important; serious; valuable; precious; serious matter; major incident
thing; matter; incident; occurrence; circumstances; situation; work
event; affair; incident; case; plot; trouble
safety; security; safely; without incident; good health; inaction
circumstances; conditions; situation; reasons; state of affairs
situation; (present) state of affairs; circumstances
splendid; magnificent; utter (esp. defeat); total; (arch.) something worth seeing; (arch.) sight
incident; affair; happening; event
accident; incident; trouble; circumstances; reasons
tasks; things to do; errand; business (to take care of); affairs; engagement
prior; beforehand; in advance; before the fact; ex ante
to take good care of; to treasure; to value; to hold dear; to prize; to cherish
to have been decided (so) that; to have been arranged (so) that; to be the result (of); to be the outcome; to be the reason (for)
(for something) to have occurred; to have done (something); (for something) to happen on occasion
article; news story; report; account
what; what sort of thing; everything; anything; what (on earth)?; what's the meaning of this ...?
everything; anything; nothing
housework; domestic chores; family affairs; household matters
other people's affairs; somebody else's problem
project; enterprise; business; (arch.) act; (arch.) deed; (arch.) conduct
something to think about; one's thoughts; concern; thinking about something; being absorbed in one's thoughts
person concerned; interested party; related party
at work; in the midst of work; working
matter; thing; affair; circumstance
as a matter of fact; actually; effectively; in reality; in effect
(police) detective; criminal matter
steward; butler; court official; deacon (Anglican, Lutheran, etc.)
there is no need to ...; never happens; there is never a time when
to decide to; to pretend that; to make a practice of doing; to make it a rule to
to be able (to); to be possible (to)
that; the matter in question
to be able (to); to be possible (to)
state of emergency; emergency; crisis
evil deed; wrongdoing; crime; misfortune; calamity
event; phenomenon; matter
important matter; matter of great importance; serious affair; major incident; emergency
(something) has never occurred; to have never done (something); such a thing has not happened; never happens; there is never a time when
(are you) alright?; (are you) OK?
office work; clerical work; administration; business; affairs
as if nothing had happened
I'm told; is what I heard; is how it is, apparently; is what they said
personnel affairs; human affairs; human resources; HR
place where one works; construction site; working area
administrative; businesslike; practical; impersonal; perfunctory; robot-like
major incident; major happening; big scandal
worst; worst-case (scenario)
good thing; nice thing; good excuse; good grounds; interjection used to impress an idea or to urge a response
inquiry; enquiry; investigation; (police) interview; questioning (e.g. witness, suspect); hearing
engaging in (work); pursuing (e.g. studies); following (a profession); being involved in
take care of yourself; get well soon; God bless you; bless you
there is no need to ...; never happens; there is never a time when
imitation; copy; make-believe; doing something in a way that only superficially resembles the real thing
wish; dream; prayer; one's desire
to have been decided (so) that; to have been arranged (so) that
great disaster; horrible tragedy; catastrophe; catastrophic event; catastrophic incident; dire calamity
physical work; manual labour (labor)
after; post; ex-; after the fact; ex post
quarrel; fight; trouble; dispute; friction; discord
matter causing distress; something causing worry
to have an accident; to meet with an accident
to have a meal; to take a meal
scandal; deplorable event
the way one works; one's working manner
troublesome matter; burden; difficult task; chore; hassle
task; (doing a) bit of work; difficult task; hard work
good thing; nice thing; good excuse; good grounds; interjection used to impress an idea or to urge a response
clerk; office worker; office staff
military force; military strength
concern; circumstance which is becoming a problem; case (court)
(theatrical) fighting scene
immediate reply; quick answer; ready agreement
to suffice; to serve the purpose; to be satisfied
half-hearted reply; vague answer; reluctant answer
whitewashing; glossing over; lip service; deftly finishing up; putting on the final touches
to have a meal; to take a meal
working in the fields; working on a farm
precautions; warnings; matters to be attended to; things to note; suggestions; hints
dinner party; ceremonial dinner; dinner meeting (or lunch, breakfast)
at every opportunity; for each and every thing that crops up; with every little thing; whenever possible; whenever the chance arises; at every turn
common knowledge; well-known fact
depending on the circumstances; due to (with modifying verb)
(something) has never occurred; to have never done (something); such a thing has not happened; never happens; there is never a time when
a matter of course; what is to be expected; par for the course
via; through; by doing; by means of; using
established fact; fait accompli
to end without incident; to not turn into something serious
to have a meal; to take a meal
disaster; tragedy; tragic incident; horrible accident
to do what one is told to; to take someone's advice; to listen to what someone says
studying under; looking up to; apprenticing oneself to
resolution of an incident; solution to a (criminal) case
accomplishment; lessons (in an art, skill, etc.); practice
something small; something petty; trifle
to breathe one's last; to pass away; to die; to expire
going home from work; on the way home from work
to commit a crime; to do evil
newspaper story (article, account)
board of directors; board of trustees
to have an accident (esp. traffic accident); to cause an accident
executive secretary; coordinator; organizer; person in charge of making arrangements
matter of the highest priority; top priority; first priority
to quit one's job; to resign
for work; in a manner related to work
(one's) workload; amount of work (to be) done by one
secretariat; executive office
whitewashing; glossing over; lip service; deftly finishing up; putting on the final touches
quarrel; fight; trouble; dispute; friction; discord
detective bureau; detective agency; investigation firm
first day returning to work after the New Years holiday; first task at a new job; newcomer's first job
there is nothing more that can be done; it's all over
everything turning out fine; the whole thing being settled
message; informative matter
philanthropic work; charitable enterprise
tranquillity and peace; tranquility and peace; peaceful and uneventful
to cause trouble; to cause a disturbance
Everyone is safe (all right)
with religious zeal; with utmost devotion; take great care of
this for sure; certainly is
to go ahead; to proceed; to carry on
rule; established routine; standard operating procedure; SOP
personal affairs; private matter; personal secret; privacy
to devote oneself; to do one thing exclusively; to make a job of; to decide to
trouble; problem; mess; difficulty; nuisance
criminal nature; criminality
dirty work; unpleasant task
to have an accident; to meet with an accident
origin of an affair; spark that lit the fuse; beginning
groundless; entirely contrary to fact
promise; vow; engagement; convention; rule; resolution
chief secretary (usu. of a party); secretary-general
serious matter; major incident; matter of grave concern; crisis
forest fire; bushfire; wildfire
to take an aggressive position; to stir up trouble
accident; disaster; incident; uprising; emergency
Buddhist memorial service
uneventfully; without incident; without a hitch; peacefully
gambling; competition; game (of chance)
incident resulting in injury
that is to say; so that means
pretext for not revealing something (e.g. actual reason for one's failure, vested interest, etc.)
accident; emergency; calamity
historical event; ancient event; tradition; folklore; legend
scene of an accident; crash site; accident scene
to make trouble; to rock the boat; to make waves; to aggravate a situation
administrative official; secretary; commissioner
celebration; auspicious occasion
serious accident; major incident
that's not a nice thing to say; that's not a nice way of putting it; there was no need to say that
task; (doing a) bit of work; difficult task; hard work
Kojiki; Records of Ancient Matters; Japan's oldest historical record
personal affair; one's own affair
fixed content; settled matter; done deal
to reach a situation about which nothing can be done
dilettante; person of fantastic taste
cost of a meal (or meals)
encyclopedia; encyclopaedia
act of terror; terrorist attack
without accident; uneventfully; without ...
record of proceedings; minutes
matter of concern and interest
trivial; not amounting to much
descriptive poetry; epic poem
kitchen; cookhouse; (ship's) galley
other people's affairs; somebody else's problem
police drama (television); detective drama
work clothes; business suit
to take care doing something; to be prudent; to take no chances; to play it safe
dispute; argument; contention
to proceed with things; to carry out; to do
to take care doing something; to be prudent; to take no chances; to play it safe
rather; sooner; preferably
common occurrence; everyday occurrence; not an uncommon case; normal thing; everyday affair
handwork; handcraft; manual labor; manual labour; working with one's hands
ex post facto report; report after the event
ending without incident; being successfully brought to completion; finishing something without a hitch
necessary information; required fields (e.g. in a form)
assembly hall; parliament house; diet building; capitol; houses of parliament; congress hall
big fire (buildings, etc. on fire)
closely-guarded secret; top secret
of all things (days, etc.)
large enterprise; big business; large undertaking
unable to do one's work; can't get anything done
business person; operator; carrier (telecommunications, transport, etc.)
proceedings (e.g. parliament, congress); business (of the day)
clerical desk; office desk
annual function; annual event
public works; public-works projects; public utilities
(principle of) letting sleeping dogs lie; peace-at-any-price; don't rock the boat
secretary-general; director-general; executive director; executive secretary
important matter; matters of weight
prohibited item; banned item
division (of company); operations department
the trouble is that ...; the problem is that ...; unfortunately; annoyingly
strange occurrence; unusual occurrence; unexpected occurrence; grave and unexpected occurrence
nominalizing suffix; pretending to ...; playing make-believe ...
robbery; robbery case; burglary
metropolitan governor; governor of Tokyo
fiend for work; workaholic; career-minded person
to develop into a serious incident
uneventfully; without incident; without a hitch; peacefully
looter; thief at the scene of a fire; someone who takes advantage of a crisis to commit a crime
traditional performing arts (e.g. shamisen, koto, dance, etc.); accomplishments
various matters; everything
events of the day; current affairs
having good knowledge of a certain matter; person who has good knowledge of a certain matter; informed source
something unrelated (to what has been discussed thus far)
accident resulting in personal injury or death (esp. traffic, rail, etc.)
national parliament or congress building (e.g. National Diet Building (Japan), United States Capitol (USA), Houses of Parliament (UK), etc.)
not ... for nothing; not ... with nothing to show for it; worthwhile; no wonder ...
construction at top speed
fortunately; luckily; thankfully
emergency; accident; rare possibility; unexpected occurrence
civil affairs; civil case
declaration of a state of emergency
love affair; sensual pleasures
to forget something ever existed; to pretend something didn't happen; to put something behind one; to forgive (something)
office workers; office staff; clerical staff
happy event; auspicious event; matter for congratulation
no skin off my nose; somebody else's problem; (lit.) fire on the opposite shore
permanent vice-president; undersecretary; vice-minister
no matter what happens; in any circumstances; at any price
to be of no concern to one; to be nothing to do with one
domestic help; domestic helper; domestic servant; maid
personnel change; personnel shift; reshuffle; (annual) staff reassignment
nuclear power plant accident; nuclear accident
just managing; with great difficulty
declaration of a state of emergency
road construction; roadworks; road repairs
to quit one's job; to resign
beyond one's control; nothing one can do
scrubbing and washing; kitchen work
established (certain) fact
official function; state function
I have nothing to do with it
office job; clerical work
how it came about; how it originated; how it happened; the origins of the imbroglio
business plan; business schedule; project
secretary-general; director
resuming work after the New Year's vacation; first time that one works in the year
professional; person good at a particular job; person who does their job without mistakes
living only for one's work; a life with no other interest than one's work
health care professional; medical worker
daily meals; three regular meals a day
bygones; the past; past event
detailed; minute; articulate
fatal accident; deadly accident
job hunting; job searching
war funds; war expenditures; military spending
splendid; magnificent; utter (esp. defeat); total; (arch.) something worth seeing; (arch.) sight
whitewashing; glossing over; lip service; deftly finishing up; putting on the final touches
carpentry; woodworking; woodwork
bureaucratic routine; red tape
to forget something ever existed; to pretend something didn't happen; to put something behind one; to forgive (something)
military operation; military tactics; military strategy
strange occurrence; unusual occurrence; unexpected occurrence; grave and unexpected occurrence
worldly affairs; ways of the world
farm work; field labour; field labor
at every opportunity; for each and every thing that crops up; with every little thing; whenever possible; whenever the chance arises; at every turn
seen it once, seen it all; a single instance indicates what happens all the time; one case gives you an idea of what always happens
future affairs; affairs after one's death
to proceed with things; to carry out; to do
beyond one's control; nothing one can do
to revel in trouble and discord; to be bent on making trouble; to like starting fights
law office; lawyer's office; attorney's office
safely; without incident; without mishap; in peace; peacefully; quietly
as if it were about oneself
no matter what it is; in every case
plant; enterprise place; office
could result in (something undesirable); might end up (doing, happening); run the risk of
trivial; not amounting to much; not a big deal
car accident; automobile accident
imitation; copy; make-believe; doing something in a way that only superficially resembles the real thing
subserviency to the stronger
mystery; strange event; mysterious affair
TV blooper; broadcasting blunder
plane crash; fall (accident)
naturally; not surprisingly; it should be appreciated that; understandably; as a matter of course; as is obvious
enterprising man; businessman; industrialist
state governor; governor of a state
to go crazy (esp. of a situation or thing); to get out of hand; to end up in an extreme state
the way one works; one's working manner
accident at sea; maritime accident
riparian works; flood-control works
stigmatized property; real estate where a crime, death, etc. has occurred
minor collision; (have) a scrape (with another vehicle); fender bender
Manchurian Incident (1931); Mukden Incident
meal ticket; meal voucher
to be factually incorrect; to differ from the actual facts; to not be the case
stand-up work; work performed standing
nothing special; no big deal; doesn't matter; nothing to worry about
things to do; must-do items; one's duty; what is required
to suffice; to serve the purpose; to be satisfied
de facto marriage; common-law marriage
don't put the trivial ahead of the important; don't sweat the small stuff; don't bother with the details (before embarking on a great enterprise); read the fine print; be careful of the small things (before embarking on a great enterprise)
to go crazy (esp. of a situation or thing); to get out of hand; to end up in an extreme state
undoubted; unmistakable; definite
truth is stranger than fiction
other things; the rest; leisure tasks
someone engaged in a certain pursuit; practitioner; worker; employee
fabrication; lie; fiction
individual concrete phenomenon (as opposed to a general principle)
job (responsibility) of a section
criminal punishment; criminal penalty
joint enterprise; joint venture
political operations; (Heian Period) political operations and ceremonies of the Imperial Court; (Edo Period) civil suit
February 26 Incident (attempted military coup in Japan; 1936); February 1936 military revolt
narration; description of things and facts
to do as much as is humanly possible; to try every possible means
trivial; not amounting to much; not enough to cause a problem; not as much as expected
nothing new; same as always; an old story; nothing new about it; not the first time it has happened
to end without incident; to not turn into something serious
human-interest article; page-three news; police news
one-man business; sole proprietor; sole proprietorship; individual owner-manager
other matters; other people's affairs
to advance construction; to proceed with construction
tea gathering (for the tea ceremony); some matter concerning tea; family tea gathering held in memory of deceased ancestors
matter; thing; affair; circumstance
one may well say so, but ...; even more than
economic condition; economic circumstances; financial situation
source, cause of an accident
secretary; councillor; councilor
mixture of fact and fiction; half-truth
(Japanese) Pharmaceutical Affairs Law
take the opportunity to (do something else)
uphill task; difficult undertaking (project)
nothing special; no big deal; doesn't matter
private office; private practice
thankfully; fortunately; luckily; mercifully
military adviser; military advisor
current issues; current topics
not one to talk; who are you to say; look who's talking
introductory article; advertisement
diversion to military use
to be assiduous in one's business
armed intervention; military intervention
worldly affairs; everyday affairs; common cares; routine work; daily chores
manager; director; superintendent; overseer
truth is stranger than fiction
permanent member of the UN Security Council
last business day of the year
in every case; in everything; in all matters
to find fault with other people rather than oneself; (for the pot) to call the kettle black
forestry; lumbering; timbering; work done in the mountains
achievement; deed; exploit; merits
one's fate (fortune) as concerns business
something small; something petty; trifle
car involved in an accident
administrative staff; business clerk; clerical force; clerical officer; clerical personnel; clerical staff
I'm telling you this for your own good; here's some friendly advice
inexperienced; unrealistic; knowing but little of the world
My goodness!; Good lord!; Holy cow!
rush job; slipshod job; quick-and-dirty work
countries concerned (involved)
man proposes, God disposes; (lit.) man does what man can do then awaits the verdict of heaven (or fate)
criminal complaint; lodging a criminal complaint (against someone)
incident involving the taking of hostages; hostage situation
military clash; military conflict; military confrontation
commonly occurring thing; commonplace event; bread and butter item
prosecutor general; attorney general
Buddhist memorial service
important matter; necessary thing; requirement
military science; military studies
workman; enterpriser; schemer
plainclothes police officer; plain-clothes detective
good thing; nice thing; good excuse; good grounds; interjection used to impress an idea or to urge a response
good thing; nice thing; good excuse; good grounds; interjection used to impress an idea or to urge a response
business owner; entrepreneur
another's affair; matter of no concern; nothing to do with one
fortune; good deed; curious
one's own problem; one's own issues
reason; facts; propriety; sense
unprecedented; new (and different); fresh; contrived; affected
be absorbed in deep thought; be sunk in thought
traffic conditions (e.g. heavy traffic); transportation situation (e.g. bad roads)
sex; sexual intercourse; lovemaking
defense contractor; defence contractor; defense industry; defence industry
internal (domestic) affairs
work fiend; devil for work
office supplies; stationery
historical event; ancient event; tradition; folklore; legend
another's affair; matter of no concern; nothing to do with one
Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945)
personal affairs; internal affairs
inscrutable are the ways of heaven; fortune is unpredictable and changeable
construction costs; installation cost
sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway (March 20, 1995)
gubernatorial election; election of governor; gubernatorial campaign; gubernatorial race
Lights are usually followed by shadows
nothing new; same as always; an old story; nothing new about it; not the first time it has happened
civil action; civil suit; civil proceedings
military attack; military strike
political offence; political offense
social work; social project; social enterprise; social welfare service
nothing special; no big deal; doesn't matter; nothing to worry about
superintending prosecutor
rare event; unexpected event
head of personnel department
constitutional functions (of the emperor)
industrialization; industrialisation; commercialization
medical diet; diet therapy; medical nutrition therapy
trivial; not amounting to much
nothing special; no big deal; doesn't matter
common occurrence; everyday occurrence; not an uncommon case; normal thing; everyday affair
taking up a new line of work; the beginning of things; starting the preparations for New Year's festivities (December 8 in Tokyo, December 13 in Kyoto); resuming work after the New Year's vacation
ominous word; ill-omened word; misfortune
lady-killer; casanova; Don Juan; kabuki actor who has mastered the art of romantic acting
idiom derived from historical events or classical literature of China
be absorbed in deep thought; be sunk in thought
National Personnel Authority
corporate headquarters; (company) group
items mentioned; contents (of a record); recorded items; entries
to do (attend to) business
military demarcation line
fabricated story; cooked up (news) report
related article; related story
accomplishments; taking lessons (in dance, music, tea ceremony, flower arranging, etc.)
traffic accident for which the other side is at fault
passing successfully (inspection, examination, etc.); passing through with no problems
fixer; dispute resolution specialist
dance (in kabuki); dance play
personal business; sole proprietorship
social conditions; social circumstances
all the domestic (housekeeping) chores
everything one does; whatever one does
bribery case; bribery scandal; graft case
sole prerogative; exclusive prerogative
game; pastime; recreation; diversion
to one's delight; to one's joy
Tengin Bank robbery (in which 12 people died of cyanide poisoning; 1948)
punishable offense; crime
reasonable thing; natural thing
origin and history; particulars
imitation; copy; make-believe; doing something in a way that only superficially resembles the real thing
peace and quiet; safe and peaceful; tranquil and uneventful
nothing one can say (e.g. about something perfect); not a thing one can complain about; better than one could hope for
given the circumstances; such being the case
that; the matter in question
postal service; post service
Commentary on the Kojiki (by Motoori Norinaga, 1798)
celebration; auspicious occasion
ready reply; quick answer
everything; every affair (matter); all things
pledge made over sake cups; exchange of nuptial cups
other people's affairs; somebody else's problem
unless (you do something)
situation; (present) state of affairs; circumstances
bombastic; pretentious; exaggerated
welfare office; social security office
personnel management; personnel administration
prefectural governor (of Osaka or Kyoto)
self-inflicted accident; traffic accident where injury is caused by one's own negligence; one-car accident
everything; all things; all affairs; all matters
eventfulness; pressure of business
schedule of events; calendar of events
representative of a board of directors; spokesperson for a board of directors
not worth (getting angry about, etc.)
interpreter (esp. of Dutch and Chinese during the Edo period); interpretation; court interpreter
to serve; to work for; to attend
imperial cause; royal cause
non-permanent member (UN Security Council)
criminal offense; criminal offence
industrial company; business firm
what happens twice will happen thrice
workaholic; person who is totally devoted to his work
preparatory operations; measure taken in advance; doing the groundwork
red tape; red-tapism; officialism; bureaucratic bungling
mixture of fact and fiction; half-truth
aspect; phase; phenomenon
that; the matter in question
Boxer Rebellion (1889-1901); North China Incident
telecommunications carrier; PTT
Marco Polo Bridge Incident (July 7, 1937)
International Criminal Court; ICC
trivial; not amounting to much; not enough to cause a problem; not as much as expected
military assistance advisory group
ordinary; nothing special; nothing to exclaim over
aircraft involved in an accident; crashed aircraft; distressed aircraft
unhappy event (e.g. death); funeral
prescreen; pre-screening; prior inspection; preliminary review; pre-vetting
auditor; controller; comptroller; supervisor; inspector; manager
performance appraisal; performance review
restaurant (esp. in a hotel or inn); dining hall; dining room
Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945)
secret; private matter; confidential matter
safe and healthy; health and longevity
bitter experience; misery; distress; grief; sad thoughts
scandal; bribery case; graft case
construction vehicle (bulldozer, backhoe, loader, etc.)
grand event; grand enterprise
ordinary; nothing special; nothing to exclaim over
I told you so; you see that?
to reason with (a person)
everything one does; whatever one does
Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945)
criminal punishment; criminal procedure
that's not a nice thing to say; that's not a nice way of putting it; there was no need to say that
1585 edict by Toyotomi Hideyoshi which banned war between feudal lords in Japan
National Space Development Agency; NASDA
epic (e.g. poem); descriptive; narrative
office for rent; office to let
Watergate scandal (1972-1975)
(car) accident caused by slippery road conditions; icy road accident
peace and quiet; safe and peaceful; tranquil and uneventful
defer to another as if an older brother
ne bis in idem; prohibition against double jeopardy
accused; defendant; prisoner at the bar
Supreme Court justice; Supreme Court judge
looter; thief at the scene of a fire; someone who takes advantage of a crisis to commit a crime
militarization; militarisation
(when) the time of need arises; should an emergency occur
Shanghai Incident (1932); January 28 Incident; Battle of Shanghai (1937)
Namamugi Incident (August 1862); Kanagawa Incident; Richardson Affair
solicitor (legal practitioner)
My goodness!; Good lord!; Holy cow!
puff piece (in a newspaper, etc.); flatteringly exaggerated article; sycophantic article
state of national emergency
renovation work; remodeling; remodelling
United Nations Secretariat
related (relevant) matters; matters relevant to the subject
something like that; that sort of thing; something natural; something plausible
merit (ability, efficiency) rating; employee performance evaluation
undoubted; unmistakable; definite
congestion caused by a traffic accident
military superiority; military supremacy
member country of the executive committee in an international organization (organisation)
mixture of fact and fiction; half-truth
understanding (between the two)
pledge made over sake cups; exchange of nuptial cups
(principle of) letting sleeping dogs lie; peace-at-any-price; don't rock the boat
insignificant article (in a newspaper)
fact; (a) truth; realistic portrayal of an ordinary event (by a wise man)
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees; UNHCR
Cultural Affairs Department
news commentary; comments on the news
governor of a feudal domain (1869-1871)
contemplation of phenomena
woman who assists in food preparation
agricultural experiment station
Nanking Incident (targeting of Nanking's foreign properties and residents by Kuomintang troops in March, 1927); Nanking Massacre (1937); Rape of Nanking
(governmental) supervisor of teachers
United Nations Security Council
wagoto; love scene; style of acting for love stories
actor who specializes in ruffian roles (specialises)
elegant appreciation of nature through artistic pursuits such as poetry, painting and calligraphy
drainage (sewerage) works
disgraceful incident; scandalous affair; untoward (deplorable) event
work opening; work position
(Japanese) Civil Proceedings Act (1890, revised in 1926)
if things permit; under certain circumstances
industrial or business world
work done for enjoyment (as a diversion); dilettante work
Tiananmen Square Massacre (1989); Tiananmen Square Incident
environmental business; environment business; environmental program
governor of a feudal domain (1869-1871)
in every case; in everything; in all matters
eventful times for the nation (world); the nation (world) being in turmoil; the storm clouds gathering in the land
international military tribunal
Aum Shinrikyo incidents; string of incidents, crimes, etc. committed by the Aum Shinrikyo religious group in the 1980s
railroad construction work
military affairs; martial arts
advance training; prior training
nothing one can say (e.g. about something perfect); not a thing one can complain about; better than one could hope for
post-fire visit to express sympathy; expressing one's sympathy after a fire
if possible; if it is in my power; if it was realistic
unless (you do something)
matters for investigation; matters to be examined; research agenda
Battle of Khalkhin Gol (1939); Nomonhan Incident
business activities; business conduct; business operations
rather; sooner; preferably
accidents frequent; accident-prone zone; accident blackspot
one may well say so, but ...; even more than
ordinary; nothing special; nothing to exclaim over
(one's) view on work; (one's) opinion on work-life balance
thankfully; fortunately; luckily; mercifully
trouble caused by a slip of the tongue
peace and quiet; safe and peaceful; tranquil and uneventful
nothing special; no big deal; doesn't matter; nothing to worry about
points to note; points of concern; matters to keep in mind; matters that require attention
indicative (kanji whose shape is based on logical representation of an abstract idea)
workplace; office; factory
if possible; if circumstances allow
Lockheed bribery scandal (uncovered in 1976)
any time now (waiting, hoping for something to happen)
facts being beyond dispute; logic being indisputable
threat to national existence
case method; case study method
the same event; no change (on the stock market)
disclaimer; exemption clause; exclusions (liability, responsibility, etc.)
assistant judge; judge-in-training
dictionary of terminology; glossary
all's right with the world; all is as it should be
de-facto embassy; liaison office
de-facto embassy; liaison office
monopolistic enterprise; monopoly
wish; dream; prayer; one's desire
equipment installation; installation work
fires and fistfights are the flowers of Edo
agenda; calendar of proceedings; order of the day
secret; private matter; confidential matter
International Military Tribunal for the Far East; IMTFE; Tokyo Trials
military scholar; military writer
public utilities; public enterprise; public service
traffic accident for which the other side is at fault
things to fear: earthquakes, thunder, fires and, most of all, fathers
nothing special; no big deal; doesn't matter; nothing to worry about
collection of cases; collection of instances
common knowledge; well-known fact; public knowledge
by (means of); by doing; due to; via; through
peace and quiet; safe and peaceful; tranquil and uneventful
there is nothing more that can be done; it's all over
having plenty (of something); having all one needs
that goes without saying but also ...; not only that but ...
inflammatory (news) article; inflammatory fake news
so ... that ...; to that extent; to that degree
trivial; not amounting to much; not a big deal
post-retirement job; work done by a retired person where earning an income is not a primary concern
mixture of fact and fiction; half-truth
restaurant industry; dining-out industry
Marco Polo Bridge Incident (July 7, 1937)
total operating expenses; total project cost; general expenses
admissibility of a party (to a suit)
things being very eventful at home and abroad
not one to talk; who are you to say; look who's talking
tree-planting program; tree-planting programme
to apply for a job; to apply for work
invented story; fabrication
traffic accident resulting in property damage
promotion; appointment to a more senior position
making things out of straw (winter work for farmers)
civil conciliation; civil mediation
military spending; military expenditure
Roe v. Wade (landmark United States Supreme Court decision disallowing many legal restrictions on abortion, 1973)
bitter experience; misery; distress; grief; sad thoughts
prepublication censorship
you can never be too careful
(arch.) secret; (arch.) private matter; amorous affair; liaison
promotion; appointment to a more senior position
Oklahoma City bombing (April 19, 1995)
Gulf of Tonkin incident (1964)
justifiable cause for noncompliance with the law
love affair; romance; love scene (in kabuki)
advertorial; paid article; sponsored article
retaliatory personnel decision (demotion, sacking, etc.)
to find fault with other people rather than oneself; (for the pot) to call the kettle black
bad news traveling fast; ill news spreading like wildfire
singlemindedly devoted to work
post-fire visit to express sympathy; expressing one's sympathy after a fire
social welfare service; social services; social work
Iran-Contra affair (1984-1986; Irangate
military aggression; military invasion
obstruction of proceedings; filibuster
love affair; romance; love scene (in kabuki)
Chernobyl disaster (April, 1986); Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident
Aizawa incident (assassination of Major General Tetsuzan Nagata by Lieutenant Colonel Saburo Aizawa; August 12, 1935)
Asama-Sanso incident (hostage crisis and police siege; February 1972)
Xi'an Incident (involving the arrest and confinement of Chiang Kai-shek, December 1936)
Moroccan Crisis (1905, 1911)
all's right with the world; all is as it should be
severe accident (esp. relating to a nuclear reactor)
International Maritime Organization (Organisation); IMO
Toranomon Incident (assassination attempt on Prince Regent Hirohito; December 27, 1923)
tedious job; troublesome job; time-consuming job; piecework
where there is a will, there is a way
(arch.) secret; (arch.) private matter; amorous affair; liaison
so ... that ...; to that extent; to that degree
Osaka Incident (plot by Oi Kentaro and the Liberal Party to support a Korean uprising; 1885)
assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy (November 22, 1963); JFK assassination
auspicious event; celebration
all's right with the world; all is as it should be
troubles brought on by what one has written; incident occasioned by a serious slip of the pen
sole proprietor; one-man business; self-employed
February 26 Incident (attempted military coup in Japan; 1936); February 1936 military revolt
faction-based personnel appointment
take the opportunity to (do something else)
Asama-Sanso incident (hostage crisis and police siege; February 1972)
ordinary; nothing special; nothing to exclaim over
to one's delight; to one's joy
relevant items; applicable items
peace and quiet; safe and peaceful; tranquil and uneventful
eventful times for the nation; the nation being in turmoil; the storm clouds gathering in the land
to go crazy (esp. of a situation or thing); to get out of hand; to end up in an extreme state
February 26 Incident (attempted military coup in Japan; 1936); February 1936 military revolt
to entice a person to do something wrong
My Lai Massacre (1968); Son My Massacre
certificate of registered matters; document proving registered matters
racketeering by interceding in civil disputes and threatening the use of violence
admiration of the powerful
to do something different; to make a big thing of
one may well say so, but ...; even more than
advance warning; trigger warning
affected party; party concerned
bureaucratic routine; red tape
Musha Incident (Taiwan; 1930); Wushe Uprising
history of (automobile) accidents
so ... that ...; to that extent; to that degree
ministerial council; council of ministers
business cooperative; business cooperative association
various matters; everything
United Nations Secretariat
Conference of Administrative Vice-Ministers
peace and quiet; safe and peaceful; tranquil and uneventful
all's right with the world; all is as it should be
to have been decided (so) that; to have been arranged (so) that
rather; sooner; preferably
program review; budget screening; review and prioritization of government programs
Tripartite Pact (between Japan, Germany and Italy in WWII)
legislation to deal with emergencies
Bay of Pigs Invasion (1961)
long interlude (in folk songs or koto music); wiles (e.g. used by a prostitute to lure customers); finesse; trick
office for rent; office to let
personnel changes through favoritism
regulatory approval of a drug or medical device
auspicious event; celebration
child dying before parents; occurrence out of sequence; wrong order
manpower supplied by designated adult men to government officials, or tax in lieu (ritsuryo system)
tree-planting program; tree-planting programme
independent power producer; IPP
to look on the bright side
(Associate) Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States
everything; every affair (matter); all things
Marco Polo Bridge Incident (1937)
subsequently; additionally
a small leak can sink a great ship
rice contaminated by an accident
to not turn out as one wishes; to not go as one expected
that goes without saying but also ...; not only that but ...
Sagawa Express Scandal (1992)
matters for identification; documentation
temporary employment; a temporary job while looking for a better job; work just to kill time
honorary consul; honourary consul
something that goes without saying; something that needn't be said; something that should rather be left unsaid
I'm telling you this for your own good; here's some friendly advice
seven tea ceremony procedures of the Senke school
origin and history; particulars
Akihabara massacre (June 8, 2008)
comments on current events
do your best; give it your all
business plan; business schedule; project
a person's worth is assessed only when their coffin is sealed
that goes without saying but also ...; not only that but ...
Act on Penal Detention Facilities and the Treatment of Inmates and Detainees
very fond of; more fond of than eating; so fond of that someone would rather not eat than go without; more important than three meals a day
without accident; uneventfully; without ...
no matter what it is; in every case
February 26 Incident (attempted military coup in Japan; 1936); February 1936 military revolt
criticality accident (in the nuclear industry)
accomplishments; taking lessons (in dance, music, tea ceremony, flower arranging, etc.)
apprenticeship in the running of a household; prospective bride who undertakes an apprenticeship to learn housekeeping
hopes; expectations; guessing
military offense; military offence
high class; esteemed; cherished
advance report; advance notification
Gapsin Coup (of Korea; 1884)
criminal court; Crown Court (UK)
apprenticeship in the running of a household; prospective bride who undertakes an apprenticeship to learn housekeeping
company consisting of autonomous divisions
emergency tasks; urgent tasks
good thing; nice thing; good excuse; good grounds; interjection used to impress an idea or to urge a response
pleasant circumstances; enjoyable matter
mobile network operator; MNO; wireless service provider; mobile network carrier
circumstances of the office
in its entirety; whole; wholly
trouble; problem; mess; difficulty; nuisance
quarrel; fight; trouble; dispute; friction; discord
emergency; accident; rare possibility; unexpected occurrence
immediate reply; quick answer; ready agreement
things to do; must-do items; one's duty; what is required
something unrelated (to what has been discussed thus far)
divine work; miracle; superhuman feat; (arch.) Shinto ritual
mixture of fact and fiction; half-truth
if possible; if it is in my power; if it was realistic
resuming work after the New Year's vacation; first time that one works in the year
high class; esteemed; cherished
something like that; that sort of thing; something natural; something plausible
truth is stranger than fiction
in every case; in everything; in all matters
be absorbed in deep thought; be sunk in thought
so ... that ...; to that extent; to that degree
rush job; slipshod job; quick-and-dirty work
bombastic; pretentious; exaggerated
resignation; seventy years of age
Watergate scandal (1972-1975)
any time now (waiting, hoping for something to happen)
insignificant article (in a newspaper)
crookedness; something not right; something out of the ordinary; something unpleasant; something disgusting; unlawfulness
inflammatory (news) article; inflammatory fake news
things to fear: earthquakes, thunder, fires and, most of all, fathers
to tell the truth; in actuality; in reality
Iran-Contra affair (1984-1986; Irangate
Toranomon Incident (assassination attempt on Prince Regent Hirohito; December 27, 1923)
child dying before parents; occurrence out of sequence; wrong order
child dying before parents; occurrence out of sequence; wrong order
uneventful; peaceful; easy; simple; having nothing to do
not doing as one is told; disobedient; unruly
program review; budget screening; review and prioritization of government programs
sexual intercourse; lovemaking
temporary employment; a temporary job while looking for a better job; work just to kill time
man versed in military affairs
on the plea of; under the pretext of
anew; again; specially; formally
laughable affair; unlaudable affair; something unreliable
steel-frame construction work
amateur work (in art); work done in carefree mood without regard to time or expenses
it is often the originator of problems who kicks up a fuss or complains loudest; the one who smelt it dealt it
the parent is the best judge of the child
Japan International Cooperation Agency (1974); JICA
nonprofit (noncommercial) business
the principle of not resuming debate on an item in the same Diet session in which it has been voted down
settlement work; social work; welfare work
public prosecutor's appeal
(acting) romantic lead; philanderer
UN Economic and Social Council
litigation related to personal status (e.g. divorce actions)
litigation related to personal status (e.g. divorce actions)
civil legal aid system (e.g. legal aid for poor people)
civil legal aid system (e.g. legal aid for poor people)
Personal Status Actions Procedure Law (e.g. divorce actions)
military mobilization; military mobilisation
debtor-in-possession financing
special-purpose entity; SPE
sumo performed as part of Shinto harvest festivities
memories of the past events (being, becoming) far and distant
memories of the past events (being, becoming) far and distant
memories of the past events (being, becoming) far and distant
Happy events are often accompanied by difficulties; Unsullied joy is rare
slavish submission to power; sycophancy; flunkeyism; toadyism
(space) filler; fill-in (in magazines, newspapers, etc.)
Shanghai Incident (1932); January 28 Incident
Battle of Shanghai (1937)
clausula rebus sic stantibus (legal principle that agreements become non-binding if there is a major, unforeseeable change of circumstances)
business continuity plan; BCP
murder case in which the victim is chopped into pieces; mutilation murder case
Piltdown hoax (1912 discovery of a fossilized ape-human missing-link skull, later revealed to be fraudulent)
being exceptionally stingy
certification of information recorded on foreign resident registration file
bon voyage; have a nice trip
UN Economic and Social Council
United Nations Secretary-General
accessory before the fact
accessory before the fact
adversary party; opposing party
United Nations Economic and Social Council
September 11 attacks; 9/11
September 11 attacks; 9/11
Ikeda Elementary School massacre (June 8, 2001)
inter-location; inter-company; inter-office
mobile virtual network operator; MVNO
mobile virtual network operator; MVNO
administrative data processing
long distance telephone company
family reasons; personal reasons
worried look; troubled face
international criminal law
love and reason do not go together
if you don't speak your mind, you'll feel uneasy afterwards
nobody knows the morrow; (lit.) speak of tomorrow and the ogres laugh
nobody knows the morrow; (lit.) speak of next year and the ogres laugh
topical-annalistic style (of historical writing)
United Nations Security Council
connected person; related parties
U.S. Federal Reserve Board
six administrators of a Zen temple
My Lai Massacre (1968); Son My Massacre
postal service privatization
International Nuclear Event Scale; INES
for the first time; first thing; doing something for the first time; first menstruation
Kanemi rice oil disease incident (of 1968)
advance purchase (e.g. fare)
advance purchase excursion fare; APEX fare
advance reservation required
advance reservations not required
Matsumoto sarin gas attack (June 27-28, 1994)
director of finance; finance director
Chernobyl disaster (April, 1986); Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident
National Government Defrayment Act for Reconstruction of Disaster-Stricken Public Facilities
message that a messenger brings back home; reply; ode in reply; return gift
sign; portent; omen; herald; harbinger
online dating company; online dating service provider
showcasing examples (e.g. company products); case study
1995 Okinawa rape incident; kidnapping and rape of a 12-year-old Japanese girl by three U.S. servicemen stationed in Okinawa
the Columbine High School massacre (April 20, 1999)
traffic accident caused by a driver thanking another driver for letting him go first at a junction
maritime judicial scrivener; marine procedure commission agent
Akihabara massacre (June 8, 2008)
Bombardment of Yeonpyeong (November 23, 2010)
seven styles of tea ceremonies
sinking of the South Korean navy ship Cheonan (allegedly by a North Korean torpedo; March 26, 2010)
USS Cole bombing (October 12, 2000)
Invasion of Ryukyu (by the Satsuma-based Shimazu clan; 1609)
seven tea ceremony procedures of the Senke school
practical search for the truth
Korean axe murder incident (killing of two US army officers in the DMZ on August 18, 1976); poplar tree incident
registered matter; matters to be registered
knob-and-tube wiring; insulator wiring; electrical wiring strung on surface-mounted insulators
knob-and-tube wiring; insulator wiring; electrical wiring strung on surface-mounted insulators
Oceanic Anoxic Event; Ocean Anoxic Event; OAE
telecommunications carrier; telecommunications operator; telephone service provider
builder's risk insurance; construction insurance
judicial review by a higher court without introducing new evidence
prior probability distribution
prior probability distribution; prior distribution; prior
you can never be too careful
March 1st Movement (Korea); Sam-il Movement
(business of) renting out one's home (on Airbnb, etc.)
Rules of Criminal Procedure
scope of affairs under the jurisdiction
consumption of services (as opposed to goods)
Tungchow Mutiny (1937); Tongzhou Incident
Public Health Emergency of International Concern (formal WHO declaration); PHEIC
general contractor; main contractor
bad deeds punish themselves; you reap what you sow
accident-prone zone; accident blackspot
limited liability investment partnership
limited liability partnership; limited liability business partnership; LLP