Frequencyless than 1%
Used in (17 in total)
cooked rice
boiled barley and rice
least weasel (Mustela nivalis)
round, wooden container for cooked rice
glutinous rice with red beans (eaten on celebratory occasions); mochi rice with red beans
dried boiled rice
dried boiled rice used mainly as provisions of samurai troops and travelers (travellers)
dried boiled rice
ocellated octopus (Octopus ocellatus)
steamed rice as an offering to a god
soft rice (cooked in a pot)
mochi rice topped with fish (or other food) and steamed
Idesia polycarpa; idesia
Ijima's leaf warbler (Phylloscopus ijimae); Izu leaf warbler, Ijima's willow warbler; Ijima's warbler