FrequencyTop 100-200
Kyōiku (4th grade) 
Shinjitai ?
KankenLevel 7
Old form
Composed of

You must continue to sell lots of thread, as that's the only thing you have; if not you'll run out of money and starve.

Used in vocabulary (367 in total)
to continue; to keep up; to keep on
to continue; to last; to continue (without a break); to be unbroken; to occur again and again; to lead to; to connect to
continuation; rest (of the story, work, etc.); flow (e.g. of a piece of writing); pacing (of a story); succession (of); sequence
Examples (200 in total)
Well, OK. Continue.
You're doing very well. Keep it up.
He continued doing it.
He kept on laughing at me.
I don't have the strength to keep trying.
She kept on talking while eating.
I kept speaking.
Carry on with your work.
She continued with the work.
I continued working.
I am still waiting for him since that day.
They carried on talking even after the teacher came in.
I think you're the woman I've been waiting for all my life.
I asked him to stop talking, but he still went on.
Keep smiling.
He kept reading a book.
I continued reading the book.
I don't know how long it'll last.
Read after me.
It won't last long.
He has decided to carry on the work.
The little girl just kept crying.
He kept on crying.
She kept on crying.
That happiness won't last.
His happiness didn't last long.
I've decided to keep doing that.
I have decided to carry on the work.
Go on with your story. That is so interesting!
Is the game still going on?
Their conversation went on.
She went on reading and didn't answer me.
All we can do is carry on the work until we finish it.
He kept on telling the same story over and over.
He keeps on phoning me, and I really don't want to talk to him.
Even though he was tired, he went on with his work.
Though he was tired, he kept on working.
I wonder how long this rain will last.
I think you had better stick to your present job.
He continued his work after a short break.
The war lasted two years.
You should keep on until you succeed.
Even if he doesn't come here, I'll go on waiting for him.
Please keep on working even when I'm not here.
They remained good friends.
She went on talking to her friend even after the class began.
It is difficult to keep up a conversation with someone who only says "yes" and "no".
There followed a prolonged silence.
There followed a long silence.
He carried on with his work although he was tired.
She was too tired to go on working.
The explosion that followed killed many people.
He will love her forever.
I hope it keeps raining.
The police continued their investigation.
I kept singing.
I have been reading the book all afternoon.
We must continue to study as long as we live.
The weather will remain cold for several days.
He continued the experiment.
The road which leads to the hotel is narrow.
Happiness doesn't last forever.
She'll love her husband forever.
This road goes to the park.
I wonder how long this heat will last.
I don't remember the next part of the dream.
We'll continue tomorrow.
She kept on talking after I asked her to stop.
The doctor continued to observe the patient's behavior.
Things continued this way for over a week.
Keep climbing.
They continued eating as if nothing had happened.
I've been waiting for three years.
Do keep practicing!
How long will this storm last?
Once you begin, you must continue.
How long will the storm last?
All life is a series of activities.
Life is by no means a series of failures.
For 32 years, I've been living in suffering!
He continued his research for a further ten years.
The war lasted nearly ten years.
Their conversation was carried on for about an hour.
This area will continue to be rainy.
In other areas of the city, fighting continued.
The war is still going on.
You should persist in your efforts to learn English.
I have been studying English for five years.
The threat increases; a defence that doesn't evolve is meaningless.
He tried to comfort her, but she kept crying.
How long will this situation last?
How long have you had the pain?
Please continue with your story. It's really interesting.
If you want to make your dreams come true, keep on trying.
Please keep the fire burning.
I tried to change the subject, but they went on talking about politics.
The meeting continued late into the night.
The team won the championship for five years running.
The living room adjoins the dining room.
We can not carry on conversation in such a noisy room.
People who keep on learning are those who follow the path of success.
He kept on telling lies.
If I were in good health, I could pursue my studies.
Keep digging.
His life was a long series of failures.
I explained the procedure to him.
Follow me and do exactly the way I do it.
Let's carry on the discussion.
Father kept in touch with us by mail and telephone while he was overseas.
Our friendship did not last.
The road continues for many miles.
This river extends for hundreds of miles.
She then proceeded to negotiate with her bank.
She continued her job in the bank.
How long will this rain go on?
Since the rain stopped, they resumed the game.
For how long will I continue to have these symptoms?
It rained three days on end.
The dog kept on barking.
He went on talking as though nothing had happened.
He went on reading the book as if nothing had happened.
This custom dates from ancient times.
The period of hot weather is very short here.
I wonder how long this cold weather will last.
I hope this fine weather holds.
How long will this cold weather continue?
I hope the weather stays this way.
He crouched and went on crying.
They kept us waiting outside for a long time.
It lasted for almost an hour.
I have been waiting for a friend of mine for an hour.
The court session lasted for three hours.
The footprints continued down to the river.
He went on reading while he ate.
I continued reading.
Continue reading.
The student missed class three times in a row.
It's become a hassle to keep on dyeing my hair.
They carried on with the construction in the face of strong opposition from the residents.
Don't keep criticizing me!
Discussions are ongoing.
It rained for several days on end.
The recreation area remains open to the public.
The ceremony was followed by the reception.
The teacher went on talking for two hours.
The film lasted 2 hours.
The cost of operating schools continued to rise.
Temperatures are continuing to increase in Japan.
The baby has been crying for a long time.
The cold weather continued for three weeks.
The weather stayed cold for three weeks.
I had a run of bad luck.
Sometimes the game lasted all day.
It kept raining all day long.
The enemy kept up their attack all day.
This street leads to the airport.
The party lasted more than three hours.
The party went on for three hours.
His speech continued for three hours.
There have been a lot of airplane accidents recently.
The road ran straight for several miles.
The conference continued till 5 o'clock.
He ran on and on.
The student skipped class three times in a row.
We thought it wise not to continue our trip.
I had been working for two hours when I suddenly felt sick.
Akira will stay in New York while his money lasts.
"How long will the meeting last?" "For two hours."
The meeting lasted two hours.
Ken kept on singing that song.
But we carried on without him.
They carried on with the plan in spite of strong objections to it.
We resumed negotiations with that company.
The talk dragged on till three o'clock.
You must realize that prosperity does not last forever.
I stayed so he wouldn't feel lonely.
Sue checked in at the Royal Hotel.
He used to sit reading for hours.
They went on talking for hours.
She cried for hours without ceasing.
The boy has been sleeping for ten hours.
The road runs from Tokyo to Osaka.
The summer vacation lasts a couple of weeks.
The party went on walking to the next village.
Just keep on walking.
He had been walking for hours.
He kept walking all the day.
He went on walking for two hours.
They continued walking.
Whether we were tired or not, we had to walk on.
I found the book so interesting that I kept on reading it until daybreak.
If it were not for water, humans could not survive.
They kept talking even though I asked them to stop.
After a succession of warm days, the weather became cold.
We carried on the discussion till late at night.
The trial lasted for ten consecutive days.
Some people seemed to think the good times were going to last forever.
It has been raining a full five days.
It rained five days on end.
It rained five successive days.