Used in (73 in total)
extent; scope; sphere; range; span
in range; within the limits (of...); within (a) range
extensive; vast range; wide scope
instructor; (fencing) teacher; model
exemplar; model; example; pattern
tolerance level; permissible range; acceptable limits
model; standard; pattern; norm; criterion; example
out of range; outside the limits (of...); outside (a) range; outside the scope
assistant instructor
field of activities; area of activity; range of behavior (behaviour); habitat
example; model
area of the field one is supposed to (or able to) defend; (one's) field; (one's) scope; one's type; kind of person one is attracted to
wide; extensive; comprehensive; far-reaching; widespread
scope; valid range; coverage
sphere of action; scope of activity; range of work
area of influence; zone of influence; extent of impact
normal school (pre-war Japan); teachers' training college
to narrow down the range
to go over one's head; to be beyond one's comprehension
well-behaved (model) prisoner; trusty (trustee)
model or exemplary student
standard of conduct; code of behavior; moral code; culture (of an organization)
coverage of an exam; what an exam covers
range of use; range of application; range of applications; scope (of a document)
model demonstration; model performance; exhibition
scope; coverage; selected range
teaching method
higher normal school; pre-war public school that trained male teachers
fencing master of the top rank
to give an example
circle of acquaintance
responsible area; area of responsibility
set an example worth following; take the initiative in doing something thereby setting an example for others to follow
normative consciousness
legal norm; legal standard
setting an example
great model; great example (esp. of governing the world)
master; grandmaster; senior instructor
good example set by those who came before us
subcategorization principle; subcategorisation principle
subcategorization feature; subcategorisation feature
subcategorization; subcategorisation
delimited scope statement
industry standard; industry norm
explicit scope terminator
extensive and wide-ranging
implicit scope terminator
setting an example
precedent; model