FrequencyTop 1100-1200
KankenLevel 4
Composed of
Used in vocabulary (79 in total)
extent; scope; sphere; range; span
in range; within the limits (of...); within (a) range
extensive; vast range; wide scope
exemplar; model; example; pattern
tolerance level; permissible range; acceptable limits
instructor; (fencing) teacher; model
out of range; outside the limits (of...); outside (a) range; outside the scope
model; standard; pattern; norm; criterion; example
field of activities; area of activity; range of behavior (behaviour); habitat
area of the field one is supposed to (or able to) defend; (one's) field; (one's) scope; one's type; kind of person one is attracted to
assistant instructor
example; model
wide; extensive; comprehensive; far-reaching; widespread
scope; valid range; coverage
sphere of action; scope of activity; range of work
to narrow down the range
to go over one's head; to be beyond one's comprehension
area of influence; zone of influence; extent of impact
normal school (pre-war Japan); teachers' training college
standard of conduct; code of behavior; moral code; culture (of an organization)
range of use; range of application; range of applications; scope (of a document)
well-behaved (model) prisoner; trusty (trustee)
model or exemplary student
coverage of an exam; what an exam covers
scope; coverage; selected range
model demonstration; model performance; exhibition
model; standard; law
higher normal school; pre-war public school that trained male teachers
teaching method
to give an example
circle of acquaintance
responsible area; area of responsibility
fencing master of the top rank
set an example worth following; take the initiative in doing something thereby setting an example for others to follow
normative consciousness
model; standard; pattern; norm; criterion; example
legal norm; legal standard
model composition
great model; great example (esp. of governing the world)
setting an example
master; grandmaster; senior instructor
good example set by those who came before us
great model; great example (esp. of governing the world)
precedent; model
subcategorization; subcategorisation
subcategorization principle; subcategorisation principle
subcategorization feature; subcategorisation feature
extensive and wide-ranging
implicit scope terminator
industry standard; industry norm
delimited scope statement
explicit scope terminator
setting an example
Examples (19 in total)
This is beyond the scope of my imagination.
What happened? Can you tell me as much as possible?
We discussed a wide range of topics.