FrequencyTop 100-200
Kyōiku (4th grade) 
Shinjitai ?
KankenLevel 7
Old form
Composed of

You must continue to sell lots of thread, as that's the only thing you have; if not you'll run out of money and starve.

Used in vocabulary (367 in total)
to continue; to keep up; to keep on
to continue; to last; to continue (without a break); to be unbroken; to occur again and again; to lead to; to connect to
continuation; rest (of the story, work, etc.); flow (e.g. of a piece of writing); pacing (of a story); succession (of); sequence
continuation; succession; series
procedure; process; proceedings; formalities
to continue (for a long time); to occur in succession; to come next (e.g. on TV)
duration; continuance; survival; persistence; retention
connection; attachment; changing trains; conjunction
succession; continuation; series; sequence
continuation; continuance; going on; resuming
successively; one after another
to continue to do; to persist in doing
to gaze long at
to carry on; to go on with one's life; to keep alive; to stay alive; to survive
continuation; persisting; lasting; sustaining; enduring
succeeding; following; trailing; next
to stay on (e.g. at one's friends house); to remain in the same neighborhood
successive; consecutive; back-to-back; one after another
succession; inheritance
lasting long; continuation; keeping at (something); sticking to (something)
to continue to rain or snow
appearing one after another; cropping up one after another; occurring in succession
to keep talking; to go on and on; to talk non-stop
to continue to hold; to hold on to (for a long period); to maintain; to keep
to continue to receive
to continue to increase; to continue to mount
to think constantly about; to dwell on
continuation; sequel
to maintain; to continue to have
to keep standing
continuation; sequel
to continue writing
follow-up report; further news
to continue to work; to work away (at)
adjoining land
permanent; perpetual; persistent; lasting
permanence; continuation
to hit repeatedly
consecutive; continuous; successive
to continue (walking)
continuously; throughout; in succession
procedure; process; proceedings; formalities
inheritance; succession to property
to continue (for a long time); to occur in succession; to come next (e.g. on TV)
continuous; sustained; sustainable; durable; persistent
continuous service
heir; heiress; inheritor
to continue riding
heirship; (claim) the (right of) succession; one's inheritance rights
successive occurrence; frequent occurrence; succession (of); series
adjoining rooms
successive; consecutive; back-to-back; one after another
intermittence; being intermittent; occurring intermittently
succession; continuation; series; sequence
cruising range; flying range
continuing to pitch
succession to headship of a family
chain (of); series (of); sequence; suite (e.g. of rooms)
to go through formalities
inheritance tax; death duty
continuing publication
perseverance makes one stronger; slow but steady wins the race
being joined by land
to continue for a long time; to undergo a repeated series
duration; running time (e.g. in film)
consecutive tournament victories
a series of arson cases
continuity; continuance
long spell of rain
two adjoining rooms (connected by a sliding door)
continuum; continua
persistent; permanence
to continue without end; to go on to eternity
one after another; in succession; in a row
making a direct connection
rejection of an inheritance; waiving of inheritance
(family) relationship; connection
continuously; continually; without a break; next; then; after that
family relationship
always-on connection (esp. to the Internet)
inheritance dispute; succession dispute
(in the process of) connecting
sequence photographs; serial photographs; photographic strip
continuation; sequel
chain (of); series (of); sequence; suite (e.g. of rooms)
Shoku Nihongi (second of the six classical Japanese history texts)
departure (sailing) formalities
to continue (for a long time); to occur in succession; to come next (e.g. on TV)
to continue for a long time; to undergo a repeated series
lasting long; continuation; keeping at (something); sticking to (something)
spell of fine weather
to continue for a long time; to undergo a repeated series
as long as one's strength lasts
inheritance; inherited property; heritage
consecutive occurrences
cross connection; interconnection; internetworking
(weather-related) line of discontinuity
decedent; deceased; inheritee
continuous operation (of a machine, etc.); continuous running
continued consultation; continuous conference
share in inheritance; inheritance share; portion of inheritance
succession to or inheritance of property
cruising; flight
continued staging of a play or show
continuous transformation; continuous mapping
adaptation equipment
conjunction particle (e.g. "ba", "kara", "keredo", "nagara")
connection fee; connection charge
man of long service
Shoku Nihon Kōki (fourth of the six classical Japanese history texts)
duration of a cruise (flight); endurance
ultimogeniture; postremogeniture
successively; one after another
to succeed (a person, to a position, etc.); to inherit; to take over; to follow
continuous shooting (camera)
connector cable; connection cable
discontinuity; incoherence
dial-up access; dial-up connection
family relationship
customs procedures (at the airport, etc.)
continued statement
payment arrangements or procedures
to keep standing
continuously; throughout; in succession
marriage procedures; procedure of marriage
continuously; continually; without a break; next; then; after that
long spell of rainy weather
cursive handwriting; connected characters; running characters
succession of peaks
dialect continuum; dialect chain
continued advance (in market price); continued rise
connection charge; connection fee
(family) relationship; connection
row of houses
continued fall (in market price)
sequential art or pictures (type of printed, graphic storytelling, differentiated from manga by its liberal use of page space, often only one panel per page, and sparing use of dialogue)
book or document and its supplement
continuing expenditure
subsequently; next; after ...; following ...; in the wake of ...
to be tied together; to be connected to; to lead to; to be related to; to be related (by blood)
connection configuration; topology
holding one's course; continuing the voyage
successive; consecutive; back-to-back; one after another
carrying over a bill from one Diet session to the next, being deliberated by a committee in the interim
blood relation; kin
payment arrangements or procedures
to continue to do; to persist in doing
two adjoining rooms (connected by a sliding door)
family relationship
customs procedures (at the airport, etc.)
marriage procedures; procedure of marriage
continuous rise (in market price)
continued showing of a movie
resumption; continuing
first and second series
Personal Status Actions Procedure Law (e.g. divorce actions)
cascade (connection) (electronics)
concatenation; cascade (connection)
continued overleaf; please turn over; PTO
carrier of an infection (esp. hepatitis)
principle holding that any matters left unresolved at the end of one Diet session are not to be carried over to the next
punctuated equilibrium (theory of evolutionary biology)
(mobile phone) number portability (introduced to Japan in October 2005)
(being) kept standing
(being) kept standing
daisy chain connection
daisy chain connection
subnetwork point of attachment address; subnetwork address
channel path reconnection; CPR
CONT (continue) signal
permanent connection; fixed connection
HATS; Harmonization of Advanced Telecommunication Systems
end of procedure division
procedure branching statement
fanfold paper; zig-zag fold paper; z-fold paper
interconnection; interoperability
interconnection test; interoperability test
permanent virtual connection; PVC
immediate connection; direct connection
multiple-access (e.g. TDMA, CDMA)
multiple access methods (FDMA, TDMA, CDMA)
multipoint connection
closed user group service
continuous forms; continuous forms paper
continuous distribution
continuous-feed paper; fan-fold paper
sustained virological response; SVR
Administrative Procedures Act (1993)
connecting flight
serial cartoon; serial comic; serial comic strip
linebreeding; continuous back crossing
post-Jōmon period (mainly Hokkaido; 3rd to 7th century BC); epi-Jōmon period
successively; continuously; in a row
Continuation War (between Finland and the Soviet Union; 1941-1944)
theory of permanent revolution (esp. Trotsky)
torch; utagaruta
surviving company (in a merger); surviving corporation
fighting over inheritance; inheritance dispute
Examples (200 in total)
Well, OK. Continue.
You're doing very well. Keep it up.
He continued doing it.