Used in (45 in total)
(made of) stone; stone-built
packing; baling; crating
making; forming; cultivating; form; appearance
to form; to shape; to make; to mold; to mould; to build up
wood construction; woodworking; (arch.) gardener
nation building
handmade; homegrown; hand-crafted; homemade
house built like a kura, with the walls covered in mud
gardening; gardener
single story house
traditional style of Japanese residential architecture
traditional style of Japanese architecture with a steep thatched roof
sukiya style of building; style of a tea-ceremony arbor (arbour)
sashimi prepared from live fish, arranged in its original shape; fresh sashimi
warehouse style; house built like a kura, with the walls covered in mud; building a kura storehouse; someone who builds kura storehouses
town planning; urban development; community development; creating a community
manner of Heian era palatial architecture
building with a gabled, hipped roof
makeshift; improvised; hurriedly prepared; hastily got up
sashimi prepared from live fish, arranged in its original shape
gabled roof; building with a gabled roof; gabled roof construction
manufacturing; craftsmanship; making New-Year's decorations; (arch.) preparing fields; (arch.) farming
joined block construction of a statue
physical culture; bodybuilding (body development, not necessarily weightlifting)
style of shrine architecture based on that of Ise Jingu
made in the winter (sake)
samurai-house style (Kamakura period)
hip roof; hipped roof; building with a hip roof
ancient architectural style using interlocked triangular logs
rough-hewn; rough work
built in a night; stopgap; hastily written
oldest architectural style for Shinto shrines (e.g. used at Izumo shrine)
creating a (usually favorable) environment
style of Shinto architecture in which the main hall and worship hall share one roof, and are connected via an intermediate passageway
pyramidal roof; polygonal roof
inside finishing (of a house)
sashimi prepared from live fish, arranged in its original shape
early phase of the shoin-zukuri residential architecture style
fireproof construction
fish, chicken, shellfish, etc. blanched by exposure to boiling and then icy water