Used in (50 in total)
alcohol; sake
alcohol; sake
sake bottle
reeking of liquor; smelling of alcohol
(heavy) drinker; drunkard; tippler; boozer
love of drink; fondness for alcohol; person who likes to drink; drinker
appetizer or snack served with drinks; accompaniment to an (alcoholic) drink
situation where alcohol is being served; (over) a drink
food and (alcoholic) drinks; food eaten with an alcoholic drink; accompaniment to a drink
drinking habits; drunken behavior; drunken behaviour
weak-headed; can't drink much; can't hold one's liquor; can't take one's drink; easily gets drunk
liquor-soaked; continuous drinking; daily drinking; binge drinking
alcohol-selling shop
to press alcohol on someone; to urge somebody to drink; to offer alcohol to someone
facial flushing; drink-reddened face; having a hoarse voice after drinking; raspiness caused by over-drinking
looking tipsy; seeming drunk
under the influence of alcohol
strong awamori (60%) from Yonaguni Island, Okinawa
good wine makes good blood; sake is the best of all medicines
to drink too much (alcohol)
brewer's rice
sake made from rice or other cereal which is chewed before fermentation
liquor-soaked; continuous drinking; daily drinking; binge drinking
drinking place; bar; izakaya
pouring one's own drinks; drinking alone
appetizer or snack served with drinks; accompaniment to an (alcoholic) drink
to run out of sake; to be out of sake; to run out of alcohol
reek of liquor in one's breath
heavy drinker
drinking until one is broke/smashed/useless/wasted
high-grade sake; good sake
to put new wine into old wineskins; to put new wine into old bottles
master of sake; sake advisor
it's not my fault; (lit.) this red face is the alcohol's fault
to pour new wine into old wineskins; to give something unorthodox an orthodox presentation
to get more than one requests; (lit.) to beg for water and receive wine
fermented sushi made with sake instead of vinegar (speciality of Kagoshima)
mythical spirit residing in a person's body that generates a desire to drink (also said to turn water into alcohol)
person in charge of the brewing of sacrificial wine
small drink; small amount of alcohol
one's mood when drinking alcohol