinhala alphabet
school grammar; system of Japanese grammar used in Japanese schools and dictionaries
ungrammatical sentence
escape character; ESC
system documentation
data character
null character
null character string
block check character; BCC
markup character
quoted (character) string
upper-case letters; upper-case alphabetics
shunned character
basic statement
function character
function character identification parameter
punctuation character
empty string; null string
type declaration statement
result document type (of a link)
source document type (of a link)
arithmetic statement
magnetic ink character
Magnetic Ink Character Reader; Magnetic Ink Character Recognition; MICR
Magnetic Ink Character Reader; Magnetic Ink Character Recognition; MICR
Magnetic Ink Character Reader; Magnetic Ink Character Recognition; MICR
magnetic ink character recognition; MICR
procedure branching statement
format effector; layout character
graphic character
graphic character string
device-dependent version of public text
multibyte character
replacement text
replacement character
intermediate character
double width character
delimited scope statement
relation character
nonexecutable statement
illegal character
additional character
partial (character) string; substring
compound statement
statement keyword
statement label
statement function
character class
character set
character pitch
character repertoire
character height
characters per inch; CPI
character manipulation
character image
character display (device); character-imaging device
character-coded-data-element; CC data element
character string type
document type specification
document type definition; DTD
document architecture; document body
grammar error; syntax error
contextual sequence
compiler directing statement
imperative statement; unconditional statement
(academic) journal
codified constitution; written constitution
culture of a higher order (as opposed to fundamental culture)
closing recital that transfers the merit of the service to a buddha, a bodhisattva, or the dead
compound-complex sentence
ungrammatical sentence
passive sentence
Specialist in Humanities (Japanese visa category)
Specialist in Humanities (Japanese visa category)
knotted cords used to record figures, facts, etc.; quipu
grammar of the classical literature; classical grammar
Etruscan character; Etruscan alphabet
Dongba script (used by the Naxi People in southern China); Tomba script; Tompa script
writing (poetry); composing
love letter; letter proposing marriage
variant characters (usu. kanji or kana)
cannot be taken (order)
knotted letter
language used when writing letters
Edo period office in charge of compiling the koyomi, astronomical measurements, surveying, translating Western books, etc.
inscription of a fantastic birdlike creature found on Yin and Zhou dynasty bronze ware, etc.
inscription of a fantastic birdlike creature found on Yin and Zhou dynasty bronze ware, etc.
(ritsuryo system) teacher responsible for training in astronomy, astrology, calendar-making, etc.
textbook approved by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; government-approved textbook
textbook approved by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; government-approved textbook
logogram; logograph
logogram; logograph
kanbun converted into literary Japanese
kanbun converted into literary Japanese
colloquial language style; everyday language style
normal style of writing; modern Japanese text; text written in literary style with mixed kanji and kana (until the Taisho era)
dictionary of kanbun grammar and usage
literary style from the Heian era onwards, often mainly in kana and written by women
regular kanbun (following the rules of classical Chinese grammar)
post-Jōmon period (mainly Hokkaido; 3rd to 7th century BC); epi-Jōmon period
International Phonetic Alphabet; IPA
hiragana character "i"; hiragana character "hi"
cross-wise writing; alphabet usually written horizontally
Chinese characters; kanji
Japanese syllabary symbols; kana
Cretan script (Cretan hieroglyphs, Linear A, Linear B)
quipu; khipu; talking knots
koi carp; flour
fish; mackerel
Sinai inscriptions; proto-Sinaitic script
triangular pattern of objects
phonetic symbol; phonogram
Japanized version of classical Chinese (used from Heian period onward)
ancient seal-script character
mirror writing; mirrored script
searching with natural language; natural sentence search
letters from exiled Europeans in Jakarta to their Japanese wives and half-Japanese children (during the Edo period)
word form used in literary language
bond; deed; contract
optical character recognition; OCR
hidden character; non-printable character
Japanese typewriter; typewriter that can type using Japanese characters
confidential report to the ruler of the country of astronomical events and their astrological interpretation
garlic (Allium sativum)
embarrassed; ashamed of
archaeoastronomy; archeoastronomy
archaeoastronomy; archeoastronomy
person of letters; poet
blue letter style; comparatively mature fashion style named after fashion magazines featuring it (whose cover titles are printed in blue)
New Culture Movement (revolutionary movement in China, 1917-1921)
autobiography; autobiographical literature
scholarship and swordsmanship are one and the same; the literary and the military are the same path
the four great Japanese grammar texts (Yamada, Matsushita, Hashimoto and Tokieda)
words betray one's character
ideological literature (esp. left-wing)
hangul (Korean script); (arch.) proverb
picture formed from letters; painting representing reeds around water with rocks, grass or birds made using characters (Heian period)
double-size character; character with a doubled width and/or height
the pen is mightier than the sword
Western typewriter; typewriter using Roman letters
shippō pattern (of overlapping circles)
Asahi characters; simplified kanji formerly used by the Asahi Shimbun newspaper
grammatical category
featural script (e.g. hangul); featural writing system
writing entirely in kanji
writing entirely in kanji
Tanaka memorial (document, ca. 1927)
image overlaid with text
I want to send a (love) letter but I cannot write
I want to send a (love) letter but I cannot write
funeral eulogy; memorial address
Longshan culture (China, 3000-1900 BCE); Lung-shan culture; Black Pottery culture
Kaida glyphs; pictograms formerly used in the Yaeyama Islands
Kaida glyphs; pictograms formerly used in the Yaeyama Islands
Kumon method (of learning)
confusing piece of writing; incomprehensible sentence
(one's) native culture
bunkafu; tablature notation system used for shamisen music
kanji "literature" radical (radical 67)
lesser cuckoo (Cuculus poliocephalus)
Oxytropis megalantha (species of locoweed)
Polystichum tripteron (species of the wood fern family)
Examples (200 in total)
How do you read this character?
I can't read small letters.
Can he write this character?