Used in (51 in total)
suppression; subjugation
leader; authority; mainstay
(arch.) a weight; temple supervisor; town (of China)
repose of a soul; ceremony for the repose of a departed soul
extinguishing; dying out (of a fire); putting out
calm; quiet; tranquility; tranquillity; appeasement; pacification
analgesic; painkiller; sedative; tranquilizer; tranquiliser
sedative; tranquilizer; tranquiliser
local Shinto deity; tutelary god
(historical) army base; navy base
pain relief; killing pain
calming down; quieting down
garrison (in Meiji era)
grove of the village shrine
pacification; placating
guarding; protecting
ornamental weights used to keep curtains and the like from blowing around in the wind
ceremony for the repose of a soul; ceremony to pray for the long life of the emperor, empress, crown prince, etc.
ceremony for purifying a building site (before building commences); ground-breaking ceremony
spiritual protection of the state
hanging-scroll weight
Shinto shrine on Buddhist temple grounds dedicated to the tutelary deity of the area
local deity; guardian god
religious ceremony (to appease the gods)
cough suppression; antitussive
return to the divine through spiritual quietude
Saturn (planet)
cough suppressant; antitussive drug; cough medicine
antispasmodic drug; spasmolytic drug; anticonvulsant drug
the three Wuhan Cities
cough suppressant; antitussive drug; cough medicine
antispasmodic drug; spasmolytic drug; anticonvulsant drug
spasmolysis; spasmolytic; antispasmodic; anticonvulsive
Chinzei sect (of Pure Land Buddhism)
township and village enterprises (in China); TVE
town (China); county-administered city (Taiwan); urban township; commune-level town (Vietnam)
town (China)
goods buried during the ground-breaking ceremony for a temple
township and village enterprises (in China); TVE
jiedushi; regional military governor in ancient China