Used in (17 in total)
cut in the skin caused by a vacuum formed by a whirlwind; mythical weasel-like creatures riding on whirlwinds and inflicting sharp, painless wounds
weasel (esp. the Japanese weasel, Mustela itatsi); mustelid (any other member of the weasel family, incl. badgers, martens, minks, ferrets, otters, polecats, stoats, skunks, etc.)
going round in circles; game of cat and mouse; pointless and repetitive back-and-forth; itachigokko; Japanese children's game
ferret; fitch
final emergency measure; final defence when one is cornered (defense)
not to write to or visit someone; (lit.) road of the weasel (it is believed that if someone blocks the path a weasel, he will never take that path again)
not to write to or visit someone; (lit.) road of the weasel (it is believed that if someone blocks the path a weasel, he will never take that path again)
polecat (Mustela putorius); ferret; fitch
tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier)
stoat (Mustela erminea); ermine; short-tailed weasel
Japanese weasel (Mustela itatsi)
Korean yellow weasel (Mustela sibirica coreana)
snubnose brotula; armoured cusk (Hoplobrotula armata)
goatsbeard brotula (species of ophidiiform fish, Brotula multibarbata)
ferret badger (esp. the Chinese ferret-badger, Melogale moschata)
false indigo (Amorpha fruticosa); bastard indigo; leadwort