Used in (119 in total)
gold (Au); golden; prosperous; money (esp. ōban coin); cash
yellow; amber
sulfur (S); sulphur
yellow-green; pea green
ocher (colour); ochre
pea green; yellow-green
iron pyrites; fool's gold; pyrite
jaundice; icterus
The Golden Rule ("do unto others as you would have them do unto you")
loess; yellow ochre; yellow ocher; (arch.) Hades; (arch.) hell
golden ratio (approx. 1.6180339887)
golden age; golden era
yellow race; Mongoloid race
yellow sand; yellow dust; loess; desert
pale yellow; light yellow
vegetables high in beta-carotene
yellow clothes; Lama's clothes (e.g. Dalai Lama)
yellow fever
fifth of nine traditional astrological signs (corresponding to Saturn and central)
Obaku school of Zen Buddhism
sulfur spring; sulphur spring
yellowish-white; pale yellow
calculus bovis; ox bezoar; cattle gallstone
golden staph (Staphylococcus aureus)
golden ratio (approx. 1.6180339887)
yellow phosphorus
El Dorado; legendary land of wealth
yellow peach
Ōbaku school of Zen Buddhism
ripening and turning yellow
macula; macule; macula lutea; yellow spot
Golden Week (early-May holiday season in Japan)
turning yellow
goldthread (Coptis japonica)
chlorosis; greensickness
winter jasmine (Jasminum nudiflorum)
burlap; hessian
orpiment; gamboge; falsification; alteration
ecliptic longitude; celestial longitude
huangjiu; undistilled Chinese alcohol made of fermented grains
(artistic) golden section
sulfur mine; sulphur mine
luteal hormone (e.g. progesterone); progestogen; gestagen; progestin
yellowish red; poppy red
(in Japan) 8th note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. A)
very auspicious day for all types of occasions
sulfur dioxide; sulphur dioxide
corpus luteum
age-related macular degeneration; ARMD
Astragalus root; Hedysarum root
orange color traditionally worn by the crown prince
ōshiki mode (one of the six main gagaku modes)
sulphur oxide; sulfur oxide
spoiled rice; spoilt rice
copper pyrites; fool's gold; chalcopyrite
Medal with Yellow Ribbon (outstanding service)
company union; yellow union
double-yolk egg; double-yolked egg
yellow prussiate of potash
flowers of sulfur; flowers of sulphur
chrome yellow
Ōban; one of the eight gods of the koyomi
yellow beeswax
ōgonkan (Citrus flaviculpus); golden orange; golden citrus; yellow mikan
centrolecithal egg; mesolecithal egg
xanthochromism; xanthochroism; xanthism
yellowish (color, colour)
purple sulfur bacteria; purple sulphur bacteria
sulphur chloride; sulfur chloride
yellow dog contract (employment contract which forbids the employee to join a labor union)
telolecithal egg (egg having the yolk situated primarily at one end)
yellow rice meal (coloured with essence of gardenia fruit)
homolecithal egg (egg having a yolk that is evenly distributed throughout)
sulfur-reducing bacteria
twelfth lunar month
Chinese yellow cattle
sunset hibiscus (Hibiscus manihot)
beefwood (Casuarina equisetifolia)
American goldfinch (Carduelis tristis)
membranous milk-vetch (Astragalus membranaceus)