Used in (169 in total)
work; job; labor; work
splendid; magnificent; utter (esp. defeat); total; (arch.) something worth seeing; (arch.) sight
incident; affair; happening; event
what; what sort of thing; everything; anything; what (on earth)?; what's the meaning of this ...?
something (or other)
everything; anything; nothing
things; everything
other people's affairs; somebody else's problem
something to think about; one's thoughts; concern; thinking about something; being absorbed in one's thoughts
secret; secrecy
at work; in the midst of work; working
well done!; bravo
place where one works; construction site; working area
wish; dream; prayer; one's desire
Shinto ritual
imitation; copy; make-believe; doing something in a way that only superficially resembles the real thing
quarrel; fight; trouble; dispute; friction; discord
troublesome matter; burden; difficult task; chore; hassle
physical work; manual labour (labor)
favour; favor
worries; cares; troubles
matter causing distress; something causing worry
(theatrical) fighting scene
working in the fields; working on a farm
the way one works; one's working manner
task; (doing a) bit of work; difficult task; hard work
big job; great task
whitewashing; glossing over; lip service; deftly finishing up; putting on the final touches
laughing matter
betting; gambling
accomplishment; lessons (in an art, skill, etc.); practice
trivial matter
(one's) workload; amount of work (to be) done by one
to quit one's job; to resign
going home from work; on the way home from work
handwork; handcraft; manual labor; manual labour; working with one's hands
fabrication; pipe dream
first day returning to work after the New Years holiday; first task at a new job; newcomer's first job
for work; in a manner related to work
rule; established routine; standard operating procedure; SOP
splendidly; brilliantly
dirty work; unpleasant task
personal affairs; private matter; personal secret; privacy
serious matter; major incident; matter of grave concern; crisis
promise; vow; engagement; convention; rule; resolution
gambling; competition; game (of chance)
uneventfully; without incident; without a hitch; peacefully
celebration; auspicious occasion
nominalizing suffix; pretending to ...; playing make-believe ...
work clothes; business suit
matter of concern and interest
dispute; argument; contention
needlework; sewing
traditional performing arts (e.g. shamisen, koto, dance, etc.); accomplishments
unable to do one's work; can't get anything done
fiend for work; workaholic; career-minded person
love affair; sensual pleasures
to finish one's work
scrubbing and washing; kitchen work
farm work; field labour; field labor
carpentry; woodworking; woodwork
resuming work after the New Year's vacation; first time that one works in the year
professional; person good at a particular job; person who does their job without mistakes
living only for one's work; a life with no other interest than one's work
bureaucratic routine; red tape
job hunting; job searching
problem; trouble; worry
no matter what it is; in every case
tea gathering (for the tea ceremony); some matter concerning tea; family tea gathering held in memory of deceased ancestors
office desk; work desk
stand-up work; work performed standing
job (responsibility) of a section
fabrication; lie; fiction
forestry; lumbering; timbering; work done in the mountains
last business day of the year
one's fate (fortune) as concerns business
fake; fabrication
in every case; in everything; in all matters
one's own problem; one's own issues
workman; enterpriser; schemer
to be assiduous in one's business
rush job; slipshod job; quick-and-dirty work
another's affair; matter of no concern; nothing to do with one
rough work; hard work
wanton sporting
playing house
lady-killer; casanova; Don Juan; kabuki actor who has mastered the art of romantic acting
be absorbed in deep thought; be sunk in thought
work fiend; devil for work
ominous word; ill-omened word; misfortune
dance (in kabuki); dance play
red tape; red-tapism; officialism; bureaucratic bungling
accomplishments; taking lessons (in dance, music, tea ceremony, flower arranging, etc.)
game; pastime; recreation; diversion
pledge made over sake cups; exchange of nuptial cups
love affair; romance
bombastic; pretentious; exaggerated
workaholic; person who is totally devoted to his work
secret; private matter; confidential matter
bitter experience; misery; distress; grief; sad thoughts
trivial thing; nonsense
wagoto; love scene; style of acting for love stories
actor who specializes in ruffian roles (specialises)
fact; (a) truth; realistic portrayal of an ordinary event (by a wise man)
work opening; work position
work done for enjoyment (as a diversion); dilettante work
(one's) view on work; (one's) opinion on work-life balance
workbench; work table
playing house
immoral act; mistake
post-retirement job; work done by a retired person where earning an income is not a primary concern
to apply for a job; to apply for work
invented story; fabrication
making things out of straw (winter work for farmers)
tedious job; troublesome job; time-consuming job; piecework
(arch.) secret; (arch.) private matter; amorous affair; liaison
love affair; romance; love scene (in kabuki)
auspicious event; celebration
singlemindedly devoted to work
long interlude (in folk songs or koto music); wiles (e.g. used by a prostitute to lure customers); finesse; trick
child dying before parents; occurrence out of sequence; wrong order
hopes; expectations; guessing
spade work; subcontract
temporary employment; a temporary job while looking for a better job; work just to kill time
crookedness; something not right; something out of the ordinary; something unpleasant; something disgusting; unlawfulness
sexual intercourse; lovemaking
confusion; bustle
love and reason do not go together
amateur work (in art); work done in carefree mood without regard to time or expenses
inquiry; enquiry
backbreaking work
laughable affair; unlaudable affair; something unreliable
(acting) romantic lead; philanderer
gambler; gamester
high class; esteemed; cherished
in its entirety; whole; wholly
message that a messenger brings back home; reply; ode in reply; return gift
for the first time; first thing; doing something for the first time; first menstruation